YouTube Music Awards vs. MTV Music Awards




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The fact that this year’s MTV Europe Music Awards are in Amsterdam has got everyone buzzing. You would almost forget that before the EMA’s (10th of November) the very first YouTube Music Awards (3rd of November) will take place as well. Musicians such as Lady GaGa and Eminem will take the stage and perform their latest hits. In this online awards show, nominations and votes are calculated from engagement across YouTube, Facebook, Google+ and Yahoo platforms.

Awards as ‘’Response of the Year’’, ‘’YouTube Phenomenon’’ and ‘’Innovation of the Year’’ will be handed out. But there is also a lot of criticism on the YouTube Awards. As ‘’Video of the Year’’ and ‘’ Artist of the Year’’ nominations are almost the same as the ones for the MTV Awards, it can be said that mainstream tastes dominate.

Though nominations this year might not reflect YouTube’s full artistic bandwidth, the social media nomination and selection process is a telling snapshot of digital entertainment.

Will you be watching this new award show?

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Homework Assignment: Wikipedia vs Quora




Homework Assignment: Peer Production – Wikipedia vs Quora

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Quora is also known as the ‘lovechild’ between Wikipedia and Yahoo! Answers.

Wikipedia, the popular online encyclopedia never fails to help anyone in need of a (quick) definition, description and/or some background information. I compared it to Quora, an interactive Q and A website, to see whether it could compete with Wikipedia.

Quora ( is a website where people can ask and answer each others questions about everything. It is an online oracle where there is interaction between the asker and the answerer. The idea behind Quora is that social connections contribute to more answered questions. When signed in, which can only be done with a Google, Facebook or Twitter account, one can immediately search for answers to questions.

Besides specific questions there are also subject headings (topics) created by users. These topics can be edited (with new information) and added to posed questions involving the same theme. By commenting on answers there is the possibility to clarify and introduce inaccuracies. There can also be voted for the best answer, which makes it seem that a higher amount of votes correlate with a better answer.

The interface of Quora looks a lot like Facebook’s newsfeed, which is not weird knowing that two former employees of Facebook have founded Quora in 2011. Quora users can follow other users, topics and (specific) questions to receive updates and information in their own ‘news’ feed.

It is obvious that even though both of these platforms grow and exist because of people all around the world who share their knowledge and seek even more knowledge online. Wikipedia has grown in a short amount of time to be one of most consulted online information sources. Now a days everything is linked to one’s social media network, it is all about sharing. But will their lack of interactivity scrag them?

Homework Assignment – Week 7 – Wikipedia vs Quora

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Get rich with IndieGoGo




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No money to realize your biggest dream? I’m talking about recording a music album, creating a real movie or what so ever! The website IndieGoGo  can help you with that. Their core believe is that everyone should have the opportunity to raise money. All you have to do is create a campaign around the goal you need money for. Tell people what you are doing, how they can help and what unique perks they’ll get for becoming contributors.

IndieGoGo helps you spread the word about your campaign with a unique algorithm we call the GoGofactor. Use our powerful social media tools when you launch your funding campaign and start sharing, tweeting, and encouraging people to ‘like’ your campaign to boost your gogofactor. Indiegogo is free to join. There is a fee on any money that is raised, which is 4% of the money you raise if you meet your goal or 9% if you do not meet your goal.

Forget knocking on people’s door and to beg for money (as these campaigns can also be used for a good cause and charities).

Do you think this will be the new way of raising money in the future? Then go and take a look over at

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Looking for a celebrity to promote your business?




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The startup Adly connects advertisers with celebrities who are willing to post promotional messages on social network sites. An advertiser should firstly define their target audience and campaign objectives. There must be taken into account that Adly minimum campaign buy is at least 25.000 US dollar. Then Adly uses their ‘’proprietary matching program’’ to pair the advertiser up with a celebrity or social media influencer based on the priory determined campaign objectives and target audience. The selected celebrity/social media influencer  has the option to approve or reject the brand or ad copy.

Adly was founded in 2009 by Sean Rad and now a days its database consists of more than 50 agency teams who are representing approximately over 200 different brands. They know more than 2000 celebrities ranging from actors to musicians to athletes. A year ago, Watler Delph became the new CEO of Adly. He says that one of Adly’s biggest selling points is that advertisers not only get a lot of views, but ‘’by enlisting celebrity endorsers, they’re prompting lots of conversation and engagement, i.e. reach that’s ‘earned’ rather than paid for.’’

What do you think, is this going to be the end of billboards and TV commercials starring celebrities?

*Quote retrieved from:

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