The World’s First Clean Meatball




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The agricultural industry, and more specifically the meat industry, is expected to change significantly in the upcoming decades (Le Mouël et al., 2015). Today’s society is facing numerous challenges regarding feeding the growing human population. Alexandratos and Bruinsma (2012) argue that a sixty percent increase in the world food supply is needed before 2050 to feed the unprecedented increasing human population. Besides the necessity of feeding the population, the agricultural industry must respond to developing social expectations as well as reducing the carbon footprint significantly (Hocquette, 2016). Society is becoming increasingly concerned with the life and welfare of animals, the threatened environment as well as a balanced and healthy diet. Further, as the agricultural industry is responsible for one-third of all human-caused greenhouse emissions reducing the industries carbon footprint is essential in limiting the effects of climate change (Gilbert, 2012). Summarizing, the agricultural and meat industry are unsustainable in its current form (Feenstra, 2013). The aforementioned factors will drive fast-paced changes in the industry, one of which is artificial meat.

Artificial meat, or lab-grown meat, is supposedly heading to your dinner table. Lab-grown meat is made by taking a muscle sample from the animal, after which stem cells are collected. The stem cells are dramatically multiplied which ‘allows them to differentiate into primitive fibers that then bulk up to form muscle tissue’ (Scientific American, 2018). Over the last decade several start-ups have attempted to turn artificial meat into an economically viable solution ranging from beef, poultry, pork to seafood. For example, Memphis Meat has attracted 17 million dollars in funding from multiple investors including Bill Gates and developed the world’s first clean meatball. Unfortunately, a quarter-pound of Memphis Meat’s ground beef costs $600 (which still is a significant reduction from $300.000 in 2013).

Economically viable lab-grown meat has multiple benefits. Not only does it generate employment through the creation of a new industry, it can help support the increasing demand for meat around the world. As stated in the first paragraph, the agricultural industry in its current form is not able to (carbon) effectively feed the growing world population. Furthermore, artificial meat would stimulate small-scale farming while decreasing factory farming. Factory farming is notorious for its poor conditions and lack of regard for the life and welfare of animals. In other words, artificial meat is superior from an ethical stand point as well. A point often overlooked are the health benefits associated with lab-grown meat. Besides being able to control the ratios of protein or fat in the meats, there is almost no need for antibiotics as the meat will be produced in a sterile environment. The US Food and Drug Administration argued that antibiotics in the diets of our livestock contribute significantly to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria (FDA, 2018). Lastly and most importantly, are the suitability benefits of lab-grown meats. Jacobsen (2017) states that making “1,000 kg of cultured meat takes 7 to 45% less energy, 78% to 96% lower greenhouse emissions, about 90% less water, and 99% less land.” Therefore, switching from factory farming to the laboratories could have a long-term positive impact on the environment.

The potential benefits of lab-grown meat are significant and widely shared. However, issues such as taste, safety, healthfulness, technological developments and costs are often underexposed. Although the artificial meat industry still has a long way to go and a lot of hurdles to cross, I’m willing to bet you a (lab-grown) burger that McDonald’s will sell clean meat in the upcoming decade.

Arthur Fortanier

Would you eat artificial meat? Why (not)?


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Robin: The First Dutch Sex Robot




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Artificial intelligence, or more specifically voice assistants, have made incredible improvements over the last few years. It is exceptionally difficult for a machine to understand the complex nuances of linguistics. However, due to improvements in the fields of voice recognition, speech synthesis and natural language processing, voice assistants have become valuable (Smartsheet, 2018). Despite privacy concerns, society has opened their homes and hearts to voice assistants. In the United States, sixty-nine percent of the population uses voice assistants at least once a month. Moreover, Finch (2018) argues that voice based personal assistants will become ubiquitous in the near future.

The aforementioned technological improvements have proven to not only be valuable for voice assistants. Besides Alexa, Siri, Bixby and Google Assistant, we can now add Robin to the list. Robin has brown hair, she is 1 meter and 63 centimers and she is presumably the first Dutch speaking sexrobot. This weekend, Robin was released to the public for the first time during the Robot Love exhibition in Eindhoven. For approximately 5000 euros, customers can create a personalized sexrobot. What makes Robin so special is the fact that she does only react to touch, her capabilities are similar to those of a voice assistant as she strives to hold conversation. Van der Voort, the founder and creator of Robin, states that most of his customers aren’t necessarily interested in having a sexual relationship with the robot, but long for interaction and personalized affection.

