Can ChatGPT generate new unique bedtime stories for my child?




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Imagine your life with kids, coming home exhausted after a long work day and your child is waiting for you to play together full of energy. You have to cook dinner, shower, tidy up the living room, read them a story before going to bed and so on. Can ChatGPT help you with that? As we all know ChatGPT comes up immediately with creative essay ideas and easily solves every problem straight away, I asked it to “generate an original story in maximum 400 words” and this is what I got:

Is the generated story really an original piece or is it an amalgamation of other stories?

So, it turned out that ChatGPT based its story on the collection of these three fairy tales for kids. But is this necessarily bad? ChatGPT still made its own version mixing these three stories, so this means that it can create many different versions of bedtime stories as long as it mixes different existing stories. As children are excited to hear new stories, ChatGPT can grab their attention every time. Moreover, most old but also new stories are recycled ideas from other sources such as having similar folklore stories in cultures that are close to each other (McManus, 2023). So, the chances for somebody not to have thought of a concept and made it into a story are slim. Overall, the story is easy to follow with not as many characters and containing the mystery and magic characteristics of fairy tales makes it engaging for kids. What might be considered as a problem is that ChatGPT is trying to deceive us by pretending that it didn’t use any external sources to create the story but then when asking the question differently it is prone to admit that it is a mix of stories. This is important to address because this is proof that we should be careful how we use ChatGPT and to what extent we believe it at first glance. Therefore, we should always ask it the same question but phrased differently in order to see how ChatGPT can change its answer.

In conclusion, ChatGPT seems to be able to generate new stories every day before bedtime which would make my child excited to go to bed but also can develop their imagination. Then, here comes the question would the authors of child stories be endangered by ChatGPT such as we can also generate visuals of ChatGPT’s story by other AI Generative tools? Would we then ever need to buy books with bedtime stories?


McManus, M. R. (2023). How folklore works. HowStuffWorks.

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Can Generative AI change the world of Marketing?




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A few months ago there was a Coca-Cola advertisement that everyone was talking about. Coca-Cola has decided to create a “Masterpiece” advertisement by using Generative AI Stable Diffusion (Dean, 2023). The ad itself represents a student in a gallery hall drawing sketches, while a Coca-Cola bottle is being tossed around people who come alive from classical and modern paintings. The bottle changes its appearance according to the style of the painting that it is currently in. At the end of the ad the bottle reaches the boy, he drinks and feels inspired to continue his drawings (Dean, 2023). When watching the ad, the audience cannot distinguish between what is AI generated and what is added by humans because of their perfectly blended combination. However, the making video reveals that the characters from the paintings that come to life are real people but everything around them is generated by Stable Diffusion. The ad is named “a true work of art” (Rajput, 2023). Furthermore, Coca-Cola is creating a new limited edition Y3000 flavour “with a taste of the future” which design is fully generated by Stable Diffusion (Edwards, 2023). Therefore, it seems that Coca-Cola will continue using Stable Diffusion in different forms in their marketing in the future.

Stunned by this experience, I decided to try the tool myself and see how endangered is the marketing industry. I tried with generating different people and animals. Overall, the pictures look realistic, but there are some problems with them. Some defects that I have encountered in people are related to their eyes looking in different directions, their teeth being blurry when they smile, their fingers being more than 5 when they hold something and also not that detailed such as having no nails. The Coca-Cola bottle is also blurry and the label is not readable. When looking at the rat, it has 4 hands because the AI is confused and has added extra hands for it to hold the bike frame.

The experience with Stable Diffusion (the free online option) has left me with a good impression of its ease of use and fast generation of content. Although there are still some problems with perfect people and animals generation, the Coca-Cola advertisement is showing a new way of ad creation which can be impressive and easily captivates the attention of the targeted audience through the whole time of the ad (Gaiduk, 2023).

Do you think that Stable Diffusion can change the world of Marketing and how far are we from that to happen? In what ways? Maybe more personalized AI-generated ads based on each other’s preferences?


Brinks, D. (2023). Coca-Cola’s masterpiece – MarketingFacts. Marketingfacts.

Dean, I. (2023). Finally, a good use of AI? Coca-Cola’s new ad is a branding masterpiece. Creative Bloq.

Edwards, B. (2023). Coca-Cola embraces controversial AI image generator with new “Y3000” flavor. Ars Technica.

Gaiduk, D. (2023). AI creation, AI validation: A case study of Coca-Cola’s ‘Masterpiece.’ Medium.

Rajput, A. S. (2023). Coca-Cola’s latest commercial: A stunning fusion of 3D, Film, and AI – Social Nation. Social Nation – Find what’s happening in the digital content world.

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