Pinterest has a bigger influence on shopping behavior




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When I was just surfing around on the net I came across an article about Pinterest.
In the article they said Facebook could learn a lot from Pinterest, talking about e-commerce. Accorsing to Bizrate Insights, a research center, buys 69 % of the people who visited Pinterest a particular article, in contrast to Facebook where this is only 40%.
This study concluded that most people who visit Pinterest are visiting because they want to get inspiration. In total this was around 70% of the people. Compared to Facebook this is only 17%. So this shows that it is more useful for companies to be on Pinterest than on Facebook.

They showed that 67% of the people use pinterest to follow the latest trends, and on Facebook only 22%.

Though it was interesting to see that facebook did better on special offers. Facebook could better be used as a promotion tool, where 33% of the people took an offer, where only 11% did on Pinterest.

So I could conclude that for companies pinterest could be an interesting place to give inspiration to people, and show them your products. But when you want to promote special products, Facebook is a better tool.


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Flynt, the new social media character




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KLM has decided to expand their social media team with a special Character: Flynt (Very Important Puppet).

Flynt has his own Facebook page ( From now on this character will show in his way the world of KLM, with a sense of humor.

Flynt has been made up by the social media team of KLM to help make hard subjects earier to discuss. His goal is to test their products, check out destinations, and show the organisation from the inside. The humor they will use is based on the fact that he missed the ‘social media boat’. What they mean with this is that he is a bit older so doesn’t exactly know how to use this tool.

While updating is status on facebook he will tell everything about what happends at KLM. An important feature of this character is that he will absolutely give answer to all questions asked. Ofcourse he can’t be at Facebook all day so it is possible that you will run into him on KLM, yes a real puppet.

If you want to read the full article check it out here:

And of course you want to check out his profile to:

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Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding, home assignment




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This week’s subject is Crowdsourcing and Crowd funding. I will give a short summary of my findings in the articles and then continue with the two examples I have used for this assignment, which are ‘My Starbucks Idea’ and ‘Britain in a Day’.

All articles were mainly focusing on crowdsourcing. In the first article of Afuah and Tucci, they give three options for an organization to solve a problem, which are crowdsourcing, solving the problem internal or designating an exclusive contractor to solve the problem. The most important reason why an agent would use crowdsourcing is when he doesn’t have the right knowledge to solve the problem. Other reasons are when the problem is easy to define and broadcasted to the crowd, when the final solution is easy to implement and because information technologies such as the internet are low cost, so the information is easily broadcasted to the crowd (Afuah & Tucci, 2012).

The second article of Jeppesen and Lakhani is more about the solver’s perspective. It gives two major processes that are involved by the problem solver, the first one is about being in different technical fields, so you don’t think in a box, and the second one is about social attributes, in this case gender where women are pushed out of the field.  An important conclusion they make is that problems aren’t fixed and given, but the solver can receive a problem different than the solution seeker, so he or she has a new perspective (Jeppsen & Lakhani, 2010).

The third article by Malone, Laubaucher and Dellarocas explains how crowdsourcing is being achieved. It is classified in four questions, what, who, why and how and makes a distinction between the creator and the decider (Dellarocas, Laubaucher & Malone, 2010).

The last article by Pisano and Verganti is about the type of collaboration a company can choose. It distinguishes four different types of collaboration, based on two factors. These factors are the type of governance, hierarchical or flat, and the participation degree, open or closed. The closed and hierarchical mode is the elite circle, the open and hierarchical mode is the innovation mall, the open and flat network is the innovation community and the closed and flat network is the consortium (Pisano & Verganti, 2008).

Then my examples. My first example was ‘My Starbucks Idea’. It’s a website from Starbucks where everybody can post ideas to improve the products, experience and involvement from Starbucks. When an idea is been valued well and the staff agrees they will implement the idea in the company. A strength of this example is that contributing is easy and fast, but you also don’t need any expertise. The last strength is that you can contribute to the community by giving your opinion on the submitted ideas. A weakness of this example is that because so many people participate, the chance that one of the staff members will see your idea is very small, even as the chance that your idea will be implemented.

My second example was ‘ Britain in a Day’. This is a project that launched in 2011 to create a movie about Britain. It’s a documentary that consists of short movies, made by all kind of different people. A strength here is that there is fewer contribution than with Starbucks, so you have a bigger chance that your video is chosen. The next strength is the same, you also don’t need expertise to participate, you just need to shoot you everyday life. The last strength is that the final product truly is of high quality. I base this on the fact that the movie is produced by Ridley Scot, who also produced ‘Black Hawk Down’. But there are also weaknesses, first of all, contributing takes quite some time because you need to make a short clip which could de-motivate people. And the last weakness is that your opinion doesn’t count. After submitting your clip you can’t contribute anything else to the project.


Denise Schut, 345828



Afuah, A.N., and Tucci, C.L. 2012. Crowdsourcing as a solution to distant search. The Academy of Management Review forthcoming.

Jeppesen, L.B., and Lakhani, K.R. 2010. Marginality and problem-solving effectiveness in broadcast search. Organization Science 21(5) 1016-1033

Malone, T.W., Laubacher, R., and Dellarocas, C. 2010. The collective intelligence genome. MIT Sloan Management Review 51(3) 21-31.

Pisano, G.P., and Verganti, R. 2008. Which kind of collaboration is right for you? Harvard Business Review 86(12) 78-86.

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We’re alone in the universe, or we’re not.




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I was just googeling around on the internet and then all of a certain I entered a website with many interesting articles about social media. Then I found a video from national geographic.

The video was about a project that continued to the ‘wow’ Signal. (See the image below)Source:


The Wow signal is the first evidence of the human race having contact with extraterrestrials. With that, it is also one of the biggest mysteries in science. This contact or ‘possible contact’ started in 1977, but in all the years following it was never detected again.

Now, in 2012, the scientist decided not to only listen, but try to make contact. They want to do this by sending out thousands of tweets into the universe. They chose three stars in spance to sent them to.

It was a really interesting video, and I was pretty amazed by it. I don’t know if there are extraterrestrials, or if they can receive those tweets, it sure is an amazing project.

Here is the video, so just check it out!

If you want to know more about the Wow Signal, check out this link:

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Social Networking Sites and Politics




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I was thinking about how Social Media is used in something that has a big impact on society. And then I thought about the elections .

In 2008 social networks were used in presidential campaigns in America. Sites like Facebook were used to find political information. These sites are used by the politics to reach the younger voters.

This link shows a video about the use of social media in the elections.

Barack Obama used the social media in his campaign quite a lot. He has his own website ‘’ , but is also active on more mainstream pages like MySpace and Facebook to raise funds, attract volunteers, and publicize campaign events. Even on Facebook Obama defeated McCain. He has 2.4 million supporters and McCain only 624.00. Facebook helped bring in new voters, which provided Obama his victory.

When I looked at the elections in Holland it was obvious that all parties are using the social media a lot. But what I noticed when I looked at some twitter accounts is that Geert Wilders from the PVV is the only one who doesn’t seem to follow anyone, while the other candidates are interactive with others as well as being followed on twitter.

I was actually wondering if this is some kind of strategie he is using. Does anyone have an opinion about this?

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