Will AI-Powered Deepfakes be the Future of Education and Content Creation?




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In the field of artificial intelligence, there is a noteworthy area of research that centers around ethical and moral considerations in various domains, and one prominent example is the concept of “deepfakes.” Deepfakes have opened up a new dimension within artificial intelligence, where they can create metahuman or AI avatars capable of mimicking human actions, speech, and gestures.

But what if we harnessed deepfake technology to instantly enhance common educational practices, such as creating presentations? What would that look like? I recently had the opportunity to explore a generative AI web-based application called “Deep Brain AI,” which expands the horizons of AI capabilities, particularly in the realm of content creation. What does this mean in practical terms? Users can develop PowerPoint presentations, just like they always have, to convey information to an audience. However, the intriguing twist is that a full body animated AI avatars or metahumans can replace human speakers. Consequently, the presenter doesn’t need to speak, as the AI avatar or metahuman can handle the task.

The web-based application allows you to create templates, insert text boxes, and upload videos and audio, just like a standard PowerPoint application. The real innovation emerges when you can create an AI avatar, either male or female, with the ability to speak in various languages and accents from different countries. For instance, you can choose between accents like U.S. English, Indian English, Saudi Arabian Arabic, Taiwanese Chinese, and German from Germany. The AI avatar can articulate the content through a text script, effectively enabling text-to-speech input.

The application offers a range of features, including control over scene speed and the ability to insert additional pauses. What’s even more fascinating is the incorporation of advanced generative AI technologies, such as ChatGPT, into the application. I found this particularly intriguing, as it recognizes the utility of ChatGPT and integrates it seamlessly into the platform.

However, there were some shortcomings when using the application, most notably the unnatural quality of the deepfake avatars. They were easily discernible as artificial, which could lead to dissatisfaction among users and their audiences when listening to the AI avatars or reading the presentations.

Nonetheless, the age of artificial intelligence is advancing at an unprecedented pace, and my overall experience with the application has been positive. I’m keen to hear about your experiences with Deep Brain AI or deepfake technology in general.

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Broadening the Horizon of Creativity: AI Voice Generator




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In the realm of artificial intelligence, an increase recognition has been placed upon generative AI tools, as their functionality continues to reach boundaries that was never possible before. Generative AI tools have been introduced in various applications such as image, writing, video, and audio segments, to provide solutions beyond the scopes of traditional ways of creating content. Thus, it creates opportunities for unbounded creativity and innovation for users to experience.

I am happy to share my experience with you about murf.ai, a newly profound approach to AI generative tools, as an AI voice generator. The AI voice generator allows the users to replicate human-like interactions by creating human-like speech from text input.

I was able to utilize the AI tool for one of my previous projects, in creating an audio presentation to navigate through a portfolio about the strategic proposition for the company, SHEIN. The AI tool allows users to create text input and import scripts that can be voiced by AI speakers. The tool gives users the flexibility of choice to choose different AI speakers and change their tone, pitch, and speed, to tailor the context and suitability of the presented script. Furthermore, more functionalities are given with editing capabilities, on a level of each block or each sentence to adjust to the user’s likings. As a result, the user is able to export and share the AI voice generator result and I applied it to the presentation.

Interface Design of Murf.Ai
Interface Design of Murf.Ai

The problem that may arise from using such innovative AI tool is the rise of “Deepfakes”. (Davenport & Mittal, 2022) It is an issue to be address as users are able to impersonate an individual and use it for malicious purposes thus improvements should be made to monitor or lessen the production of “Deepfakes”.

As a result, I was extremely satisfied with the generative AI tool as it was able to create a script, entirely made by AI speakers, and fulfill the requirement in creating a high-quality audio presentation. The tool has disrupted the scope of content creation as the value of such tool comes from increased accessibility, productivity, and efficiency. The AI tool is valuable as it can be asserted in various settings such as online markets/auctions for voiced advertising and auction listing, or gaming/entertainment for dialogue/storyline creation.


Davenport, T., & Mittal, N. (2022, November 14). How Generative AI Is Changing Creative Work. Harvard Business Review. https://hbr.org/2022/11/how-generative-ai-is-changing-creative-work

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