Personalized Education – Ipadschool 2.0?




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In 2000, ‘Kunskapsskolan’ opened its first few secondary schools in the Greater Stockholm area. Based on the knowledge that it is unreasonable to teach in the same way at the same pace if you want every student to be successful, Birgitta Ericson and Torbjörn Bindekrans created various new methods that put the student at the center of the learning process – personal goals, personal coaching and personal learning strategies for each individual.

“Our research and development units for curriculum development, Learning Portal development, management/organizational structure, and IT are the core functions for the continuous advancement of the educational program and are the common centers of excellence for all schools.”

Their successful trials with the new ideas at their school made them a name across Sweden and beyond (i.e. Sweden, UK, the Netherlands, India, USA and the Middle East).

Constructed on their shared belief in personalized education, they created an inspired team and developed a completely new teaching and learning model that is unique to ‘Kunskapsskolan’ and has the potential to connect with any curriculum and school around the world – the KED Program (KED stands for Kunskapsskolan Education).

The KED Program is constantly developing based on teachers’ and students’ contributions and experiences. “We are comfortable to try new methods, as we always stay true to the principal idea that everyone is different and learns in different ways, at different rates.” Clearly, this is quite the opposite of the traditional concept for schools in which education is pre-programmed, packaged and delivered in the same way to batches of approximately 25 students per classroom.

The successful expansion of Kunskapsskolan in Sweden attracts great interest worldwide. The KED Program is acknowledged for its academic achievement based on personalized education, and its focus on the knowledge and skills that students need in the future.

Now, to what extend can technology be used in supporting a student’s way of learning? Would you be in favor of or against a worldwide educational system based on KED’s program and principles? Do you envision a mix between the traditional form of education and KED?

Here, the link to their website. Very interesting stuff!

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Travelling Through Time




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Yesterday night, a couple of friends and I sat on the couch, and for a few seconds we looked at each other, speechless. Why? We watched a season of the fascinating series ‘Black Mirror’.  As I only heard some vague stories about it, my expectations were quite shallow. This series is, as described by Internet Movie Database, ‘An anthology series exploring a twisted, high-tech world where humanity’s greatest innovations and darkest instincts collide.’ (, 2018) Trust me, a recommendation for all who are up for some wicked yet extremely thought-provoking piece of entertainment.

What if technology makes travelling in time not science fiction anymore? We all are aware of the fact that breaking through the cosmic speed limit and go faster than the speed of light is not realistic. Other possibilities such as using black holes, huge cylinders or cosmic strings to play with the fabric of space-time are not a likely option too. At least, not any time soon. But, what would happen to society if we are actually able to re-do time by using technology? Re-see what a person has gone through, can be that day, week, month, or even years ago. Literally looking through somebody else’s eyes and rewind what happened. As science has been extremely powerful in explaining the quite unexplainable, it is very interesting to think about how technology can be of further use in doing so.

What would this imply for security these days? If such thing actually gets realized, would it truly be beneficial for humanity or do we lose any sense of privacy? Enough spoiling, please put your thoughts out here. Also, a little off topic perhaps, but what if we could bring back modern technology 30 years and hand it over to a tech company, could they reverse engineer it and duplicate it? Anyways, if you have watched Black Mirror or are up for a cup of coffee to talk about this matter, I am curious to hear what you got to say!

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ICT’s ecological footprint; The ‘Green Queen’ or Obscene ?




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In the Spring of 2017, the Heads of State and Government concluded the development of a sustainable, green and integrated European climate and energy policy as an uppermost priority. An energy and climate package has been adapted to guide the EU towards a competitive and secure energy economy whilst promoting energy saving and climate friendly energy sources. Now, this aspiration does not come without comprehensive challenges; how to tackle climate change, guarantee secure, sustainable and competitive energy, and make the European economy a model for sustainable development in the 21st era? Let’s consider how challenges like the aforementioned can be addressed through Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).

As one would expect, ICTs have a crucial role to play in reducing emissions and contributing to sustainable growth. Note that ICT itself is a small yet outstanding visible energy consumer. Take for instance the Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs) or take-up directed at increasing energy efficiency at the level of components, systems and applications. Other forms that are impacted by the use of ICT are the adaptation of green-procurement and substitution technologies. However, perhaps even more important, ICTs are also enablers to create energy efficiency across the economy. New business models, better monitoring and finer control of all kinds of processes and activities are fine examples of ICTs role as enabler. All sectors of the economy, which are becoming increasingly ICT -dependent, will benefit to a varying degree from the use of ICTs.

Europe, and indeed other continents as well, need to ensure that ICT-enabled solutions are available and fully deployed so as to achieve the ambitious targets that are set.  Each of us, including businesses, governments and civil society will be called upon to enter a new form of collaboration and innovative leadership. However, this post aims to raise awareness of the current and potential impact of ICT as an enabler for energy efficiency, stimulating an open discussion on this matter.

Who are the relevant stakeholders? What should be the initial focus; power grids, energy-smart homes and buildings? Which areas of ICT and energy can create synergies?


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