How NFTs are redefining fashion ownership and sustainability




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The first time I heard about the existence of NFTs I was a bit confused. Why would anyone be so crazy to invest in something you can’t even physically touch? My curiosity led me to explore the world of NFTs and maybe understand the reasoning behind buying such virtual assets.

Initially, I imagined NFTs were limited to the entertainment industry, e.g., digital art or music. However, soon I discovered their role in the fashion industry. As a woman, I was curious to read more about how the fashion world is making use of NFTs. Luxury brands like Prada, Gucci and Burberry are responding to the increasing popularity of Metaverses like Decentraland, where avatars represent individuals and require representative clothes. Opportunities arise for luxury brands, like opening digital stores, organize runways and release virtual collections (NFTevening, 2024). This breakthrough attracts new generations, while challenging the traditional concept of fashion ownership, as NFTs provide verifiable ownership. This helps combat the imitation of products and supports the authentication of high-end goods.  Furthermore, the implementation of blockchain technology enhances the transparency of the supply chain, increasing consumer trust and opening new markets for luxury goods (Syailendra et al., 2022).

The fashion industry also faces challenges with sustainability issues, mainly because of overproduction and waste. NFTs offer a promising solution to the fashion industry’s sustainability challenges by enabling the creation of digital clothes that eliminate the need for physical production, thus reducing waste and environmental impact. According to a recent article, integrating NFTs and virtual reality can help brands promote sustainable practices, allowing consumers to engage with fashion in innovative ways without contributing to overproduction (alphaCOMMERCE, 2024).

NFTs are tackling challenging aspects in the fashion industry such as addressing authenticity and sustainability challenges. Moreover, they offer exciting opportunities for brands to interact with consumers in a creative and innovative manner. Therefore, in my opinion, NFTs have the potential to disrupt the fashion industry. This fusion is just at the start of a new approach, and I’m interested to find out how this relationship develops. What are your thoughts about NFTs in fashion? Do you consider them as a fleeting trend or maybe the future of fashion?

alphaCOMMERCE. (2024, 15 juli). Digital Fashion & Sustainability: How NFTs and VR can solve fashions sustainability problem. alphaCOMMERCE.

NFTevening. (2024, 10 april). 15+ luxury fashion brands into NFTs in 2023. NFT Evening.

Syailendra, G. M., Larso, D., & Pambudi, N. F. (2022). Prospecting Consumers’ Interest for Fashion NFT in Indonesia. International Journal Of Business And Technology Management.

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