Digital Transformation Project – Haga Hospital




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Haga hospital is a ‘top-clinical’ hospital located on two locations in The Hague. The hospital was founded in 2004 as the result of a merger between Leyenburg hospital and Stichting Samenwerkende Ziekenhuizen. We will mainly focus on the scheduling of the surgery rooms. In the interview we had with the CEO and the head of the logistic company, it quickly became clear that the scheduling of the surgery rooms is a process that can be improved.

Haga hospital is below average with their waiting times. Besides the long waiting times there are more problems with the surgery schedule. Sometimes patients are removed from the schedule. In the interview with Van Der Zalm (2016) is mentioned that the scheduling of the surgery rooms is a process which takes a lot of time. Due to the time it takes to plan, the costs for the scheduling of the surgery rooms are very high. And at lasts, the surgery rooms have a too low occupancy rate. This is due mistakes and imperfections in the schedule.

The root of these problems is mainly the scheduling of the surgery rooms. There are mistakes made by planners, there is incomplete information available to the planners and the planners do not have the capability to make the best schedules as possible. Resulting in low occupancy rates, last minute of scrapping patients of the schedule. Resulting in long waiting times. Consequently, lower quality of care. Which is not in line with the goal and strategy of Haga hospital.

To overcome the problems, we explained before we suggest to develop and implement a scheduling software. When the software is implemented and in use the value consumers who gets the information of the schedule (doctors, surgery room personnel, logistics of the surgery rooms, and the planners) can see the schedule directly. The software will basically perform as the producer of value in the current platform of the Haga hospital, HiX. To operate this as a platform the planning department can profit of the different partners in the multi-sided market. In other words, the exchange of information between the consumers of the schedule and the producers will become more visible and easier to access.

In the beginning costs will be made to implement the new system, but once they fully adapted the new system, the scheduling will be more efficient and waiting time for surgeries will be decreased enormously, leading in: (1) more satisfied patients, (2) more revenue, and (3) saving costs by reducing planning time and increasing occupation time. This will result in a better market position for Haga hospital and more surgeries every year, resulting in a stronger financial position.

We suggest to implement a digital automatic planning system to replace manual scheduling and extend the HiX system. One of our most important recommendation is:

Combining software systems; e.g. the newly acquired Ricoh patient pillars. Coupling information system to create one main platform will increase value by centralising knowledge, decreasing costs and eventually improving personnel and customer satisfaction.


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Most effective type of digital marketing




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Since we have determined that the power of digital marketing is quite big, I can hear all of you think: which type of digital marketing is the most effective? So before you begin to read, try to answer that question first!

Digital marketing has grown a lot the past few years and companies use it to deliver more value to its customers. Different forms of digital marketing can contribute to this goal by matching their marketing strategy as good as possible with the needs and wishes of the customers.

I will discuss a couple of popular digital marketing trends, beginning with the Facebook ads. As we all know, Facebook is used globally by over a billion of people. With 9.6 million users, Facebook is the biggest social media platform in the Netherlands (well, after WhatsApp, but they don’t use adds (yet) so we’ll leave WhatsApp out of this discussion). Organizations can use Facebook to target their customer very easily and quite precisely. Particular Facebook’s mobile ad business is booming, see the table below.

Schermafbeelding 2016-10-10 om 02.29.07

Another way of digital marketing is the use of YouTube. YouTube is an important influencer of the customer decision making process (see figure below), especially when it’s about product visualisation or product explanation. Because video enables more possibilities, organizations are able to put an emotional touch to their video, resulting in more brand engagement. With 7.2 billion users, YouTube is a very attractive channel for companies to use.


A relatively new entry to this market is Instragram. With more than 2 million users, it is not the biggest social platform, but can it be the most effective one?

Well, I won’t keep you any longer in your curiosity. The most effective way of digital marketing is E-mail marketing. In the Netherlands, consumers use advertising emails regularly to make online purchases, 73% buys something in response to an email! Email and advertisement go very well together!

I guess you had not expected that as answer, had you?



Nationaal e-mail onderzoek (2016), Blinker

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The power of digital marketing




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Digital marketing makes it possible for companies to expand their marketing activities through online channels and realize interactive media. Data-analysis is the source for these kind of marketing. Long-term goals, such as building a long-term relationship with the customer, is the main goal of digital marketing.

How should companies use the power of digital marketing?
It is important that companies develop a vision of how they want to use their digital marketing. It’s not easy to collect and analyse the enormous available data without having a specific goal in mind. By applying algorithms on data volume, speed, diversity and/or complexity, knowledge can be collected. When all this big data is collected, companies can develop their personalized communication to their customer.

But what does the customer think of this all?
Based on a research of DDMA, there are three different kind of customers:
1. The sceptical: this consumer is a bit older of age and least willing to share its (personal) data
2. The carefree consumer: this consumer is indifferent with respect to sharing (personal) data. They have no problem with the fact that their data is used for many purposes.
3. The pragmatic: this consumer is prepared to share its (personal) data, but they want something in return. This can be better service or a reward for sharing its (personal) data.

We can definitely say that elderly audience often need more control over what happens with their data, while young people have fewer problems with the use of their data by companies.

Does digital marketing really gives more power to companies?
YES! Digital marketing seems a valid instrument for companies to distinguish themselves from their competitors. Companies can respond to the needs of their different kind of customers by providing them personalized marketing. It facilitates more targeted communication to these different consumers. Most of the organizations already have a digital marketing policy within their company, but a lot of organizations still have a lot of improvements to make.

So what type of consumer are you: the carefree/pragmatic one or are you still not convinced by the benefits of digital media and stick with the sceptical one? 😉

Visscher, R., (2016, September). “Digital Enterprise” Pulse Media Group


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