How Will Generative AI Be Used in the Future? Answer: AutoGen




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The generative AI we know of today is ChatGPT, Midjourney, and DALL·E 3 and many more. This generative AI is very good and advanced, but there are some flaws, like not being able to perform long iterations. Now there is something new called AutoGen. AutoGen is an open-source project from Microsoft that was released on September 19, 2023. AutoGen at its core, is a generative AI model that works with agents; those agents work together in loops. Agents are in essence, pre-specified workers that can become anything, so there are agents that can code well and agents that can review the generated code and give feedback. Agents can be made to do anything and become experts in any field, from marketing to healthcare.

An example of what AutoGen can do is the following: if I want to write some code to get the stock price of Tesla, I could use ChatGPT, and it will output some code. Most of the time, the code that is written by chatGPT via the OpenAI website will have some errors. But with AutoGen, there are two or more agents at work: one that will output code and the second one that is able to run the code and tell the first model if something is wrong. This process of generating the code and running the code will go on until the code works and results in the correct output. This way, the user does not have to manually run the code and ask to fix the errors or other problems with AutoGen it is done automatically.

I also tried to create some code with AutoGen. I first installed all the necessary packages and got myself an API key for openAI GPT4. Then I started working on the code and decided to create the game “Snake”. Snake is an old and easy game to create, but it might be a challenge for AutoGen. I started the process of creating the snake game, and it had its first good run. I was able to create the first easy version of the game. I then came up with some iterations to improve the game. The game now also has some obstacles that, if the snake bumps into one, the game will end. This was also made by AutoGen without any problems. After palying around, I was really amazed at how powerful this AutoGen is, and I can only imagine what else can be created with AutoGen.

AutoGen is a very promising development and will be the future of professional code development or atomization tasks. If the large language models (LLMs) get more powerful, this AutoGen will also be more powerful because all the individual agents will be more powerful. It is interesting to follow this development and see if this AutoGen could create games that are not yet existing.

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How Tools Like Midjourney are Changing the Creative Industry




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Midjourney is a tool to create AI-generated photos. These images are getting more and more realistic and are generated in seconds. Midjourney is trained with images ranging from normal dog and human pictures to high-end art from the Mona Lisa and Vincent van Gogh. The tool can now generate any image in any style you would want or could dream of. Every year, a lot of images are sold online and offline, like postcards, posters, and other art works. There are a lot of creative people who earn their money by creating this art.

A few months ago, I tried to create some images, and I was amazed at how good the results were. If we are at the beginning of this AI revelation, this will only get better with time (a few images I created are visible at the top of this blog). The image on the right that I created with midjourney is in the style of an artist called Kim Jung Gi. This image was created in seconds and looks a lot like the style from Kim Jung Gi this can be done with any style from any artist. The image that I created are not yet super good, but there are some images created by other people that are hard to distinguish from real ones. This will only get better over time, and this raises the question of copyrights and if tools like Midjourney are allowed to train their models with the artwork of other people.

On the other hand, if these images are created so easily, they will not be perceived as of high value because anyone can create them in seconds. This might create a divide in the market for art that is created by humans and AI. Just like we have now, if you buy a copy of the Mona Lisa, you do not have to pay much or anything if you find a copy online. But if you want to buy the real Mona Lisa, you would have to be a billionaire to comfortably be able to afford such art. So, the market will adapt and probably only view real art that is made by humans as of high value.

So, should we not use Midjourney at all because there are issues with copyrights? Probably not. There are measures to see if art is really made by someone or if it is fake. Tools like Midjourney also bring a lot of positives into the world, such as inspiration for new art, and regular people might enjoy making art for personal use. Lastly, we could use it to make stunning new art that is not possible to make by humans. The creative industry will have a chance, and there will be a divide between human art and AI art, but this will certainly not mean the end of human art, probably the opposite.

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