Dubai Airport introduces security checks with facial recognition




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Facial recognition is being used in more and more areas. A month ago, Apple introduced it in the iPhone, where you can use it to unlock your phone or to make payments with Apple Pay. According to Apple, the technology knows when it is you, and is able to see the difference between your face and a picture of it. On airports a far more advanced way of facial recognition is being introduced, as they are looking for ways to handle the increasing amount of passengers.

Amsterdam Schiphol airport introduced a test with facial recognition in the beginning of this year, in cooperation with KLM. (Schiphol, 2017) The technology is used for the boarding process. After passengers have passed through security, they are able to register themselves at a special kiosk in the waiting area of the gate. After that, their boarding pass and passport can stay in your pocket, as access to the airplane will be granted after their face has been scanned. This is one of the tests the airport is doing to reduce boarding times. (KLM, 2017)

This week, Dubai airport has announced that they will use facial recognition for the security check as well, starting in 2018 (TheVerge, 2017) The airport will place similar kiosks in the terminal, where passengers can scan their passport, boarding pass and face. When this is done, the passengers can pass the security through a tunnel filled with 80 cameras that will scan the passengers face from many different angles, while the passenger keeps walking. Once at the end of the tunnel, a red or green light will indicate if everything is fine and if the passenger can board the plane. (The National, 2017)

However, is it really safe to let the computer do the check? Apple said their iPhone camera will unlock the phone by mistake, once in a million times. How high this fail rate needs to be at an airport where more than 80 million people travel through every year? (Dubai Airports, 2017) Also, what is going to happen with all of the data? Schiphol says the data will be deleted after 10 hours, but people mentioned concerns about what could happen with the data. The government could force the involved companies to get access to the data in order to use it in investigations. This already happened in the San Benardino case, where Apple had to unlock an iPhone for the FBI. (Wired, 2017) Do these advantages of facial recognition outweigh the privacy issues it brings?


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How crowdsouring provided real-time flood information during hurricane Irma




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Hurricanes dominated the news over the last weeks. For hurricane Irma, MIT’s Urban Risk Lab launched a pilot of their platform, which was build to help people in need. For the Broward County in Florida, MIT created a platform that made it possible to get a better overview of the passing hurricane. They enabled residents and rescue workers to add information about their situation through social media.

Residents could contact MIT’s Risk Lab by using Twitter, Facebook or Telegram. After that, a chatbot sends a link back to the residents, which leads to a website where they have to fill in some information about what damage the hurricane had done. Residents fill in their location, add a photo with description and provide information about how high the water is rising. This allowed the MIT’s team to create a risk map of the area showing in real-time what parts of the area were flooded and how fast the water was rising in some specific locations. Using this information, rescue workers could prioritize their efforts and therefore, use their people more efficiently.

In February of this year, the RiskMap has already been tested in Indonesia. 300.000 users made reports and visited the website. Also, integration in the Uber app allowed drivers to avoid the flood. Another version is being developed for India, which will provide support during the monsoon season there. Besides flooding, MIT tries to build platforms for other causes as well. For example, after the earthquake in Mexico, they set up a platform to connect people in need with volunteers. People could ask or offer things like medical assistance, food and water, which would show on a map, so people nearby could provide support.

Crowdsourcing is used for various reasons. It is really interesting to see in what directions you can take it and for what it can be used. Especially, how technology and crowdsourcing are able to be a helping hand in situations like this already and how much more it is able to do in the future. Have you heard of any other examples?



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Acapella to the top




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The power of Youtube is not a new thing. Everybody uses it, to post and watch vlogs, random videos or music covers. To have an idea, every minute 300 hours of video is uploaded at the website. However, to be a success you need more than just a beautiful voice, as there are already many and different kinds of it at Youtube. You can be really lucky or you need to have a special talent.

One of these successful channels is Pentatonix, a band without instruments that got more than a billion views at youtube and over 9.1 million subscribers. Besides this they won a Grammy and participated in the Hollywood movie “Pitch Perfect 2”. This week they are number one at the Billboard 200 charts, beating the ex Disney Channel star Demi Lovato, this example just shows the power of social media and the legion of fans it brings around the World.

“This is perhaps the first time in history that an a capella group has topped the all-encompassing albums chart” (FORBES) This is not the first time it happened in the band’s History. Their first album was the 4th most sold cd in U.S.A last year.

You are wrong if you think they stopped to post youtube videos and even more if u think the cover days are over, because this is what makes them famous and relevant. Social media has the power to make a person or a band popular in one second, but stay in fame is even harder. Do you think it is hard for artists to survive on a platform like Youtube?



By the Numbers: 135 Amazing YouTube Statistics




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Happn: online dating based on where you go




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Early 2014 a new dating app was launched in Paris. Happn is an app similar to Tinder, but it connects with the real world. It connects you to someone you crossed paths with. “Happn is an app for misconnection. You have seen someone who, for some reason, you couldn’t talk to. Thanks to Happn, if the other person has the app, you will be able to find them.” says founder Didier Rappaport, who previously co-founded Dailymotion.

