How AI might not be able to solve the shortage of teachers




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As a young and innovative student, I definitely see the potential of generative AI. In my previous blog, I posted about the potential of AI in creating creative business ideas. A lot of consultants or other business idea creators’ work could be done by AI, in my view. To make it interesting I also wanted to post about a sector where AI should be used with more caution. As my mother works as a teacher in a primary school, I have seen a lot of problems at schools. One of the most urgent problems is the shortage of teachers. You would think that AI should be a solution to this problem as AI can ease the burden on teachers by making customized learning materials and automating administrative tasks. Of course, this is helpful but there are many books and assignments already to choose from for the teacher, thus AI-generated content is not necessary. Especially at a primary school, teachers are more, mentors, role models, and sources of emotional support than teachers. School is much more than just learning math, as learning how to communicate and behave is just as important, if not more important, in life. And how useful AI is, the importance of human interaction can not be understated in the education sector.

So what could be done to solve the problem of teacher shortages? In my opinion, teachers should follow a generative AI class to generate or automate a lot of their work. This could ease the burden a little bit. But I think the solution lies more in the use of older kids to be that mentor, role model, and source of emotional support. Kids in the 7th or 8th grade could teach the younger kids. With 2 older brothers, I know that you can learn a lot from people who are just a little bit older than you. Brothers are mentors so why can older kids at school not be mentors as well?

In conclusion, sadly not all sectors can just use generative AI to solve their problems. The education sector, as well as the healthcare sector, rely a lot on human interaction which is the weak point of generative AI.

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ChatGPT will be the future of creative business ideas




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In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, staying competitive means embracing innovation. One technology that has gained immense popularity is ChatGPT. ChatGPT is known for its ability to generate human-like text and answer questions and is mostly used as a chatbot. However, I found out that it can also be a valuable tool for generating creative business ideas.

Last year I had an assignment about corporate venturing. For this assignment, I was asked to analyze a corporate venture of a big company and to come up with an improvement plan. As big companies have employees working full-time on improving corporate ventures to help the company grow, I knew it would be a difficult task to come up with a unique plan that was not done before and was financially beneficial for the company.

After searching the internet I found that Nike had a corporate venture that failed recently and could be an interesting case to analyze. Nike’s failed corporate venture was Nike’s Adventure Club, a subscription service offering children’s footwear. After analyzing the case for the assignment, I asked ChatGPT how Nike could have managed Nike’s Adventure Club better. It came with many answers and after asking further even with a new business idea. I thought coming up with an idea would be difficult but ChatGPT came up with a unique plan that was not done before and could really be financially beneficial for the company, Nike Athlete Club, a subscription service offering athletes footwear. ChatGPT saw the weak spots of Nike Adventure Club and came up with a business plan that I think could genuinely be a good idea for Nike to pursue.

As a consequence of this, I came to the realization that ChatGPT should be used way more by companies to create creative business ideas. It took ChatGPT 10 seconds to create a legitimate creative business idea, with the strengths and weaknesses of its own idea, while employees of these companies are more expensive and not as quick. McKinsey already stated that “Current generative AI and other technologies have the potential to automate work activities that absorb 60 to 70 percent of employees’ time today” (McKinsey, 2023). Of course, companies and people will have to get used to ChatGPT and learn how to use it, but I do believe it is only a matter of time before ChatGPT will be the new way to create new business plans.

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