Preventing the impact of fake news on real lives. Is this even real?




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“Fake news”. This term has already become an inalienable part of our life. False information on social media has become so common that we already perceive it as truth. This phenomenon in psychology is referred to as illusory effect. Most people understand it, but the least of them know how “fake news” impacts their daily decisions, actions, and lives.

About 52% of online readers in the United States claim that they come across the untrue information on social media and other online platforms regularly, while 34% report fake news occasionally (Statista, 2018). “Fake news” propaganda is an epidemic that has no age, race, sex, or religious preferences. However, specific groups of people can be targeted by social media individuals, organizations, commercial ventures, or even political parties that chase their own goals, suchlike popularity, revenue, or, as it happens, presidential elections.

Obviously, fake news boosts engagements in a faster and wider way. The reason is fake information being more appealing for users than truth. According to the studies based on 126,000 tweets on Twitter, the chance of fake reports to be retweeted is 70% higher than the real ones (Pressner Kreuser, 2018). So, what are the ways to cease disinformation and put an end to being someone’s target?

Considering the established circumstances, there are 3 main participants involved in this process: authors, readers, and platforms wherein fake news is extensively spread. We cannot interrupt anyone from writing fake news. Readers have also failed to prevent the spread and harmful impact of false information. Moreover, readers are causing more problems sharing fake news. However, in the modern world, when people fail, machines come to help. Machine learning and artificial intelligence tools can assist platforms to combat against untruth and stop the menace of fake news. This can be possible by introducing data-driven systems that will be able to analyze the information, facts, keywords, and even punctuation provided in the clickbait articles or digital newspapers and compare these data to authentic sources.

Nevertheless, one of the AI-based algorithms that captured everybody’s attention was created by Michael Bronson, professor at Imperial College London and founder of Fabula AI fake news detection company. His approach is based on the rapidity of dissemination of online disinformation in social networks rather than the content of the news. This method enables the system to predict fraud much faster and interrupt its distribution on early stages while a data-driven approach performs after the fake news is already distributed. Fabula AI shows incredible results with a fraud detection rate of 93% (Lomas, 2019), which is why it was acquired by Twitter in 2019 for $22.8 million (Price, 2019).

I believe that machine learning and AI can find a solution to the issue of fake news. However, people should not stand as an obstacle by engaging or sharing false information publicly. Instead, we have to report or block such type of data to decrease the destructive threat of being manipulated or controlled by someone.


Statista, 2018:

Pressner Kreuser, A. 2018. Fake News Spreads Faster and 100 Times Further Than the Truth, According to Science:

Lomas, N. 2019, Fabula AI using social spread to spot “Fake news”:

Price, R. 2019, Twitter acquired a startup for $ 22.8 million last quarter, and it’s probably this London AI company:


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eSports to disrupt the Sports industry?




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The sports industry nowadays is one of the most stable and financially abundant spheres in the world, primarily due to an enormous audience consisting of sports fans and sportsmen themselves. Billions of people far and wide are following their favorite sports teams and players in football, basketball, tennis, golf, cycling, etc.
Nevertheless, the COVID-19 pandemic and its ruthless impact even on such a solid industry have been fierce. Every single sports game, match, and competition was prohibited and millions of fans were left alone without their favorite activity. Almost every single.
In 2020, 52 million more people got to know about a comparatively novel type of sports – eSports, which stands for electronic sports. The above-mentioned number denotes an 11.7% increase to the previous year’s figure reaching up to 495 million of viewers worldwide. Thousands of gamers and teams are streaming their live matches in Fortnite, Dota, FIFA, and others online using such platforms as Youtube and Twitch. Several TV channels are also broadcasting eSports games to fill the telecasting gaps. I would say that these are not bad numbers for 2020 taking into the fact that the Olympic games lost 3.5 billion viewers due to its postponement.
So, the main question is whether eSports will be able to replace the sports industry or not? And, is it a disruptive innovation by its concept?
Referring to the HBR Article by Professor Clay Christensen, disruptive innovations emerge in “a low-end or new-market footholds”. I definitely suppose that eSports gaming captures the new market represented primarily by the younger generation. Moreover, previously mentioned online streaming platforms such as Youtube and Twitch offer the broadcasting of games for free penetrating to the low-end footholds as well.
Nevertheless, one of the most important factors of disruptive innovation as a term is that it has to become mainstream over some period of time. And here, despite such fast-growing metrics, I cannot confidently declare that eSports is already a disruptive innovation. Personally, I believe that traditional sports will stand strong against eSports and will be prevailing for a larger portion of sports fans all over the world.

References eSports audience size worldwide from 2018 to 2023. Available at: Number of Olympic Games TV viewers worldwide from 2002 to 2016. Available at:,the%20opening%20ceremony%20in%202016. What is Disruptive Innovation? by Clayton M. Christensen , Michael E. Raynor and Rory McDonald. Available at:

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