A free mobile app that help you to identify toxins in your personal care products!




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Have you ever wondered what might be lurking within your cosmetics and skin care products? Think Dirty might have the answer!


Think Dirty, a free unbiased product-comparison iOS app for personal and skincare products. It educates consumers on the potentially toxic ingredients in the cosmetic and personal care products they are purchasing. It also provides easy-to-understand info on the product, its ingredients, and cleaner options.

“We all use so many products, and even when we look at the back of the label, we don’t understand what’s in them because we’re not chemists,” said Lily Tse, the founder of Think Dirty.


Just by scanning the barcodes and the shoppers will know whether the product is “dirty” or “clean” based on third-party data from a combination of sources including nonprofit science and several government and environmental organizations. Think Dirty also team up with breast cancer fund to raise awareness of the potentially toxic ingredients in cosmetics and personal care products. Through the end of October, Think Dirty will donate $1 for every product scanned, up to $20,000, to the Breast Cancer Fund as a part of their 30 Days of Dirty Campaign with Campaign for Safe Cosmetics.

I found this app is really interesting, since I use so many personal care products from head to toe on my daily life. Even though the list of ingredients already stated in the back of the products, I still have no idea of how it might harm my body. So by using this app, people can make informed purchasing decisions.

See this video below to know more about how the app works!




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Share your secret with anonymous social media, Whisper!




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Everyone has a secret to tell. But some people find it uncomfortable to share it with anyone else. Whisper is here to help you to share your deepest darkest secret by removing the user’s identity under normal circumstances.

Whisper is the iPhone and Android app where people anonymously post their secrets in the form of text superimposed on a picture. While you can like and comment on whispers, there are no profiles. This means, no one but you can track your activity.


“We’re living in a time when people learn about their friends based only upon what you want them to see,” Whisper CEO Michael Heyward says. “We wanted to create this place where people can share things about themselves from a different lens. Whisper’s the place you can be the captain of the football team, but also really like Glee.”


The awesome thing is that, when you open the app on the phone, you can post and see public messages, but any time you want to see an archive of your own activity, you have to enter a four-digit pin number. So even if your phone were to fall into the wrong hands (i.e. parents), the posts and messages would still be hidden from view.

Whisper currently has more than 4 million users — the average user opens the app eight times each day. In its 2 years history, the app has received 2.8 billion pageviews. Each day, hundreds of thousands of whispers are uploaded each day, which are filtered by a team of 70 full-time moderators located in Manila.

What do you think about this app? Do you want to try to share your secret on this app?







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Social Platforms are collaborating with Fashion Brands




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Fashion Week used to be a super exclusive event reserved for the fashion elite. The public had to wait for the print publications before they could see the coverage, images and commentary related to the year’s premier fashion event. However, with the new breakthrough of digital age, everyone can access them through social media, such as instagram and pinterest. In fact, social media companies themselves are also attempting to capitalize on the event by launching programs to give users virtual backstage passes behind the scenes at New York Fashion Week.



Many artist, fashion blogger, even the designer of the brands are also using the platform to capture, share and inspire engagement with users during Fashion Week. Here’s a look at some of the top brands using Instagram during Fashion Week:

Rachel Zoe: As the style guru for celebrities and a woman running her own fashion brand, Rachel Zoe can be guaranteed to attend the who’s who of designers, and always snaps killer pics from the front row. The Zoe Report, on Rachel Zoe’s website, also used Instagram and other social platforms to promote a sweepstakes for last spring’s Fashion Week. The brand used Postano to aggregate, curate and display all of the social entries on a page on their website.


Nine West: The shoe brand is Instagramming away during Fashion Week, and is even aggregating, curating and displaying the best of the social activity. The social hub page, which is powered by Postano, displays some of the best Fashion Week shots.


The week before New York Fashion Week kicked off, Pinterest launched a Fashion Week hub , which featured boards from magazines, designers, beauty companies and models. The images are a combination of professional shots and behind-the-scenes snaps. The hub was designed to give audiences a well-curated and aggregated place on the site to find and re-pin images – expanding the viral reach and engagement with both media and brand content on the platform.




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Homework Assignment: Digital Marketing and Advertising.




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In this third week homework assignment, I found 2 examples of companies who used digital marketing, which are Phillips and IKEA. Since nowadays people spend most of their time on mobile devices. They will be less taking notice on traditional advertisement on TV or radio. As the previous article by Sunil Gupta (2013), one of the best ways to help marketers advertise their product through mobile devices is building an innovative application. So I came across an interesting article about augmented reality application on mobile devices as the new digital marketing and advertising. In August 2013 IKEA introduced the new catalogue app that was inspired by 70 per cent of customers that admitted they have no idea how big their homes are. IKEA hopes that by making this new augmented reality application and letting the customer experience “try before they buy”, customers will have a complete satisfaction and reduce the making returns and exchanges, if the furniture are not fit with their place.

However, IKEA is not the first one to introduce the augmented reality application. In 2011, Philips introduced TV Buying Guide mobile app featuring augmented reality (IDNG, 2011). The main goal of creating the AR application is the same, to find a perfect fit of various Philips TV products into their own home. By just point your camera phone at the AR marker and choose the best screen size and design that suit your room. You can even experience Ambilight in your own home. The difference between IKEA and Phillips app is that customer can share their results on social media networking site, such as twitter or Facebook. Making the application gaining more attention not only from existing Phillips customer, but also to the future customers. The feedback of launching this application was very positive. In fact, Pocket Lint awarded Phillips application as “site of the day’ and also increased their revenue in a different way.




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