Watching TV? Your smart TV is watching with you and leaking data to Netflix




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In an article of Financial Times, it became apparent that smart TV’s are leaking user data to tech-giants, like Google, Netflix and Facebook. Even when your device is switched-off, it can still send data to third-party advertisers. Third parties involved include, Google, Facebook, Netflix, Spotify and Microsoft.

According to researchers from Northeastern University and Imperial College London, smart TV’s from Samsung and LG are sending sensitive user data, like location and IP addresses to Netflix and other companies. Other devices, for example streaming dongles Roku and FireTV by Amazon, speakers and cameras are sending information about what consumers are watching. Content recognition technology is used to track everything you are watching to target you better with advertisements.

This research puts light on the already available concerns about privacy of user data on the web. Smart devices can send out information, even when the consumer is not signed in into any of the platforms, like Netflix.

The study was conducted on 81 different devices in the US and the UK. One of the most frequently contacted companies was Amazon, followed by Google, Akamai and Microsoft. Some of these companies provide cloud services to the smart device to be able to operate it and that is the reason they are so frequently contacted in the experiment.
One of the major findings is that Amazon is contacted by almost half the devices in the test. This is not that surprising since they do know a lot about their customers. However, by gaining this information they can get more knowledge about what you are doing with different devices in our home, even information about devices Amazon does not manufacture. This way, they have a lot of visibility into what their competitors are doing.

Netflix, Facebook and Google gave information about what exactly they receive from smart devices, like smart TV’s. According to Netflix, they receive information about how Netflix performs and appears on screen. Facebook mentioned that it is common for devices and apps to send data to third-party services that are integrated into them. Google stated that smart TV app developers can use Google’s ad services to show ads or measure the performance of ads. The publisher may share data with Google but it is depended on the device manufacturer or the app owner. Data includes user, location, device type and what the user is watching so that they can be targeted with personalized advertising.

In my opinion, it is becoming more and more clear how much information smart devices can gather about us just by owning a device. I believe, we need to be more careful what to bring into our homes when clearly the manufacturers and developers do not seem to care about what is ethical and okay to do. I think this is an urgent point for debate, because it will might lose control over our privacy.

Ren, J., Mandalari, A., Dubois, D., Kolcun, R., Choffnes, D., Haddadi, H. 2019. Information exposure from consumer IoT devices: a multidimensional, network-informed measurement approach. Association for Computing Machinery.

Click to access ren-imc19.pdf

Financial Times. 2019. Smart TV’s sending sensitive user data to Netflix and Facebook.
Telegraaf. 2019. Smart tv? Netflix kijkt met je mee.

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CEOs come and go, but founders are forever. Alibaba’s Ma leaves his company




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Alibaba Group chairman Jack Ma has stepped down today from the Chinese firm he started. The flamboyant chairman was known for his charismatic leadership and big change in career, as he founded Alibaba 20 years ago in a shared apartment in eastern China. He was an English teacher when he started the company.

Daniel Zhang, the successor that was carefully selected by Ma, has the intimidating task of guiding the $460 billion company. He will be both the CEO and executive chairman. Currently, the e-commerce business has slowed down its momentum. One of the new challenges for Zhang, will be to find new growth areas as the market is maturing.

Ma is a recognizable face behind an extremely famous company. Most technical companies have leaders who are the public face of the firm. For example, Bill Gates from Microsoft, Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook, Jeff Bezos from Amazon, Elon Musk from Tesla and Steve Jobs from Apple. When thinking about one of these companies, an image of their leader comes to mind. Strong companies have strong leaders. CEOs come and go, but founders are forever. Nothing builds a self-expressive benefit brand more effectively than the constant personification of the brand in the form of one person, especially the founder (Galloway, 2017).

Visionary leaders inspire their company to look beyond the IT label and change the way they work with technology. I believe Ma is a visionary leader that bridges the gap between technology and business. Even though his vision on work-life balance might be different than other great leaders, he was able to connect the Chinese e-commerce marketplace to the most innovative technologies, like AI, blockchain and including services like Alipay. Senior executives from both tech and business silos are the crucial in helping their companies shift the mindset. They can clearly understand the direction they want to head to and the important role of technology along the way (MIT, 2019).

It’s rare however, that the founder of such a large and transformative tech firm is retiring this early. Ma will continue to mentor management and will focus on philanthropy and education.



Galloway, S. 2017. The four: the hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google. Transworld Publishers, London.

Horwitz, J. 2019. Alibaba set for big challenge as flamboyant chairman Ma departs. Reuters.

MIT Sloan Review. 2019. Bridging the leadership gap between tech and business.

Togoh, I. 2019. Jack Ma marks Alibaba retirement with Rockstar party. Forbes.


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