Video is taking over the internet. In 2006, 12% of all the trafic on the internet was video. Now about 70% of the internet is made up of video, and that figure is expected to rise to 90% in 2020. Everyone is watching more and more Netflix, Youtube and uitzendinggemist than ever.
One might think that this is caused by the fact that people watch less and less regular tv, but this isn’t true. People don’t watch less regular tv. On average, 2 hours and 24 minutes per person per day in the Netherlands. This is because people watch more and more live events like sports and news on normal tv. Another reason is that people combine watching tv and videos online on their Smartphone or tablet. The question that comes to mind is of course is: if we are all watching more video online, and watching more regular tv , and a day still only has 24 hours: what are we doing less? And the sad answer is: seeing each other; time spent going out with friends or visiting friends in their home has been going down for years. People are getting busier working, and are getting busier watching videos online. And of course, we are still communicating with friends and family via internet, mostly during the time we spend netflixing, but it’s not making us a lot happier.
A huge research, published recently in the Economic Journal tells us which activities make us happier and by how much. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the activity that makes people the happiest is sex, with an increase in happiness of 14%. Right after that it is visiting a theatre, a concert, going dancing, going to a museum or library and gardening, etc. The top 20 activities that makes us the happiest don’t involve using the internet or tv. According to the research, taking care of pets and running errands makes us happier than watching tv or film, which only makes us 2,5% happier. Spending time on the internet is even worse, it only makes us happier by 0,6 %
So why are we spending so much time watching videos and less and less time doing all those things that really make us happy during our free time? Do you recognize this behaviour and does it make you happy? Let me know in the comments!