Who owns AI-generated art?




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In an age where artificial intelligence is pushing the boundaries of creativity, the realm of AI-generated art has become a topic of fascination and debate. However, it brings with it a complex problem – copyright. The question of who owns and can profit from AI-generated artwork is a challenge that’s stirring discussions in the art world and legal circles (Mahari, Fjeld, & Epstein, 2023).

AI-generated art, often created by algorithms, neural networks, or generative models, challenges the traditional notion of authorship. It blurs the lines between human and machine creativity. So, who should hold the rights to AI-created pieces?

One argument is that the person or organization who owns the AI system should be the copyright holder. But this viewpoint raises questions about AI’s true creative potential. AI, after all, relies on massive datasets and human programming to produce art. Is it genuinely an independent creator, or is it merely a tool at the artist’s disposal?

Conversely, some argue that the human artist using the AI should be credited as the creator. They provide the creative direction, select algorithms, and make aesthetic choices. However, this stance faces criticism too, as it can undervalue the AI’s role in the creative process.

This AI-generated piece won the Colorado State Fair, causing large amounts of controversy. (via: Jason Allen/New York Times).

Lastly, generative AI models are trained using human-made images. These images are usually picked from the internet, without artists’ consents, and used to train the models. This, in theory, could also mean that AI-generated art is plagiarizing the art used to train it (Appel, Neelbauer, & Schweidel, 2023).

The legal system hasn’t fully caught up with the nuances of AI-generated art. Existing copyright laws were crafted with human authors in mind and struggle to accommodate the evolving landscape of AI creativity. Nevertheless, new developments are turning the tide against AI-generated content. Recently, an American court ruled that AI cannot hold copyright for pieces created without human input (Reuters, 2023).

As AI-generated art gains popularity, it’s vital to address the copyright issue proactively. A fair and comprehensive legal framework is needed to protect the rights of all parties involved – AI system creators, artists, and the public.


Appel, G., Neelbauer, J., & Schweidel, D. A. (2023, April 7). Generative AI has an intellectual property problem. Harvard Business Review. https://hbr.org/2023/04/generative-ai-has-an-intellectual-property-problem

Brittain, B. (2023, August 21). AI-generated art cannot receive copyrights, US Court says. Reuters. https://www.reuters.com/legal/ai-generated-art-cannot-receive-copyrights-us-court-says-2023-08-21/

Mahari, R., Fjeld, J., & Epstein, Z. (2023, June 15). Generative AI is a minefield for copyright law. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/generative-ai-is-a-minefield-for-copyright-law-207473

Roose, K. (2022, September 2). An A.I.-generated picture won an art prize. Artists aren’t happy. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/02/technology/ai-artificial-intelligence-artists.html

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How ChatGPT is Democratizing Programming




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Innovative solutions are tearing down learning barriers

Coding and Data Science are careers that are currently in very high demand. Traditionally, getting into coding has involved acquiring a lot of hard skills that take time and dedication. Thanks to ChatGPT, that is no longer true, at least not to the same extent.

ChatGPT’s applications are endless, and writing code is not beyond its capacities. With basic knowledge of how to feed prompts, a user can easily take advantage of GPT’s coding skills and obtain results that extend beyond what the users themselves may know about coding. It is also useful for detecting errors in code, as you can feed it a problematic block of code and, with the right prompt, receive accurate troubleshooting assistance. This can be of great help to newbie coders, as it can essentially act as an experienced programmer to whom you can go for help fixing those errors that you just can’t seem to pin down.

In the image above you can see a crude example of what ChatGPT is capable of. With an extremely simple prompt, GPT was capable of producing a simple code doing exactly what was asked, and even wrote an explanation of the different portions of the code in text. The potential of such applications for learning is immense.

Previously, becoming a self-taught programmer without a formal education was a time intensive task. The best way to learn was through trial and error and with lots and lots of browsing for answers to issues on Google and Stack Overflow (a programming forum). Thanks to Generative AI, there is no longer such a pressing need for these tools and it is possible to obtain customized answers to your questions in an instant. This makes the process much easier, and a lot less frustrating.

But don’t just take my word for it. Academics are also very enthusiastic about the capabilities of ChatGPT for programming. According to Biswas (2023), ChatGPT can be used as a tool to assist in task such as:

  1. Code Completion and Correction
  2. Document generation
  3. Chatbot development
  4. Text-to-Code Generation
  5. Answering technical queries

The applications of GPT for programming are also not limited to the conventional chat box. OpenAI, the developer of ChatGPT, offers free access to the API for Python, which can be used to produce prompts for GPT in that programming language, which makes interaction with the AI much more simple while unlocking the potential of more complex prompts, for more complex applications such as building chat bots or creating code. It can sound scary, but this tool is also quite accessible to newbie programmers. OpenAI, in collaboration with DeepLearningAI, released a free crash course titled “ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers” which only requires an introductory level of Python to understand.

When making use of this tool, a programmer can step up the effectiveness of their communication with GPT by an order of magnitude. By utilizing the AI and using programmed prompts, a programmer can obtain much more consistent results from their inquiries and save time spent producing different inputs for every inquiry.

In short, the legitimate applications for ChatGPT seem truly endless. As people continue to gather experience from GPT (and GPT from people), the limits of its usefulness will continue to be tested, and new applications continue to be added. For now, though, newbie programmers like me can breathe a sigh of relief, as their life has been made much easier.


Biswas, S. (2023). Role of CHATGPT in Computer Programming. Mesopotamian Journal of Computer Science, 8–16. https://doi.org/10.58496/mjcsc/2023/002

W3 Schools. (n.d.). ChatGPT-4 Coding. CHATGPT-4 coding. https://www.w3schools.com/gen_ai/chatgpt-4/chatgpt-4_code.php

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