As we all know, the recent popularization of AI tools has significantly impacted not only the way businesses operate but also how we all learn, work and create. One specific type of AI and its use is the generative AI (GAI) for image creation. The tool allows for the creation of new images and videos based on the existing content available (Feuerriegel, et al., 2023). Interestingly, there is an ongoing research debate on how GAI uses the data, as according to Crawford and Paglen (2021), the so-called automated interpretation of the image is related to social and political practices (Crawford & Paglen, 2021). This can be explained by the fact that at last people train the GAI models on how they should interpret images. The recognition process is inherently based on the labels assigned by humans (Crawford & Paglen, 2021). Moving away from this more of a normative discussion, let me focus on some practical aspects of this amazing tool which can be experimented with on websites such as Bing Image Creator or DALLE-2.
I have to admit, that my recent experience with Bing Creator exceeded my expectations in its ease of use, high quality and speed. As a close friend of mine is currently working on an app to facilitate people meeting through travelling with a focus on the South of Europe, he reached out to me for some advice on further improving the app. Nevertheless, I am not a marketing specialist, I instantly recognized the need for a more eye-catching logo. Within only a few minutes, without prior designing experience, I could provide him with several versions of appealing and most importantly, free designs he could use in his work.
While big companies usually rely on their in-house marketing departments and designers, with easy access to GAI for image creation, many growing entrepreneurs have gained access to high-quality marketing and brand creation tools. Does this mean designers will lose their jobs soon? Or maybe they can use GAI to enhance their performance? And lastly, will this boost the entrepreneurial spirit of societies by decreasing the initial capital required?
Let me know what you think!
Below you can see an example of logo development for a new app.
Crawford, K., & Paglen, T. (2021). Excavating AI: the politics of images in machine learning training sets. AI & Society.
Feuerriegel, S., Hartmann, J., Janiesch, C. et al. Generative AI. Bus Inf Syst Eng (2023).