Google Cloud’s global network officially expands to Africa




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In 2021, Alphabet and Google CEO Sundar Pichai announced that the tech giant would invest $1 billion in Africa over the coming five years to assist a variety of projects ranging from enhanced connectivity to startup financing with the aim of helping and easing the digital transformation of the African regions. Finally this week, Google has announced the opening of its first cloud region in the continent, which will be located in South Africa. The region will join Google cloud’s global network of 35 cloud regions and 106 zones worldwide (Google to Establish Its 1st Cloud Region in Africa, 2022) and it will allow the firm to go after competitors such as Amazon Web Service (AWS) and Microsoft Azure, that have already established in the region since some years.

As Google’s CEO stated, the company is constructing Dedicated Cloud Interconnect locations in Nairobi (Kenya), Lagos (Nigeria), and both Capetown and Johannesburg (South Africa) in order to deliver full-scale cloud infrastructure to its clients and suppliers spread out in the African continent. In addition, Google intends to power the installations via “Equiano”, its own undersea connection cable collocated between Africa and Europe.

The choice of South Africa was influenced by the market’s potential and the substantial lack of clouds storage. Indeed, as early-adopters e-commerce businesses, such as South Africa’s TakeAlot and Kenya’s Twiga, are massively developing in the region, the tech giant is willing to expand its service in more African markets to capture the increasing demand. Moreover, the demand has been enhanced by the implementation of governmental regulations on data privacy and security in countries like Kenya, calling enterprises for storing data on safe clouds accessible by servers hosted locally.

In compliance with AlphaBeta Economics for Google Cloud, the South Africa cloud area is likely to generate more than $2.1 billion to the country’s GDP, creating more than 40,000 jobs by 2030 (A. Njanja, T. Kene-Okafor, 2022). Besides, Google’s commitments in supporting non-profits projects to improve stadard of living will keep going in Africa, which already amounts to $40 million cash.


Google to establish its 1st Cloud region in Africa. (2022, October 5). The Economic Times. Retrieved October 6, 2022, from

Njanja, A., & Kene-Okafor, T. (2022, October 5). Google picks South Africa for its first cloud region in Africa. TechCrunch. Retrieved October 6, 2022, from

Pichai, S. (2021, October 6). Our $1 billion investment in Africa’s digital transformation. Google. Retrieved October 6, 2022, from

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Autonomous Vehicles are calling for regulations




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According to World Health Organization’s report on road traffic injuries, there are approximately 1.35 million deaths every year caused by road crashes, mostly due to human errors (S.Singh et al., 2021). Thus, car manufacturers are calling for the need of implementing self-driving cars technology in vehicles to massively improve their safety and reliability. Of course, the reasons moving most of the players of the automotive industry towards autonomous vehicles (AVs) are manifold and not only limited to societal benefits, but merely connected to firms’ economic returns. Indeed, car companies are turning their cars into software-based products, setting the scene for data-based business models to lower entry barriers to individual mobility, while offering very attractive service packages for the customers (Aschhoff, R., & Roggenbuck, J., 2021).

Besides, driverless cars necessitate actual guidelines for their autonomous decision-making and for overcrossing the related moral and ethical aspects. So far, few governments and institutions did recognize the need for clear rules and requirements for AVs. Although car manufacturers keep developing and testing self-driving cars to eventually standardize such a disruptive technology that will widely impact our society, the lack of a proper legal framework might have the unintended consequence of slowing down their innovation process.

Moreover, consumers’ concerns do exist, and clear regulations require also to address their fears. It is true that, as driverless cars would be allowed to make critical decisions on public roads, they will potentially choose among types of damage or injuries to different individuals. An exemplary case happened in the US, where a Tesla Model S in “self-driving mode” had been involved in a mortal accident by crashing into an 18-wheeler that turned in front of the car; to avoid the accident, should the AV system have taken “illegal actions” instead of sticking to the rules and ending up in the crash? Also, who must be held responsible in event of an emergency or collision? The owner of an autonomous vehicle might suffer from personal liabilities that are not more under his control; hence, it is arguable as the fault should be attributed to the car manufacturer or to its software.

However, making justified conclusions in such tricky circumstances might be a daunting task, and questions on ethical and legal aspects must have exhaustive answers in order to ensure smooth development and adoption processes of AVs, as its growing market is said it will reach a sales volume of 21 million vehicles by 2035.


Aschhoff, R., & Roggenbuck, J. (2021). Volkswagen is accelerating transformation into software-driven mobility provider. Volkswagen Newsroom. software-driven-mobility-provider-6878

Sergeenkov, A. (2019). Competition in the Autonomous Vehicle Industry is Heating Up. HackerNoon. industry-is-heating-up-22524d71ca5

Singh, S., & Saini, B. S. (2021). Autonomous cars: Recent developments, challenges, and possible solutions. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1022(1), 012028.

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