Protect Yourself. Stalkerware is closer than you think.




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How far are we going with the legitimate use of surveillance apps? We generally agree that parents can download an app on their child’s phone to keep an eye on what’s happening on the phone, but a suspicious partner or ex can keep an eye on you that way is not the intention to say the least. However, the reality is that in recent years the number of stalkerware apps has grown to thousands of apps available mainly on Google Play Store. How is it possible that the number of devices infected with stalkeware increased with 63% and research shows that still 86% of the adults are unaware of stalkerware or have only heard the name?

Technology for pernicious purposes

Technology is a powerful and positive tool for many different things and makes our lives more convenient. However, the same technologies can also turn against us as there are people who use it for pernicious purposes. In fact, adults are globally asked whether they are / were in a romantic relationship and significantly checking their partner. The result is shocking: 34% of the participants admitted that they’re spying on their partner. Although these people say that it was out of curiosity, it is still invasive and abusive. 

How does it work? You download an app on the phone of your partner / child / coworker (e.g. MobileTool, Agent and Cerberus) and you can change the icon of the app into a calculator or weather app so that the other doesn’t suspect that you’re spying. In the meantime, the app documents all messages, web searches, emails, locations and photos. Each app can collect different types of information, but they all work the same way: an abuser gets access to a phone of a victim and installs the app which is disguised as a normal application. The information gathered at the background is send to the abuser via email or downloaded via a website. 

Protect yourself

There are several tool to protect yourself from stalkerware such as two-factor authentication before installing an app, looking for unusual behavior on your phone, updating your software and auditing your online accounts. But the best advice, don’t think that it won’t happen to you. Be aware that there may be people in your close environment whom you trust but have bad intentions and misuse useful technologies. We don’t have the best way to defeat stalkerware, but we definitely can do something about it. With that, protect yourself. Stalkwerware is closer than you think and these apps are proliferating.


Chen, B. X. (2021). How to Find “Stalkerware” on Your Devices. The New York Times.

Norton Labs. (2021). A Year After Lockdown: Stalkerware on the Rise. NortonLifeLock Blogs.

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The future of content on demand: blockchain




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Blockchain, a phenomenon that caused several hypes including decentralized finance and the ownership with NFTs. However, a new hype is rising around content on demand. Through augmented reality and artificial intelligence, the experience of online content is taken to another level. It is used to create content that best suits the audience of the creator. The question that rises is what system is challenging the creator to create what the watchers like?

The problem of today’s social media platforms

You might relate to it, scrolling through your Instagram and seeing photos and videos that are quite similar to content of other creators. Often times creators think that specific content is a good fit for the viewer’s wishes as other creators are also making that content, while the viewer wants to see other things that are unique. For a lot of creators on platforms as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and TikTok it is difficult to set up a good revenue model. This because of the fact that creators are constantly dealing with trust issues. For instance, a YouTuber gets a request to create content but the question is who takes the first step? Is it the YouTuber that first makes the shots and receives money afterwards or does the YouTuber get the money beforehand. These questions were there for a long time, though the social media platforms waited too long with doing innovations on this subject, which will put them one step behind on the rising hype of blockchain.

The new hype of content creation

But what does blockchain have in common with creating content? Well, the technology behind this phenomenon is that you do not need permission from a third party and it is transparent. As it is programmable, you can set your own conditions regarding the payments, which are verifiable as well. This results in the fact that the creator and client are on the same level and no third party is arranging the transaction. What does that mean for the industry of content creation? With the use of blockchain, it is possible as a client to make specific requests related to content by their favorite creators. For example, you see that your favorite creator is traveling to Bali. You as a client can ask the creator to take a picture of something specific and you pay for it, in tokens. This results in greater interaction between the client and content creator.

In short, blockchain is not only the future of banking and ownership with NFTs, but also the future of content on demand. With blockchain, we will only see content that fits perfectly with our demand. But for now, it is still an expecting hype. We have to see what the future holds for us.


Hancock, J. (2020). Blockchain application for content creators. Medium.

Investopedia. (2020). How Blockchain is Revolutionizing Content Distribution.

Urrutia, K. (2021). How Blockchain is Affecting Content Creators on Social Media. Voy.

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