Xbox Kinect Advertisements




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While I started my Xbox360 for playing a game of FIFA 13 (all guys know what I’m talking about I hope), I came across a video about new ways of advertising through Xbox Kinect. Xbox Kinect is a little camera connected to your Xbox which monetizes your body moves. This can be used to browse through menus and play games. Even though I do not own a Kinect device, I was curious to check on this feature, so I started browsing on the Internet. The article I found was called ‘Kinect lets you interact with ads, may spy on your mood’.

Interactive Ads on Xbox Kinect are there already for a while. While the ad is playing, you can give your Xbox commands like ‘Xbox Share’ to share this advertisement on Facebook. There are also many other options, like letting the Xbox remind you later about the offer announced in the advertisement or giving answers on questions asked in the advertisement. A cool new feature where Xbox is working on is the option to spot your emotional status and then implement this in their way of advertising. If you look happy while watching an advertisement, Xbox might send you more advertisements on this matter. The writer of the article explains his concerns about this development, cause he thinks it will harm one’s privacy. Do you think that these ways of advertisement will be useful for companies, or will it be just another glitch? 

The article can be found on:

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Professional Networking on Social Network Services




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While I was reading the case for this week, LinkedIn, I came across Social Networks Services providing the opportunity to use professional network applications. Of course, our dear beloved Facebook also provides this option, one of these applications is called BrancheOut. I myself tried this application once on Facebook, because I was invited by a friend of mine. I was wondering if this application is becoming more and more popular and found an arcticle about professional networking on SNS. (Doyle, 2012)

This article states that young people care less about the separation of their professional lives and their private lives. However, if they do want to use their SNS for professional networking, they should become more aware of the information they post. One should definitely limit photos posted on their profile and choose their friends wisely. Do you people think that you will use Facebook (or other SNSs) for professional networking? Take a look at the BracheOut site aswell, maybe you will be surprised about how many friends of you are already joining!




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Social Commerce: Homework Assignment




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Hello fellow social media hookups,

tomorrow I’m going to explain some things about social commerce to you. Of course you are all introduced by the subject by our professor on Wednesday, but to briefly catch you up again: it is the combination of e-commerce, which is selling products via the internet and social media. By connecting their social media followers to their e-commerce activities, companies can greatly increase their website’s activity and thereby increase sales. In class we spoke about Blendtec  CEO Tom Dickson, who blends all kinds of odd objects in his company made blenders. Did you know that in the five years of making these video’s, the company’s sales have boosted up to 700%? That is truly an amazing example of integrating social media content with the company’s website, where people can make suggestions on which items Dickson should blend next. (Dickson, 2009)

You might have seen examples of social commerce already on the internet, because lots of variants are already used for years, like ratings, reviews and social media optimization. Reviews on products both on social media and on company’s websites are made more easy by giving e-commerce websites social media optimization, like the Facebook Connect option, where people can comment by logging in into Facebook. Amazon uses this concept already for a long time and more and more companies are giving the customers the option to easily review products by letting them log in on their websites through for instance Facebook. (Marsden, 2010)

A less well known concept is that of collaborative online shopping (Zhu et al., 2010). Here people can actively discuss with friends about products they want to buy on a e-commerce website in real time. A good example of this feature is Vans, where people can use a chat option on the website to argue with friends about the benefits of certain products. (Zmuda, 2009) This could actually be a very cool thing if more companies would provide this. Instead of going to town with a friend for buying a few things, you could just make an appointment online to see what’s out there. The most interesting thing though about the article is that Zhu and his fellow researchers (2010) dive into the phenomenon of shared collaborative shopping. This contains sharing the same screen with the friend you are connected with. This seems like an interesting option, though it is not used often already. Do you think that this option needs to be used more often and that it could be useful to you when you want advise from your friends while shopping online?

Marsden, P. 2010. Social commerce: Monetizing social media. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 September 2012].

Tom Dickson, 2009. BlendTec CEO Says Sales up 700% Since Launching ‘’Will it Blend’’. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 12 September 2012].

Zhu, L., Benbasat, I., and Jiang, Z. 2010. Let’s shop online together: An Empirical investigation of collaborative online shopping support,  Information Systems Research, 21(4) 872-891.

Zmuda, N., 2009. Online shopping goes from solo experience to social interaction. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 13 September 2012]

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