Disruptive innovation – Do we really need one?




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I have always been someone who is comfortable with technology and therefore have witnessed how digital technology has been evolving rapidly, I find it astonishing how digital invention has become the foundation of advancement in the modern age. But why do we need this precisely? Why do we need something that might replace us in our jobs? 

Last summer, I got in a situation where I was not able to move out of a small city because my car broke down on the way out. In previous years, one would think that nightmares were only found in movies – getting caught in an alien land with no clue on how to contact a mechanic for his mitts. Running up crazy figures in a towing bill was the least of one’s worries. However looking back, innovation in the digital ways changed that for me and I viewed it as a small problem.

In a matter of minutes after pulling out my smartphone, I have:

  1. Used Google Maps and searched for the local mechanics
  2. Read the reviews of other people in order to determine that one is trustworthy
  3. Clicked on the call button on the shop’s website
  4. Provided my current location to the mechanic
  5. Ordered a rideshare for me to go to a nearby café while I wait

Quick Google Map search could result in multiple helpful-suggestions. All in real-time1

This real life example shows well what this need for digital evolutions is all about. It’s not only about more or less exaggerated gadgets or higher internet speeds – it is about addressing issues of real importance and improving our quality of life in some practical manner.

The revolution in technology has shattered brick walls, made the restricted knowledge accessible to all, and brought people in the most unthought of ways. It makes us more productive, better informed and more flexible while dealing with rising difficulties.

In addition, to speak more broadly, digital innovations play a fundamental role in finding solutions for the world challenges. From advancing IT technologies to reduce the rates of climate change, to focusing on using AI in medical science to find diseases and their cures – the abundance for cause-and-effect is vast (Teja Reddy & Gatla Sr. Data Scientist, 2019).

Yet it may be worth reminding that although power can achieve an extraordinary change it is also coupled with responsibility. While striving for new levels of digital advancement, there are also challenges like data security, digital inequality, censorship and the morality of future technologies that will need to be tackled (M. Dionisio et al., 2023).

All in all, there is a need for digital innovation as it has the ability to change the way we live and solve more than one of the greatest problems known to humankind. Digital innovation is such that I have experienced its gains and therefore its future I am looking forward to where it will reach next. The world is ok for the future it is just that the people will have to be flexible and civilised in the way they embrace and use the latest technologies.


Dionisio, M., de Souza Junior, S. J., Paula, F., & Pellanda, P. C. (2024). The role of digital social innovations to address SDGs: A systematic review. Environment, Development and Sustainability26(3), 5709-5734. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-023-03038-x

Gatla, T. R. (2019). A cutting-edge research on AI combating climate change: Innovations and its impacts. INNOVATIONS6(09).

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