How can Sphinx Mind 10x the marketing of your firm? – AI-powered Marketing




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In my previous blog I delved into the opportunities and dangers that arise in the use of AI when dealing with customer service and had as a final say that it wouldn’t take long till AI fully replaces customer service departments in firms. This time around I want to showcase another AI tool that I came across that, instead of fully replacing the department in question, has the potential to streamline the work being done, resulting in better results for the firm.

This tool is called Sphinx Mind and it is essentially an AI-powered marketing assistant that facilitates your work from something as simple as scheduling to more complicated matters such as website analytics.

The way Sphinx Mind works is very simple: You connect it to the platforms you use on a daily basis in work, such as Google Analytics and Facebook Ads, and start chatting! This “marketing assistant” can come up with AI-powered reports, which showcase graphs and trend analyses on your performance, accompanied by meaningful insights that allow you to correct potential mistakes on the spot or incentivize you to follow a different course of action based on recommendations (“Your AI Marketing Assistant,” 2023). Some other features include a prompt library, giving you quick access to ready-to-utilize marketing templates, intelligent autocomplete and even the option to export your chat messages to a PDF format.

Smart Autocomplete
Chat Export

On the flip side of things, the more this platform learns about a company, the more potential there is for bias to be formed. Additionally, coupling this bias with a lack of a human touch to its suggestions and the potential for data to be misinterpreted certainly leaves room for some mistakes to happen and for complications to arise.

As new AI tools are being invented at such a rapid pace at the moment, do you think it will be long before a tool like Sphinx Mind loses its relevancy or are these “work enhancers” here to stay?


Your AI Marketing Assistant. (2023, October). Sphinx Mind.

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Are AI tools abolishing the need for a human-staffed customer service department in firms? – Exploring




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In my eyes, customer service has always been one department that gets very mixed opinions from consumers. While many get the answer to the problem they are facing, it often happens that the answers provided are generalized and don’t fully get to the bottom of the issue at hand. As such, many firms actively look for ways to improve their services in this field and one tool I have recently come across that really seems to have the potential to innovate here is is a generative AI tool that serves as your personal knowledge assistant. Through the use of different tools, such as Google Drive or Notion, helps you find the answers you are looking for and even writes emails for you if necessary (Pragma, 2023). One of its main features, its Chrome Extension, makes use of AI to auto-suggest a potential reply in Gmail while taking into account the previous messages you sent. Alongside auto-suggestions, it even has the capability to redraft the emails you are composing, so that the perfect response is drawn up for you. It can look into your previous files and the company database to come up with an accurate response to the issue at hand (“Pragma’s chrome extension,” 2023).

In the video below you can get a brief overview of what has to offer:

The use of this tool brings many benefits to companies, such as avoiding knowledge gaps the employees might have and even respond to clients in a more accurate manner, but it most certainly leaves us questioning the following:

To what extent will customer service department composed of human staff still be a necessity?

We are reaching a point where almost everything can be automated and departments like customer service are losing their value over time. While the familiarity of talking to a real human-being is still a valuable asset to some people, the stigma behind resolving issues at hand with the mere help of AI has been rapidly changing.

As far as I see it, it won’t be long before we go from the use of AI tools like to fully automated systems.


(2023). Pragma.

Pragma’s chrome extension. (2023). Pragma.

Solutions. (2023). Pragma.

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