Generative AI is much more than a trend these days. It is something everyone is using more and more. For me, it started to support my studies and work, but eventually grew into my new job. That shows how GenAI is growing into a real business innovation.
I used to use in GenAI as support in my work, but now I get to make my work revolve around GenAI. I want to use AI to automate surveys for businesses. This means we are developing a product that can make hugely accurate predictions of what consumers would answer on surveys. As a result, we are changing the way market research is done. We are addressing the pain points of high costs, long wait times and biases of people through this AI-related solution.
However, there are a few difficulties in creating AI services. For instance, an enormous amount of testing is required to fulfil the promised accuracy. After all, you don’t want the product to be less reliable than traditional ways. However, by constantly testing and adjusting the algorithms, you can overcome these problems and I can start selling my first AI service within a few weeks.
GenAI has therefore not only affected my work, but it will soon affect everyone’s work. For instance, you find that huge numbers of companies are emerging that can deliver real-time services via integrations with AI. In fact, it is relatively easy to set up because AI can do much of it for you. So anyone can start performing services that used to have to be done by an entire team of staff. In addition, all companies increasingly want to use AI services because it is reliable and predictable. It can greatly increase employee output.
So what’s stopping you from creating your own AI service? And what kind of service would you like to see in the market?
How GenAI creates efficiency, more output, and my own services