The echo chamber effect of social media




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In our daily life, the information we gather can be retracted from different sources and is able to offer different perspectives. However, with the current algorithms of social media, these different perspectives may be difficult to stumble upon. 

Wondering why? It is because the algorithms that lie at the basis of social media are most likely creating an echo chamber. This is quite an abstract concept, but the definition of an echo chamber is an environment in which people only are provided information and perspectives that align, reflect or reinforce the opinions they already have. This effect is reinforced by the confirmation bias of humans, which can be defined as favoring information that confirms the already existing beliefs and opinions. 

The algorithms that guide the content shown to you on social media, are systems that enable personalization in order to show everyone content that they are actually interested in. However, this personalization also causes you to only view certain topics, while others are filtered out since they do not match you data profile. Furthermore, information, perspectives and opinions that reflect your own beliefs are shown, because they match your data profile. Social media thus creates a filter bubble, a type of echo chamber that is created by algorithms that keep track of your scrolling behavior, in order to show content that you have already shown interest in. Your personal beliefs are reinforced as a result and this can cause social and political polarization and extremism.

Another problem is that these echo chambers are very difficult to discover, especially if you are already in one. However, there are some way to avoid or diminish the echo chamber effect, though it is up to us to encourage our lazy brains to search for different angles and opinions. We need to make it a habit to check multiple sources and websites that offer different angles, in order to obtain more objective or diverse information, despite the fact that this will probably consume more of our time. We also need to surround ourselves with people with divergent opinions from our own and should not be afraid to start a discussion about a topic in order to find new perspectives. It is furthermore advised that you are aware of the presence of fake news and the echo chamber. And in the end remember, just because you want something to be true, does not mean it is actually the truth and certainly not the only truth.

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Technological possibilities are endless: How technology is used in the sports of basketball.




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Nowadays, we can see the trend of digitalization literally everywhere. There is not one area or topic that digitalization has not had an impact on. The sport of basketball, one of the most practiced sports in the world, is no exception to this. Recently, several technologies, that can improve referee, coach and player performance, have been adopted in this sport.

One of the first technological possibilities that had an impact on the sports, is the possibility to watch back a game or training. It helps identifying mistakes and improving on these areas. However, while this is a nice start, technology has developed further and using technology to improve your skill-level is a requirement if you want to belong to the top.

One of the ways technological development is represented in the sport of basketball, is in the use of high-tech or smart basketballs. These look like traditional balls, but they include Bluetooth and smartphone pairing options. This enables players to assemble data on their shot accuracy, dribble speed and other performances. By using such a smart ball, it is very easy to track whether you are making progress or not.

Furthermore, several innovative systems that improve shot accuracy, such as Noah Basketball, have been developed. These systems gather and analyze data and are able to provide real-time feedback. The Noah Basketball system analyzes shots of a player and immediately gives verbal responses. For example, it can tell a player the angle his elbow should be in in order to have the best shot accuracy. 

But technology has not only been implemented to improve player performance, coaches also benefit from this. They are able to gather and analyze data on their team and individual players and adjust their training or game-strategy according to this. IT goes even further in calculating which strategy work best against what team or which player is most likely to hit the game-winning three pointer from the right side. On top of that, innovative systems have the capability of evaluating new players and give recommendations on scouting and recruitment. 

Lastly, technology has had a major impact on referee performance. In early stages, it enables referees to communicate with each other through headphones. Nowadays, technology is deployed for referees way beyond this. In basketball, replay vision is used to evaluate last touch decisions in the last two minutes of a game and also helps determining if players have released the ball before the shot clock goes off. In some non-NBA games, organizations started piloting with robot referees. However, while this is something that might become reality in the future, these days we still rely on the human eye.

It can thus be concluded that technology has also majorly impacted the game of basketball in multiple areas. Despite this major impact, we can certainly forecast that the technological impact is nowhere done and will continue to disrupt the way this sport is practiced for sure.

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