Deep Learning and an example of its application in voxel encoding in medical applications




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This post focuses on Deep Learning, how it works, and an example of its application in voxel encoding in medical applications.

Deep Learning is a method of machine learning carrying the difference of actually not being fed with every bit of information, but rather observing different cases of the same subject and identifying patterns by itself. This increased the speed of the learning process but also increased the complexity behind the pattern identification and limits the human understanding. However, one useful feel of applications for deep learning is voxel encoding, especially in the medical field.

A voxel is basically spoken a pixel in a three dimensional way. Voxel representations are for example used when analysing 3D images in medical purposes, for example in brain research.

In order to enable analytics of voxel, deep learning is programmed on a super computer which is having access to a data base of millions of 3D brain pictures. The algorithms of the deep learning application analyse and compare these pictures voxel on voxel (e.g. 3D pixel on 3D pixel) to assess similarities, differences, and patterns. Based on the recognised patterns, the computer is able to interpret these as a symptom for example. This is useful for fast and exact identifications of sicknesses in patients, for example in stroke identification.

Given the importance of this new technological application, deep learning on voxel encoding in the medical field has a bright future with may business cases and deserve attention in nowadays Information Systems Literature.


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Robotic Process Automation – The 4th Industrial Revolution




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Robotic Process Automation (RPA) – yet another buzz word in our nowadays tech-trending economy – but what does it actually mean? Read here a simple introduction on RPA.

Robotic Process Automation represents the most simplest form of robotics. RPA is in fact not the traditional robot as we imagine it as a hardware, rather it is a software application installed on a local computer fulfilling simple automation tasks. Software providing the application are BluePrism, Softomotive, AutomationAnywhere, etc. Being installed on a local hard drive, a robot can do everything that the normal user could do using its desktop – hence also the familiar name “desktop automation”. The tasks are usually taught to the robot by a human, click by click. The robot mimes exactly what the human does – just faster, 24/7, and more exact. However, as the automation is basic and does not involve any intelligent functions (e.g. pattern recognition, error handling, etc), it only makes sense to automate very standardised tasks, such as copy and paste actions, inserting personal details in standardised contracts, filling in standardised excel sheets etc.

RPA is able to be up to 70% fast than humans, when correct programmed the tasks can be fulfilled with zero errors, run 24/7, and free up human labor to concentrate on more value adding tasks.

In nowadays society, RPA is about to be implemented as a new standard in back office operations, and yet future technological applications are yet to come. The future outlook of RPA is to be combined with other applications such as chatbots, AI, etc. to automate an every increasing amount of tasks.

For more information, do not hesitate to check out the following link by IBM:


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Banking on Bitcoin: Watch this interesting Documentary on Netflix




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Have you been looking for an easy, entertaining, and informative way that explains Bitcoin and its economic development? This documentary shares interesting insights on how Bitcoin works and how it was formed, raised, and crashed.

This one hour documentary gives an insight in the development of Bitcoin, as well as explanations of the Dark Net and other online phenomena. It explains the rise of Bitcoin stage by stage and critically assess its role in global financial markets.


Full Documentary:

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