Virtual Reality for Training Medical Students




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Working in the medical field requires a wide range of knowledge, skills, and above all precision. According to WHO 2.6 million people die due to unsafe healthcare which underlines the importance of avoiding medical mistakes by empowering future medical students and creating a creative learning atmosphere to prepare them for what they will encounter as doctors, surgeons, obstetrics, etc.

The technology significantly impacts helping students and fresh graduates to become more familiar with the medical processes. In the next 20 years, all educational centers and hospitals will step on a new path to be involved with virtual reality by using modern gadgets. The world would be simulated to show students how to manage themselves in stressful situations and emergency conditions and learn to develop their skills and get familiar with the range of diseases by visiting patients and analyzing the symptoms. They apply all the lessons in a virtual environment which gives a massive chance to students to work on virtual patients without fearing doing it.

It allows students to learn in a virtual reality space and get hands- on experience in this modern world, then start their job after getting ready. Students can also be present in every live and real treatment session or surgery without being there physically. It gives them a great opportunity to make themselves prepared before visiting a patient, gives them more self-esteem about their abilities, and of course, reduces human errors in health care.

Using VR provides mass education for students without any limits. They attend the lectures from their home, working on several cases at any time, doing trial and error and simulations, and preparing for future work. 

Using VR in this field is cost-beneficial for everyone. Still, more important, it helps to gain the knowledge of doctors to reduce the risks of medical errors in the world, especially in developing countries. As this technology will help people, governments can be part of this effective action and give subsidies to universities and hospitals to help the nations and the world. It can be seen as an investment for the government because they give money now to prevent some significant issues in the future. And as all say, prevention is better than occurrence.


Jasarevic, T. (2019). WHO calls for urgent action to reduce patient harm in healthcare. Retrieved from WHO:

Morozova, A. (2020). Top Real World Examples of Using Virtual Reality in Medicine. Retrieved from jasoren:

Shetty, R. (2021). Virtual reality: A medical training revolution during COVID-19. Retrieved from med-technews:

Virtual Reality in Medical Training: Educate Better, Save More Lives. (2021). Retrieved from program-ace:

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Data privacy is not a game, even in the gaming industry!




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Gaming is a growing industry as it provided 159.3 billion dollars in 2020. In general, video games are based on the interaction between humans and computers, which means potentially a good amount of data can be collected from gamers and later utilized for different purposes. Users’ Data is not only used by gaming companies but also by middleware for advertisement or financial goals.

Gaming companies benefit from the data collected from users to diagnose the bugs in their products. The player’s behavior and success or failure in the game give valuable information to developers to enhance the gaming experience. For example, through data, they identify which parts of the game are too confusing or difficult to play so that they can modify the game design.

The data collected from users’ behavior in the game is also used to improve the game’s artificial intelligence. For instance, chess gaming companies have gradually enhanced their AI by benefiting from real players’ input, and they can now defeat the best chess players in the world.

In addition to enhancing the game design, gaming companies use the data to identify game cheating patterns. For example, activation uses data to detect players trying to boost their online score and ranking through unfair methods.

Apart from the gaming companies, the data collected from gamers have been used for research purposes. For example, research has suggested a correlation between the player’s activities in the game and their personality. For instance, the ones who fell more into the game atmosphere had less conscientious personalities.

Moreover, players’ data is a valuable source for the advertising industry. Like the data about people’s behavior on social media, gaming companies can provide advertisers with data on players’ interactions so the companies can show targeted ads to players at the right time and place.

However, collecting players’ data has raised some debate about users’ privacy and information security. Gamers share much personal information on gaming platforms, such as name, ID, age, and even financial information. The companies have been criticized for not removing the users’ data after they leave the venue and removing their accounts. The risk is not limited to data privacy in which the personal information is collected and sold to other companies. With thriving online gaming and in-app purchases, attackers may hack the systems to steal real money from gamers.

Overall, the gaming industry is still growing, and there should be regulations to mandate that companies improve their data collection and security policies. So far the European Union in 2018 published regulation for data management in which the gaming companies have to comply with if they want to work in Europe.


Bamboo. (2021). Online Gaming Industry Needs More “Privacy by Design”. Retrieved from bamboodataconsulting:

EGLISTON, B. (2022). The Unnerving Rise of Video Games that Spy on You. Retrieved from Wired:

SINGH, A. (2022). If Data Privacy Is Overlooked, It’ll Be a ‘Game-Over. Retrieved from cpomagazine:

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