Designed for what matters – Braun’s new air purifier




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In recent years, the air quality has decreased and the number of allergies has continued to increase. In order to solve this problem, the German company has developed a new household air purifier called “Sensor Air”. For the current deteriorating air quality, the first use of ifD technology which can actively absorbs allergens in the air and through the strong electric field of the dielectric filter produces gravity to evenly intercept the dirty particles. Also, its PM2.5 removal rate is 99.9%, which effectively protects the home air quality.

IfD (Intense Field Dielectric) filtering technology use the dielectric material wrapped electrode to make a strong electric field in the honeycomb hollow micro channel. Then, it attracts the charged particles in the air and uniform adsorption of air suspension.

In the past, the challenge that electrostatic dust collection technology could not break through was that it would emit a higher amount of ozone. However, Braun successfully reduced its ozone concentration to below the EPA’s 0.06 ppm standard, and completely realized the pioneering of commercialization of commercial technology.

In addition to the hazards of PM2.5, formaldehyde is also a health threat often encountered in homes, especially in newly decorated spaces. Because the building materials contain formaldehyde, it is easy to irritate the skin and mucous membranes. Consequently, “Sensor Air” specially added a dual purification mechanism. That is, in addition to the “ifD environmental filter”, they also installed a second layer of “VOC particle activated carbon filter which can effectively reduce the smell in the home, improve the air quality, remove the unpleasant smell and ensure the health..

Based on the brand spirit of “Designed for what matters”, Braun in Germany is committed to creating a better life. Over the years, various household appliances, from razors, electric toothbrushes, hair dryers, computers, coffee machines, electric irons, ear thermometers Etc., both emphasize practical functions, minimalist style, even Apple is strongly influenced, and “Sensor Air” has successfully inherited such a style.



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VR/AR/MR Technology




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HTC has announced “Vive”, allows users to experience “virtual reality(VR)” games. Nintendo and Niantic has announced “Pokemon Go” game that users may experience the augmented reality. Microsoft “HoloLens Glasses” allows users to experience “Mixed Reality (MR)”. But, do you know what’s the difference among the three most popular visual effects?

❐ Virtual Reality (VR)
Virtual Reality employs the display technology to establish a three-dimensional and emulated virtual world that the user may feel he is in an environment as reality. Currently, most VR technologies are to design a pair of special eyeglasses to completely enclose the space around both eyes.
❐ Augmented Reality (AR)
Augmented Reality is to make the virtual image augmented to a real space. AR is different from VR which established a completely virtual space around user’s eyes to replace the real space. AR is not to replace the real space, but to add virtual objects in the real space, so the user may see a world mixed with virtuality and reality.
❐ Mixed Reality (MR)
Mixed Reality is a technology combining virtual and augmented reality, which may also generate the virtual image to be augmented into a real space. The difference is that MR enables the virtual image in the real space to have more interaction with the user.

In general, most of the AR, VR, and MR technologies that everyone knows are used in the game industry. Actually, they are already used in other industries.For example, AR has another important application for automotive industry. The real image in front of our eyes when we are driving is seen through the front windshield. During nighttime driving, if there were pedestrian or small animal suddenly showing up, we might not make the appropriate response in time. However, we might have a Charge Coupled Device (CCD) with high sensitivity to capture the image in front and use a processor to calculate the “virtual image” of pedestrian or small animal from the dim background; then, using a Digital Light Processing (DLP) projection technology to project the image onto the front windshield to be overlapped with the “real image”. With this kind of VR technology, the driver needs not to look down to watch the screen, but look ahead through the front windshield as usual during driving to ensure the driving safety.
After all, new technologies definitely can change our life and our world in a good way, we can look forward to more good inventions and applications which may make our life quality better.


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