The Impact of text to speech AI




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In today’s artistic landscape, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the way we create and perceive images. With deep fakes becoming ever more realistic, it’s becoming more difficult to distinguish between content generated by humans and that produced by AI.

One notable aspect of AI’s capabilities is its abilities to replicate voices, exemplified by David Guetta using Eminem’s voice during his live performance (David Guetta, 2023), as well as a YouTuber using AI to make a song that sounds like it was made by YOASOBI (ハナ hana, 2023) . 

While my previous blog primarily focussed on AI image creation, this blog  will be focussing on AI’s text to speech capabilities. 

The Emergence of Deep fakes

Contrary to some beliefs, there are positive aspects about deep fakes. Examples of this are Harrison Ford using deep fake to make himself younger, in order to be able play in the latest Indiana Jones movie, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (Singh, 2023). With the power by AI, Harrison Ford has more flexibility as an actor. Additionally, deep fakes help people to protect their privacy by masking their voices and faces (Applications of Deepfake Technology: Its Benefits and Threats, 2023). 

Despite these benefits, some might argue that the costs outweigh the benefits, with deep fake being used to mislead, deceit and manipulate people. 

My experiments with AI

Inspired by online videos of people using AI to create new songs with the voice of their favorite artists, I too set out to do the same. After searching the internet far and wide, I realized that I faced two options: either running a demanding AI model (like Retrieval-based Voice Conversion) on my own hardware or finding an online alternative that would run it for me. Unfortunately, I do not possess hardware that is powerful enough to run such AI’s natively and nearly all text to speech conversion is behind a paywall, especially those featuring famous voices. 

This meant that I had to settle for some lesser known artists and was limited to the amount of words that I could transcribe. Fortunately, Uberduck did provide a tool which made it easier to help align the voice for a wrap verse. 

I used this tool to create a short rap with the input being “studying”. 

In the rap it is clearly audible that this is not being sung by a human being and this tool was unfortunately limited to 1 verse.

The future of AI text to speech

In my assessment, AI-powered text-to-speech technology should be approached with caution due to its potential to dramatically alter our lives. Nevertheless, this technology is not available for everyone, as one needs to purchase the hardware required or access paid platforms to run these AI’s. The tools that are currently publicly available do generate text to speech, but still fall short in convincingly replicating human voices. 

If advanced text to speech becomes more easily accessible to a broader audience, it could pose a potential threat. The spread of fake news on social media and the internet might rise, creating a major challenge. To prevent falling victim to deceit, it is critical to develop techniques for properly addressing the implications of deep fakes.


Applications of Deepfake Technology: Its benefits and Threats. (2023, July 20).,using%20a%20personal%20digital%20avatar.

David Guetta. (2023, February 8). Eminem but with AI (i’m not releasing it commercially obviously) [Video]. YouTube.

Singh, P. (2023, July 19). Hollywood going the AI way: How the new Indiana Jones movie de-aged actor Harrison Ford. Business Today.,and%20the%20Dial%20of%20Destiny.

ハナ hana. (2023, July 28). How to Make YOASOBI song [Video]. YouTube.

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The emergence Art and Artificial Intelligence: Exploring the World of AI-Generated Images




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In today’s artistic landscape, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the way we create and perceive images. With deep fakes becoming ever more realistic, it’s becoming more difficult to distinguish between content generated by humans and that produced by AI.

This piqued my interest, leading me to wonder if AI could replace human photography and image creation. 

My Journey as an Aspiring Artist

In my younger years I desired to master the art of drawing, just like my mother. However, after numerous attempts, I came to realize that I was not cut out to be an artist and soon gave up on that dream. As Artificial Intelligence evolved, I found myself wondering, could AI perhaps make the drawings for me ?

The Emergence of AI Image Generators

AI image generators are a tool with tremendous potential and can create images which would otherwise cost days to make, within seconds. Additionally, AI requires no physical materials and is accessible to more people. This decreases the cost significantly, compared to commissioning artists to make an image or logo for you. 

However, opinions are divided within the artistic community. 

Some artists have expressed their concern about AI replacing them, while others argue that AI will never replace the “authenticity” of human created paintings and images.
Illustrator Anoosha Syed stated: “AI doesn’t look at art and create its own. It samples everyone’s then mashes it into something else.” (Shaffi, 2023).
AI doesn’t make its own art, it scours the internet to find images that are fitting to the prompt and works out what traits it has and then combines it to create something else. 

A human would think of a specific image or scene they have seen before, inevitably misremember it and create something that bears a faint resemblance to that image or scene, but in their own style (Shaffi, 2023). 

My experiments with AI

My personal experiments with AI-driven image creation have yielded mixed results. Using the platform, I tasked AI with generating an image of a KLM Boeing 787 departing from Japan. This resulted in “interesting” images, with mutated airplanes with asymmetrical wings, floating engines, and bizarre curves (See figure 1 & 2).  Simplifying the query (e.g., “airplane from Japan”) did improve the results, but the images still bore peculiarities (See figure 3).

Oddly enough, instructing the AI to draw an airport runway produced aircraft that could easily deceive an untrained eye into believing they resembled real airplanes. Yet, upon closer inspection, these images were still lacking in the details (see figure 4). 

The AI was significantly better at drawing abstract images such as “an alien pyramid landscape” or urban scenes like “Tokyo with Mt. Fuji in the background”, as these images are more open for interpretation (See figure 5 & 6). Other image generators such as and have the same limitations, where overly specific queries resulted in poor images (See figure 7). 

The future of AI image generation

In my assessment, AI image generators consistently outperform my own artistic abilities, doing so at a speed no human can match. However, the quality of AI-generated images remains highly unpredictable, making it an unreliable choice for producing aesthetically pleasing and realistic artwork.

Thus, I tend to agree with the artists stating that AI will not replace human authenticity.

Nevertheless, I see potential for collaboration between AI and artists. AI can inspire artists with the images it generates, which the artists can emulate and refine to achieve a more realistic image. This collaboration allows artists to make use of AI’s creativity while still adding their own unique inputs to the final artwork. 

As AI continues to evolve and artists adapt these technological breakthroughs, the line between human creativity and artificial intelligence may become increasingly blurred. This will open up new and exciting possibilities in the field or art. 


Shaffi, S. (2023, January 23). ‘It’s the opposite of art’: why illustrators are furious about AI. The Guardian.


Figure 1: AI attempting to draw a KLM Boeing 787

Figure 2: AI attempting to draw a KLM Boeing 787 departing from Japan. 

Figure 3: AI drawing an airplane departing from Japan. 

Figure 4: AI drawing an airport runway. 

Figure 5: AI drawing Tokyo with mt. Fuji as the background

Figure 6: AI drawing alien pyramid landscape

Figure 7: drawing a Boeing 787 from Japan.

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