Happn uses the swipe of Tinder. Users swipe to like someone. Besides like, there is also the possibility to send a ‘charm’, which means the other will receive a notification of the like. Today, they have 6.5 million users and they hope to have 10 million by the end of this year. (Telegraph, 2015) The growth is possible because Happn got investments and now is able to expand to Asia and grow in Europe, South America and the United States.
The ‘charms’, I mentioned earlier, are the only way Happn makes revenue. Charms can be bought in packs of 10-300. For 10 charms you pay $1.49, for 300 you pay $23.49.  The charms are free for women, just men have to pay for use of it. As this is the way it happens in France, men pay. Tinder earlier came under fire for this way of pricing, when it asked different prices for people over-28 years old.

Besides this, Happn is planning to start advertisements in the app. These advertisements will be based on the user’s location, as Happn follows the location all the time. Another way of income was achieved with Fiat, which let users cross paths with “Mr Fiat and Mrs Fiat” and made them enter in a draw.

The fact Happn shows people based on the places you go, can be seen as intimidating as well. It just takes a few days before someone will say: “So, now i know you cross Kralingse Zoom every wednesday and friday.” Which will be a little creepy in the beginning.  Besides this, how Happn differs from Tinder?

Do you think Happn will be a successful dating app for a longer period of time?


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The Success of Youtuber Books




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enhanced-25908-1429647071-12When you are subscribed to many American or English youtubers, then you know you can find them on every social media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr and SnapChat. But what is also remarkable, is that some of them published their own books. And this number is growing.

Starting in 2014, a few Youtubers published books about their life or other things that they thought would be interesting. For example, The Pointless Book by Alfie Deyes, which already got a second version in March of 2015, and Girl Online by Zoe Sugg. (Buzzfeed, 2015) Today, almost every bigger Youtuber released a book, many of them were really successful, with recordbreaking sales. Girl Online became the fastest-selling book from a debut author.  (The Guardian, 2015)

The success of these books is obviously because of the popularity of the authors. Youtubers have many followers on Youtube and other social media. I highly doubt they would be this successful without their social media. As obviously, they use their social media to promote their books, for free. With this they reach millions of potential buyers, so for them it is an easy way to earn some extra money. For example, Zoe Sugg has over 3.8 million followers at Twitter and this is no exception, many Youtubers have a number of followers like this. And it does not stop there as many other Youtubers will tweet about it as well, which will give the books even more positive attention.

If you are interested in the numbers of sales, here are some examples of debut week sales of Youtuber books. (

  • Zoe Sugg – Girl Online : 78109 copies
  • Alfie Deyes – The Pointless Book : 15330 copies, The Pointless Book 2: 11939
  • Tanya Burr – Love, Tanya : 15117 copies
  • Joe Sugg – Username: Evie : 13745 copies
  • Marcus Butler – Hello Life! : 6551 copies

Do you follow many Youtubers and have you ever bought a book of them?


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Engaging Customers and Prosumers: Informing and entertaining




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A lot of companies are using social media nowadays. They use it for many reasons. One example of this is to interact with their customers. Besides these active ones, there are also firms that do not want to use social media, because they are worried about mistakes or have a lacking social media strategy. It is important for this last group, to realize how important social media is.

Just 5% of the B2B marketers said social media is a well optimized part of their marketing, while nowadays a lot of customers start to look for information about a product online. Companies should be aware of this and take advantage of it, as Giamanco and Gregoire state, the biggest potential is during the prospecting and opportunity stage. Be part of it and make mistakes is better than choose not to be present on social media, but to be successful, companies need a social media strategy. This should include goals and plans that gain business value out of social media.

Li, Berens and de Maertelaere claimed users are motivated to participate in social media by two factors, namely engagement and informedness. People want to connect with the companies and be informed about the price and availability of a product. Both factors have a positive relationship with corporate reputation. According to Dijkmans et al. positive corporate reputation leads to customers that are willing to pay more for products, are more loyal to the firm and will protect the company in times of crisis.

Dijkmans et al. also stated another important reason for the use of social media. Word-of-mouth and online reviews are trusted far more than traditional marketing. Besides positive feedback, a company obviously also receives complaints and these will be visible for all users on social media, but still, Dijkmans et al. believe the net effect of social media is positive. Surprisingly, the biggest advantage can be obtained from non-customers, that show more clear their changes in preferences.

Enginkaya and Yilmaz (2014) stated some drivers for customers to interect with brands through social media, in addition to the drivers mentioned by Li, Berens and Maertelaere. Consumers care about the objectiveness of others’s opinion about products or services and believe more in this than the website of the seller. Another driver are the viral marketing campaigns. Consumers expect some entertainment and amusement from brands on social media.

Heineken can be seen as an entertaining brand on social media, and is a great example for this. They are posting some videos on YouTube and share these across different social media channels. For example, during the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. Heineken posted a compilation of the people at the Museumsquare in Amsterdam who were watching the soccergame of the dutch team against Mexico.



Giamanco, B., and Gregoire, K. (2012) Tweet me, Friend me, Make me buy. Harvard Business Review 90(7/8) 88-93.

Li, T., Berens, G., and de Maertelaere, M. (2014) Corporate Twitter channels: The impact of engagement and informedness on corporate reputation. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, forthcoming.

Li, T. and Soonius, G. (2012) Is your social media strategy effective? An empirical study of the factors influencing the success of Facebook campaigns. Proceedings of the Workshop on Electronic Business, Orlando, FL, December.

Dijkmans, C., Kerkhof, P. and Beukeboom, C.J. (2014) A stage to engage: Social media use and corporate reputation.

Enginkaya, E. and Yilmaz, H. (2014) What drives consumers to interact with brands through social media? A motivation scale development study.

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