Low code/no code – future of code/less systems?




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Recently, we can see a rising trend of new low-code / no-code platforms on the market that allow you to create software without the need to know any programming language. More and more companies use such platforms and see no need to hire programmers. But is this really the future of the market?(Kissflow, n.d.)

The term low-code-no-code refers to platforms that allow customers or consumers to create complex systems with a mouse click, drag-and-drop, or even natural language. The bottom line is that no software development expertise is needed. But why do we consider this approach appropriate and beneficial in so many industries? Here are five reasons why the low-code-no-code approach is so successful ( ZDNet ):

  • The cost of hiring IT professionals is rising
  • The complexity of operational business processes that must be configured in IT systems is increasing
  • End-user pressure is increasing for more products with a short time to market, requiring rapid development and high dynamics of implementations
  • Complex products require close feedback from companies and product owners
  • The traditional cycle (i.e. requirements – business analysis – technical analysis – development – testing) is increasingly unsustainable

Certainly low-code / no-code platforms will not cause an increasing wave of unemployment among IT professionals. Even though companies may benefit from lower operational costs where such platforms will automate the work of several specialists, there will still be much more complex projects too complicated for such platforms. But they will ease the work for programmers in mundane tasks and thus they will be able to focus on much more interesting projects.


Kissflow (September 2021).Low-Code Technology, Everything you need to Know

ZDNet (n.d.) Why low code development is accelerating business success and driving digital disruption

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Is blockchain a buzz or real game changer?




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In recent years technology connected items are becoming more popular as technology is starting to surround our daily life. Once considered as nerdy in a pejorative manner, slogans such as Artificial Intelligence or Augmented Reality are becoming more trendy and marketable. One of the examples is also Blockchain. Created in 1991 for digital timestamp and popularized from the creation of Bitcoin in 2009 (ICAEW), blockchain has been considered as one of the technologies that can revolutionize life as we know it. However is its influence as strong as portrayed or is it just an over-marketed buzzword?

To establish the promise of emerging technology Gartner has came up with an amazing tool which is Hype Cycle. It shows at what step of development given technology is at a given point of time from Innovation Trigger to Plateau of Productivity. In 2018 Blockchain was at the end of the Peak of Inflated Expectations (Gartner, 2018). Interestingly at the beginning of the 2018 “blockchain” has reached its peak in google searches across the world till today (probably because of the rocketing prices of Bitcoin in late 2017). According to the Gartner report in 2021 it will reach the phase Trough of Disillusionment and is planning to grow in the next few years (Leow, 2018). In 2025 it is projected to reach business value of $176 billion and $3.1 trillion by 2030 worldwide.

Although first applications have been widely used in the financial sector, nowadays it is believed that blockchain can be adapted in numerous aspects of our daily life. Few of them are as follows:

  • Supply Chain management – recording and traceability of whole supply chains
  • Governance – digital voting
  • FinTech – fully digital banks
  • Art and Music – royalties and ownership of art

It is safe to say that blockchain may reach its already high expectations. However it is quite different than most of the technologies that can be called disruptive. Although it has been used worldwide for the last 10 years it is still being developed. It is believed that the blockchain revolution should not be compared with any disruptive technology but with the introduction of the Internet. It changed everyone’s life significantly and found application in almost every aspect of our life but it took some time. And the same may happen with blockchain. Thus in next 10-20 years we might see different world and the huge part of this difference might be caused by blockchain. 


Gartner (2018), 5 Trends Emerge in the Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2018 https://www.gartner.com/smarterwithgartner/5-trends-emerge-in-gartner-hype-cycle-for-emerging-technologies-2018

Adrian Leow, Avivah Litan, Richard Hunter, Rajesh Kandaswamy, Dave Aron, Andrew Stevens (2018). Predicts 2019: Blockchain Business

ICAEW (n.d.) https://www.icaew.com/technical/technology/blockchain/blockchain-articles/what-is-blockchain/history

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