Are the blockchains the future ?




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In the last years thanks to the rise of cryptocurrencies’ popularity we heard talking a lot about blockchains.

Blockchains is a system of recording information in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system. One of the main properties of blockchain is that they allow mutually mistrusting entities to exchange financial value and interact without relying on a trusted third party, moreover thanks to a complex system of cryptography and authentication they secure data protection and storage and allows to provide transparency(1).

When we hear talking about blockchains the first thing that comes to the mind is cryptocurrencies however this technology could be valuable to businesses of all kinds. Some research show that the technology could far outpace cryptocurrencies in terms of its value creation on business, and that the real potential of blockchain is only at the beginning. Blockchain technology can be deployed in three main domains.

  1. Smart contract: those contracts are simply programs stored on a blockchain that run when predetermined conditions are met. These conditions are simply represented by statement like “if/when/then” that are then translated into code on a blockchain. When the statement is met the smart contract thanks to a network of computer can self-executing and self-enforcing the actions. smart contracts can be used and be helpful in many different field like for e.g. construction, mortgage, land registry, insurance and many others. Those contracts represent a cheaper, faster and more secure alternative to the traditional law contracts (2).
  2. Identity management: with the raise of the internet age and online platforms one of the main issues has been the identity security. Individuals, organizations and governments are securing private information online. However, there are always people who try to steal and make profit form those secret information. Blockchains are characterized by a tremendous high level of security thanks to the independent process of authentication and verification. This mechanism that is currently used to authorize cryptocurrency activities but it can be deployed in other types of verification including identity verification of individuals or organizations(3).
  3. Cross-border payment: traditionally making international payments, especially when multiple currencies are involved, is slow and expensive. The main reason is because many banks in different location are involved in the transaction. Thanks to blockchain technology this process could be done in a much faster and cheaper way. transfer fees can be up to 20% of the amount transferred blockchain mai decrees costs to just a fraction of that(3).

We are only the beginning, many other application of blockchain technologies are possible. Several companies and start-up are experimenting every day new implementation of those technology in different industry. Some example are the start-up Civil which is working to combine journalism and blockchain in order to promote sustainable journalism(4). Bloq that develops blockchain ecosystems that improve business infrastructures and it protects  data from breaches.(4). that implement artificial intelligence and blockchain tech in a platform that combines a patient’s medical data from pharmacies, hospitals, doctor visit etc etc under one secure app. The app allows patients to manage all their personal medical data and get prediction about their risk for future disease(4).

The deployment of blockchain technology seems to have all what it need to become one of the most important innovation of these decades. Let me know your opinion.






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Should we start teaching coding since the first years of education?




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We live in a society where data and technology are everywhere and are becoming an essential part of our lives. Companies are using  big data in order to acquire competitive advantage and improve their process and products. Some observed benefit that data driven companies are enjoying compared to those who are not are:

  1. A likelihood 23 times higher to acquire new customers thanks data driven marketing campaign
  2. a profit increase of 8% 
  3. reduction of cost of 10% (keboola, 2019)

The demands from employer of coding and data analytics skills is skyrocketing. Glassdoor reported that eight of the top 25 jobs in the US are tech-based and require some level of coding proficiency. Similarly, a 2016 Burning Glass report found that the demand for roles such as data analyst is rising 12% than the market average (Nord Anglia 2020).

Reading this data one question came immediately to my mind. Since schools have a responsibility to provide students with all the tools and skills they need in order to succeed in their future should the educational system be more prone to the digital revolution and start teaching codes and data analytics since the first years of instruction? I personally believe that our educational system should empathize more the importance of those skills since the earlier age of our education.

When I started my master in Lisbon I had one  mandatory course that was about econometrics and data analytics. So, the first time I started learning coding was at 22 years old and I wish I could have started way before. During my bachelor in management in Padova I did not have the possibility to choose any elective course regarding those topics. Many italian business university still do not have a dedicated bachelor or master to business and data analyst. I believe every students in management , finance or economics nowadays should have at least a basic knowledge in coding and data analytics in order to be competitive in the job market in the future. Like with every other subject if we start to approach it since we are young it would be easier to learn it and master it.

Let me know what you think and how is the situation in your countries.

Keboola 2019 available at

Nord Anglia 2020 avaiable at

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