Would You pay for YouTube?!




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Nowadays everybody is using YouTube.

The latest news from YouTube is that half of all the viewed YouTube video’s are viewed on mobile devices, for example smartphones and tablets.
In total their are a billion visitors a month on YouTube.
But YouTube has a “little” problem, how to get money?

Off course there are adds on the website, but using a mobile device most of these adds are not showed.
Also using a Apple device most of the commercial video’s in the first few seconds will not be showed.

The latest news is that YouTube is searching for a way to get monthly income.
Most probably is that they will act like Spotify: pay a monthly amount for using it.

If YouTube will introduce monthly payments, will you still use it? Or do you think it will be the start of a big decline of monthly visitors of YouTube?


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Digital Marketing and Advertising




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Today, many organizations use a combination of traditional and digital marketing channels.
Examples of traditional marketing and advertising are TV commercials, printed flyers, direct mail and telephone marketing campaigns.
Digital marketing and advertising is about marketing using electronic devices to reach stakeholders. So for example using PC’s, laptops, smartphones, tablets, smart TV’s but also game consoles for marketing purposes.

For companies it’s important to be aware of the new way of using marketing and advertising: Digital using social media channels.
It is important because if they understand the difference between traditional and digital marketing they can reach today’s customer on the right way. But nowadays, many big firms are stuck in a routine of printed collateral and should be reallocated marketing money to online efforts for more success and ROI.

The case “United Breaks Guitars” is a very good story about a firm (United Airlines) who did not take the right decision using social media. United’s staff broke Carroll’s guitar during a transfer, but they did not compensate him. So he wrote a music video and posted it on YouTube. It was a great success; millions of viewers and lots of journalists were talking about the story. As a result United’s stock price fell with 10 per cent.
This case is clearly an example of a company that has not good understood the difference between traditional and digital marketing. The music video was in fact a negative marketing video for United.
Researchers found out that people who have good service experience lead to tell 3 people, but a bad experience they would tell 14…. So as a company you need to focus to get positive reviews from your customers. And if you get a negative review from a customer take immediately action to stop the negative spiral.

The article “Social spending: Managing the social media mix.” Says that there is not a best way in using traditional or digital marketing. I agreed with that, not every company is the same. They act on different markets, have different clients etcetera. So every situation has an other outcome using a right social media mix.

One other study “For mobile devices, think apps, not ads.” Shows us that people don’t like ads on their mobile devices. Ads like banners are very bad because they frustrate the users and did not get the right effect of getting new customers. It’s better to make mobile apps, like airlines do. There’re special deals in the app only, so it’s worth full to download the app. Also supermarkets like Albert Heijn are using the app to give customers special deals. That’s what customers wants, not frustrating pop-up banners, but in app deals! They’ll be very loyal to the company.
So overall looking at this week’s subject, it is good for companies to use digital marketing and advertising. But companies do need to pay attention for their customers because 1 bad review is told to 14 others and 1 good review only to 3 others.


John Deighton, Leora Kornfeld. 2011. United Breaks Guitars. Harvard Business Publishing. Publication Date: January 6, 2010. Revision Date: August 11, 2011.

Hoffman, D. L., and Fodor, M. 2010. Can you measure the ROI of your social media marketing? MIT Sloan Management Review 52(1) 41-49.

Weinberg, B. D., and Pehlivan, E. 2011. Social spending: Managing the social media mix. Business Horizons 54(3) 275–282.

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Just another new Social Media platform!




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And there it is! Tiiny!

You think what, never heard about that? That’s right, just three days ago Tiiny has been born.
Yes one of the hundreds new social media platforms trying to get a bit of the market.

But what is Tiiny? It is a combination between Vine, Instagram and Snapchat.
As in the name, you can send small, tiiny, pictures or videos with a maximum of 212 by 212 pixels each.

It uses a lot less data than apps like Vine, Instagram or Snapchat, because they are using fullscreen pictures.

Today, with high priced monthly data plans, do you think this is an app that will grow and expand?



Kevin Rose Launches Tiiny To Take The Anxiety And Megapixels Out Of Photo Sharing

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Use YouTube to find a kidney!




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For the first time in history there is a woman who uses YouTube to find a kidney.

The waiting time for a kidney is in the Netherlands around 700 man long.
The 38 year old woman Razia Santoe has to go 3 times a week to hospital for dialysis.

Also her son of 6 is often wondering “mom are you going to die?”.

Because it is not easy to get a kidney, she decided to start a commercial on YouTube to collect money and hopefully get a kidney.

The big question is: is this the new way to find a donor for kidneys and other human parts?

I think it is a big step forward because a new mass of people will realize the need for organ transplantations and hopefully the waiting time for a new organ will be shortened.

Hopefully she will find a donor by this commercial on YouTube.

Do you think that this is the new way for finding donors?



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