Facebook may start tracking your cursor!




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Facebook might soon be able to follow your cursor when you browse at Facebook. Facebook is allready tracking down your likes and comments on every post but this will maybe be the next way to gather data about you and the way you use Facebook. They will use this to see how long you hover your cursor over advertisements and also if you click on it (which allready happened). Facebook thinks this could help Facebook by engaging News Feed layouts and the use of advertisements on Facebook.

When this happens Facebook knows almost everything we are doing on the site and sees every move. This is very attractive to Facebook because they can make a lot of money with it, but what will it do with our privacy? They can allready read (if they want to) every single private message and now they will know what we will see on every moment.

What do you think about this? This also can be positive because we will see advertisements which we maybe like more and are more attractive to us. The privacy on Facebook is getting less and less so what would you like to see on Facebook? Do you want to see Facebook going completely commercial or don’t you?



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GPShopping, the new future or hopeless advertising?




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GPShopping is a new invention that is created to give you advertisements which are located near you. With use of the GPS system in your phone you will be tracked down and if you walk near a shop, it will automatically send some advertisementsto your mobile phone.


This invention is the latest update of wireless technology and can be very usefull. It probably gets an on and off button so people who don’t want to be disturbed by these advertisements won’t have to see them.

This invention can offer you much more. The shops are able to offer you anything if you are near the store. They can give you mobile coupons, discount, a welcome message, see videos, see your discount points and many more things. Shops also can use this GPS system to count their visitors in store and compare them with the sales. There are so many things to learn about the customers while tracking them down.

What do you guys think? We all agreed in class that we don’t want to see any more advertisements and stuff, but is this a good replacement? Is this something you would like when you walk through the shopping mall?

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The new way of E-books!




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Publishers WPG and Lannoo are allowed to create something like a ‘Spotify-concept’ to let people read E-books. It will be able to read E-books online if you have a subscription on this ‘concept’. This will work exactly the same as Spotify. On Spotify you can listen to songs if you have a subscription (free on laptop/pc).

This concept is already invented and used by Yindo and a lot of foreign companies. But there was no real company who got it going in the Netherlands. This is because there mostly a few books to read and there is not a big demand. WPG and Lannoo are trying to make it happen in the Netherlands and try to add more as a thousand books extra online.

The question is, will this work out? What you do guys think? Here is a movie about Google eBooks:

The way Google is doing it is different from the ‘Spotify-way’. Google eBooks still wants to sell you the books and let you read them everywhere. Will this be able with the ‘Spotify-concept’? I guess this will be hard to tell, because how long can you borrow these books from the ‘Spotify-concept’?

Can this new way of borrowing books compete with the way Google thinks it will work? What is your opinion about this?

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Toyota using social commerce as never before.




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Toyota created a new invention to try to use social media and e-commerce in combination to sell cars. They created a ‘configurator’ to create your own Toyota. It is possible to create your own car by adding features and colours you would like on your car while you can have a group session with five friends. This is a new invention because you can create your own car, while discussing it with your friends. It sounds like a lot of fun but it has some downsides too. When people are searching for a new car, they want to see it and drive it in real life and this is not possible this way. This will create an extra barrier to sell this car. There is an ability to contact a Toyota dealer in this ‘configurator’ and add him in the group session, this makes the barrier lower and he can tell you if your features and colours are possible. There is another downside because there is no contact in real life, so it is hard to make up your mind just by seeing your car and speaking a dealer online. Will this work out for Toyota? I doubt it.


Report: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q3lnmynp2734xdg/Social%20commerce.%20362727AM.docx

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