Besides admiration for our current technological capabilities, Robin and similar sexrobot raise ethical questions. Forthwith, there are no rules or laws for the development and sales of sexrobots. However, there are sexrobots pushing the virtuous boundaries. For example, the Canadian juridical system currently discusses a case whether or not the possession of child sexrobots should be permitted. Van Wynsberghe, professor at the TU Delft and president of the Responsible Robotics Foundations, states that a public debate is needed to find the degree of acceptance for the field of (sex) robotics. Not necessarily to prohibit sex robots but merely to lead the industry in the right direction.

Arthur Fortanier

1. How will sexbots affect intimate relationships between human beings?
2. Will they harm the user and the society around them?
3. Is there something problematic about the symbolism of sex robots?
4. Can you have a loving intimate relationship with a robot?


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Neurotechnology: Connecting Brains and Computers




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In his most recent (and controversial) interview, Elon Musk not only took a drag of a cigarette laced with marijuana (consequently plummeting Tesla’s stock price), the chairman and chief executive officer of Tesla briefly touched upon linking brains and computers. Although one could argue that this idea might have been put forward due to the aforementioned cigarette, Musk stated on multiple occasions that a ‘merger of biological intelligence and machine intelligence’ would be necessary to remain relevant in an age of artificial intelligence. Musk’s fascination with ‘neurotechnology’ stems from his desire to increase efficiency in every facet of his life. Ultimately, Musk wants to ‘directly tap into the brain, bypassing (inefficient) mechanisms including speaking and texting’.

Musk is not the only tech guru in Silicon Valley abuzz with neurotechnology. Bryan Jonhson, the chief executive officer of Kernel, believes ‘neural lacing’ is the future. In simpler words, the American entrepreneur wants to enhance human intelligence by developing neurological implants which are directly linked to computers. Similarly, Mark Zuckerberg stated that Facebook users will one day be able to share ‘full sensory and emotional experiences’. The company’s research and development team is already working on a typing-by-brain project. Another opportunity underlying neurotechnology is illustrated by Mary Lou Jepsen who launched a start-up called Openwater. The seasoned Silicon Valley executive and her team are working on optical-imaging system which provides high-resolution images. These images can be translated and interpreted in real time, opening the doors for possible telepathic applications according to Jepsen. John Donoghue, the director of the Wyss Centre for Bio and Neuroengineering in Geneva, is more down to earth. Donoghue argues that although neurotechnologists are able to do incredible things, a lot of the functioning of the human brain remains unclear. “It is valuable to set a really ambitious goal that gets everyone really excited, especially if it drives investment,” Donoghue states. “On the other hand, they may be setting false expectations for what can be achieved, which will then create disillusionment.”

From an academic perspective, neurotechnology can be defined as ‘any artificial means to interact with the workings of the brain’ (Lynch, 2006). In other words, neurotechnology has a fundamental influence on our understanding of the brain, higher order activities and multiple aspects of consciousness However, neurotechnology also incorporates improvements in and the repairs of brain function. Although the field of neurotechnology has been around for almost half a century, the field reached maturity with the advent of brain imaging around twenty years ago (Eaton & Illes, 2007). Since then the major developments can be categorized into imaging (visually mapping brain activity), transcranial magnetic stimulation, implant technologies and cell therapy which play in an important role throughout different facets of health care. Neurotechnological applications have helped in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, bipolarity, brain tumours, deafness and blindness. However, despite the innovations and advancements in the neurotechnological industry, we’re far from the plug-and-play applications as sketched by the Silicon Valley based executives. Paul Sajda, professor at Columbia University, summarizes the current state of affairs perfectly; “The typical Silicon Valley attitude is that if you throw enough money at something, you can solve the problem, while that approach might work for applied sciences, it does not necessarily work when there are fundamental questions that are yet to be answered.”

Arthur Fortanier

How long will it be until the average person receives a brain implant to interact with computers?


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