Will the job of a photographer still exist in a few years?




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I like taking pictures and that is why sometimes when I go for a walk, I use this opportunity to exploit my artistic side and take photos. I always send them to my friends in Poland as they are always curious about what I do. Once, I went for a walk to Kralingse Bos. As always, I took thousands of photos of my friends, the park, and the pond. Then I sent it to my friends on the group chat. One of them mentioned that I have a talent and should pursue a photographic career. Nevertheless, a different friend said that a job as a photographer will be gone soon because many AI tools, such as Bing Image Creator, may create nice photos in seconds. Bing Image Creator is an AI developed by Microsoft that enables users to create an image based on the written description provided (Mehdi, 2023). As this was the first time, I had heard about this tool, I decided to try it out. I thought that in order to be able to answer my friend’s message about the photographer’s job being gone in a few years, I decided to ask Bing to create a similar photo I had taken that day. Thus, I asked Bing to create a photo of “a park with a pond in a sunlight” (see attachment for the results). When I saw the result, I was very surprised. I have never tried AI image creators, so I did not have much experience with such softwares, however, I definitely did not expect the AI to generate such a beautiful photo. It was breathtaking, better than mine, and without knowing that the photo was created by AI, I would definitely think that it was taken by a person. I immediately sent the generated photo on the group chat and partially agreed with my friend, who mentioned that the profession of photographer will soon disappear and be replaced with artificial intelligence such as Bing. I am not sure if this profession will be gone completely, however, it will definitely reduce the need to hire a photographer every time you need to have a nice photo. With AI, everyone can create a digital image (Q.ai – Powering A Personal Wealth Movement, 2022). Nevertheless, because of copyright concerns and how they affect artists, there is a great deal of uncertainty around AI-generated images (Q.ai – Powering A Personal Wealth Movement, 2022). Thus, even if the photographer profession disappears, it will take years for people to fully understand how they can leverage AI for image creation. Besides, because of the fact that it is sometimes hard to distinguish if the work is created by AI, many challenges arise as well. An example might include misinformation, fake news, and unreliability (Li, 2020). Thus, should we be worried about how AI image creators will affect our lives? Could artificial intelligence capture and produce the kinds of visuals that are currently produced by skilled photographers? Please let me know in the comments what you think!


Li, T. (2020). Challenges and opportunities of AI [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYqzaeeRL-8

Mehdi, Y. (2023). Create images with your words – Bing Image Creator comes to the new Bing – The Official Microsoft Blog. The Official Microsoft Blog. https://blogs.microsoft.com/blog/2023/03/21/create-images-with-your-words-bing-image-creator-comes-to-the-new-bing/

Q.ai – Powering A Personal Wealth Movement. (2022). Dall·E Mini And The Future Of Artificial Intelligence Art. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/qai/2022/10/21/dalle-mini-and-the-future-of-artificial-intelligence-art/?sh=435c1e1a7d78

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ChatGPT is transforming the marketing industry!




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Nowadays, artificial intelligence (AI) is almost everywhere (Li, 2020). AI is an intelligent technology that can think and behave like a person (Deng & Lin, 2023). They are created to learn from their surroundings and make decisions based on the information they are given (Deng & Lin, 2023). According to Li (2020), AI is used to create value in many areas. An example might include increasing efficiency by automating tasks that were formerly performed manually (Li, 2020). Moreover, AI helps in making better and more accurate choices (Li, 2020). Additionally, AI improves personalization by customizing the appropriate product and messaging to the right person at the right time on the right device in the right location (Li, 2020). Lastly, AI brings a positive transformation by making companies and society better and safer (Li, 2020). Overall, AI impacts the five domains of strategy, namely customers, competition, data, innovation, and value, thus being able to disrupt almost all of the industries (Li, 2020).

An example of AI might include ChatGPT. ChatGPT is a natural language processing system that was developed by a company, called Open AI (Deng & Lin, 2023). It can recognize the context of a conversation and produce appropriate reactions (Deng & Lin, 2023). In general, it increases efficiency, and accuracy while decreasing costs for labor (Deng & Lin, 2023). You may wonder: how ChatGPT may help with marketing, an industry that demands being creative. Rivas & Liang (2023) found that ChatGPT-based solutions can assist marketers in producing material more quickly and, perhaps, with higher quality than that produced by human content creators. Additionally, it was discovered that it can help businesses improve efficiency by automating customer care, conducting more effective market research, and better understanding customers (Rivas & Liang, 2023).

Now, I will explain how ChatGPT helps me personally with the marketing initiatives that I have to perform for the company I work for. As part of my job, I have to promote the products that my company is selling, while also promoting events that my organization is offering. My main objective is to raise awareness about the firm and increase engagement on social platforms, like Instagram and LinkedIn. Since I am a student, I am part of the association, and I have two part-time jobs, I consider myself a quite busy person. A week ago, I felt a little bit overwhelmed with all of the responsibilities that I had taken. Therefore, I started to think about ways to speed up each task I have to do, while still being able to deliver good-quality results. This is when I started to utilize ChatGPT in my marketing-related responsibilities. Now, I use ChatGPT to increase my efficiency, improve my ideas, and gain inspiration when I am stuck. You may wonder how exactly I use ChatGPT. First of all, I use it to help me with the captions for the posts that I have to create each week. I give ChatGPT all of the information needed to include in the caption as well as the goal – what I want to achieve with each post, e.g., engage customers, start a discussion, increase sales, etc. Then, ChatGPT provides a few examples of the captions and I use them as an inspiration, working on them further as unfortunately, they are never perfect. Second, I use ChatGPT for brainstorming, while working on a new campaign or promotion, when I am stuck and do not have many ideas. I basically ask the AI many questions, and I believe that together we are able to create a better solution than each of us would be able to create separately. Overall, ChatGPT helps me with my marketing-related work by improving my ideas, and efficiency, as well as offering different perspectives.

Please let me know how ChatGPT is helping you with your marketing initiatives! What do you think, what are the risks associated with ChatGPT in the marketing industry? Will the development of ChatGPT reduce the marketing workforce in each company? I am curious to read your comments.


Deng, J., & Lin, Y. (2023). The Benefits and Challenges of ChatGPT: An Overview. Frontiers in Computing and Intelligent Systems, 2(2), 81–83. https://doi.org/10.54097/fcis.v2i2.4465

Filipovic, A. (2023). How to use ChatGPT in digital Marketing (+Prompts) (2023). MeasureSchool. https://measureschool.com/chatgpt-in-digital-marketing/

Li, T. (2020). Challenges and opportunities of AI [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYqzaeeRL-8

Rivas, P., & Liang, Z. (2023). Marketing with ChatGPT: Navigating the Ethical Terrain of GPT-Based Chatbot Technology. AI, 4(2), 375–384. https://doi.org/10.3390/ai4020019

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