Creating my own MTG Card




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As of this year I have started playing a card game that has been popular for a very long time. The game is called Magic the Gathering and my interest peaked when I noticed that one of my favorite music artists played the game. The music artist is Post Malone and he even got his own card made by the publishers of Magic the gathering.

For any player of any card game it would be a dream to play with a card that is based on their own persona. Luckily With generative Ai, it might not even be necessary to become a global music sensation like Post Malone, to have a unique card named after you. The best part about playing Magic the Gathering, is that you can play it with your friends. Thus I decided to generate personal magic the gathering cards with Dall-E 3. This is the latest version of version of Dall—e which is a machine learning model developed by OpenAI,  which has the ability to generate images from textual descriptions.

When I prompted Dall – E3 to generate a magic card for ‘John Tran’. It generated a few results. On closer inspection I noticed that my prompt was altered for an image. Apparently chatgpt-4 adjusted my prompt to be more specific.

As you can see Chat-GPT recognized that my last name is Asian so it prompted Dall – E3 to give the mage Asian features as well.

The full prompt generated by ChatGpt-4 was: “A detailed illustration of a trading card closely resembling a Magic: The Gathering card design. The card has the classic MTG border and frame. At the top, prominently displayed, is the name ‘John Tran’. Directly below, there’s a striking artwork of a powerful mage with Asian features, standing confidently amidst arcane energies. His robe is intricately patterned, and he wields a staff radiating with blue magic. In the lower third of the card is the traditional MTG textbox with lore and abilities, though the exact text isn’t clear. The card’s mana cost, type line, and power/toughness indicators are present, but specifics are not legible. The overall feel is both nostalgic and majestic.” So it explicitly asked the exact text not to be clear.

Sadly clear text is needed for playable cards. Another image did have semi-clear text, however the text does not actually make any sense.

A few other examples made for friends: 

So even though it still has many flaws, to see actual card designs terms based on yourself is really fun. The added feature of chat-gpt 4 which automatically adjusts your prompt to make it more easy for Dall – E to generate a better image is really helpful as well.  However the cards are definitely not playable yet. They are a nice inspiration and you could actually copy the art only, then add abilities to the cards yourself. Sadly, generating good written abilities proves to be too hard for Dall – E3 as of now.

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Can AI become my new bestfriend?




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Snapchat has launched ‘My AI’ globally this year. My AI is a chatbot based on the latest Chat-gpt technology. According to Snapchat their chatbot is slightly altered to match the requirements of Snpachat (Snapchat, 2023). It is automatically displayed at the top of your recent chats and will answer all your questions. The chatbot is instructed to act as your friend on your snapchat. However shortly after its release media platforms noticed that a Chatbot acting as your friend is problematic.

Nos (2023) found out that the chatbot would agree to meet up in real life and also found out it had political  preferences, just like a real person. However snapchat has a lot of young users, many of whom are not able to differentiate a real person from AI. For them the chatbot can be very confusing according to NOS.

To find out how real the MyAi chatbot could feel, I tested it out for myself. I coincidentally tested it out on my birthday which I also mentioned to the chatbot and it had a really kind and enthusiastic reaction. To make the chatting experience feel real I tried using texting abbreviations which the chatbot had no trouble understanding. Later in our conversation I proposed we played a game. The Ai proposed 20 questions and after 17 questions, including questions it had already asked, and multiple hints it guess my object right, namely an apple.

What was noticeable about the whole conversation is that multiple ads had popped up which all related to topics we discussed. For example when MyAI guessed the apple right, he asked about my favorite type of apple. I told him i liked Pink Lady apples and then an ad for Pink Lady apples popped up. When I asked MyAI what his favorite apple was he replied that he liked Pink Lady as well and then another ad popped up.

When I looked back at our conversation I could conclude that it would never feel as natural as with actual people, with the current Chat-gpt model. When I pretended I was going through a breakup, it actually gave very good advice. However when I tried to go deeper it kept giving the same advice, just in different words.  Also the ads that connected to topics which appeared in our conversation made the experience very fake.

All in all I can understand that the chatbot could feel very real to children who aren’t as experienced socially, but I think older people will notice very quickly it’s a chatbot provided to all users for ad purposes.


NOS Nieuws. (19 April 2023). ‘Een chatbot die in het echt wil afspreken? Ook Snapchat vindt het wat ver gaan’. Visited on 4 October 2023. Via

Snapchat. (2023). ‘Wat is My AI op Snapchat en hoe gebruik ik het?’. Visited on 4 October 2023. Via

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