Artificial intelligence (AI) is undeniably used in many business processes today. In some cases, artificial intelligence helps to make jobs easier, while in others it replaces them. So, in the field of project management, could AI replace the role of a project manager, or is AI here to help the role of a project manager?
Project management is a very complex business process. It involves a variety of disciplines that it is important for a project manager to master (Lahmann, 2019). A project management involves many processes, such as negotiations, coordination with stakeholders, data analysis before making decisions, deciding on the priority scales of activities, monitoring of progress, and so on.
Artificial intelligence possesses the power to solve problems by integrating computer science and robust datasets. It also includes sub-fields like machine learning and deep learning (IBM Cloud Education, n.d.). This system has been programmed to follow a specific, rules-based workflow (Marques, 2021).
Project management is an instance where I believe AI is not meant to replace the human resource, but to assist them in doing their job. Why so? Because there are some activities in project management that need human touch and involvement. For example, coordination and negotiation, humans need to communicate with one another in order to reach a mutual agreement during these processes. It is something that cannot be replaced by AI.
The existence of AI, however, can help project managers. AI can assist with monitoring projects. JIRA is one of AI-based tool to help project managers with this task. Using artificial intelligence, scheduling, reminders, and follow-ups can be easily handled (Schmelzer, 2018). Artificial intelligence can utilize massive amounts of data and analyze historic trends to predict future events accurately, so that the use of AI is also helpful when it comes to making decisions related to projects and when identifying the skills of the team members involved with the project (Munir, 2019). With a properly designed AI implementation strategy, project managers can reduce project failure rates and enhance project planning accuracy (Bajpai, 2020).
Thus, in my opinion, artificial intelligence will not replace project managers but instead will replace those who don’t use AI with those who do use it since project manager that use AI most likely will have smoother processes, better decision quality, and also, they can devote more attention to management and strategy.
Bajpai, K. (2020). Can Artificial Intelligence Replace the Project Manager? [online] SoftwareSuggest Blog. Available at: https://www.softwaresuggest.com/blog/artificial-intelligence-replace-project-manager/#.
IBM Cloud Education (2020). What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? [online] www.ibm.com. Available at: https://www.ibm.com/nl-en/cloud/learn/what-is-artificial-intelligence.
Lahmann, M. (2018). AI will transform project management. Are you ready? [online] PwC. Available at: https://www.pwc.ch/en/insights/risk/ai-will-transform-project-management-are-you-ready.html.
Marques, C. (2021). How Artificial Intelligence can Help in Project Management | Modis. [online] www.modis.com. Available at: https://www.modis.com/en-be/insights/blog/how-artificial-intelligence-can-help-in-project-management/.
Munir, M. (2019). How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Project Managers. Global Journal of Management and Business Research: A Administration and Management, 19(4).