Innovation in the italian fashion industry




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Monica Calicchio is the founder and CEO of the Italian start-up Tailoritaly, which is part of the Miroglio Group. She is a firm believer that real innovations are those that foster change within consolidated and traditional realities and that it is necessary to mix tradition and technological innovation to make even more valuable innovations. This is exactly what Monica and her team accomplished by creating Tailoritaly. They decided to heavily invest in a website, which enables clients to customise their clothing purchases. In fact, customers are able to create and buy tailor-made clothes online; they can choose the fabric, colour, fit and accessories of their customised items.

To reflect the elegance that distinguish the made in Italy products, the team decided to keep the web user interface very simple and elegant. In this way, anyone is able to easily use it. I think the way this start-up took into consideration one of the core characteristic (made in Italy) of what they are selling in the design of their web platform is very appropriate and smart.

Monica Calicchio and her team succeeded in connecting the most recent technological trends with the skills of the Italian manufacturing industry. Nevertheless, what really made them successful is the introduction of e-commerce in the manufacturing field – something that no one else did before. Thank to this introduction and the cuts in the value chain, the costs are lower and, consequentially, the prices of the products are accessible to most people.

I really think that the “secret ingredient” of this successful start-up lies in Monica’s skills to make most out of the technology without forgetting to put the client in the centre of the buying process. As of today, Tailoritaly as previously described no longer exists. Once tested, the project has been applied to other brands of the Miroglio Group such as Fiorella Rubino. Even though Tailoritaly itself does not exist anymore, the idea behind it is still growing. I believe that the brands who will adopt it need to improve their platform and business model to remain competitive by, for instance, developing a mobile application. How do you think the project can keep growing?

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MUSICO, which stands for “COmbinatorial MUSIC”, is a start-up that offers automatic music services. Through the utilisation of various artificial intelligence techniques, it delivers adaptive, rights-free music. MUSICO is able to instantly react to inputs. In fact, as soon as data arrives, the software makes compositional decisions and the music automatically change. All this happens without any human activity. Data come from:
– users directly (e.g. commands)
– physical environment (e.g. sensors that detect temperature)
– virtual environment (e.g. data from other apps)
– biometrics (e.g. heartrate).
In January MUSICO launched a new app: MUSICFIT. It generates music based on the pace of your movements, which are biometrics measured by sensors on your smartphone; if you are running, the music you will listen to will be faster for instance. Due to always more similar public taste and preferences, music production is currently becoming more and more convergent. This creates a lot of limitations in an artist’s style and expression. The start-up aims at creating new music. They claim to provide a significant improvement in the music language and a completely new point of view for the music distribution industry. MUSICO is also conceived as a supporter for artists in developing their skills and broadening their horizons.
Even though I personally find this idea very interesting and as a beautiful example of how AI can be employed, I also find very sad that in a field like music where feelings, emotions and sensations are everything no human activities are necessary. I personally believe that music is a language, is art and a communication mean and find difficult to accept that it can be created only by a software and some data. Do we really need this? Do we really need technology to substitute people also in this field? I really hope not.


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