Not Just Fun and Games on Instagram




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The benefits of networks and online communication are vast for both businesses and individuals, but there are also negative sides to it. Based on focus groups, surveys, and other studies from 2019 to 2021, Facebook found that the use of Instagram has a clear negative effect on the mental health of teenage girls. This includes Instagram making them feel pressure to match the lifestyles and bodies of influencers, the need for validation through likes and comments, and being bullied on the platform. With the social pressure to be active on social media, it also makes it hard for these teenage girls to remove themselves from the platform. 

Especially when it comes to looking like many influencers on Instagram, these images and videos are often completely unrealistic. Especially with more advanced video and photo-editing technology, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to distinguish what is real and what is altered. It is therefore impossible to tell whether you are comparing yourself to a real or a digitally altered person. 

So is there something to be done about the negative impact on such social media on teenagers? Facebook being aware of the obvious negative health consequences of Instagram, but choosing to hide it from the public, is even being compared to Big Tobacco. Especially as as a society we become more informed of the importance of mental health, these kinds of findings should be taken seriously. 

But instead of addressing these issues Facebook seems to be going in the complete opposite direction, planning an Instagram-like app for under 13 year olds. This seems like a step in the wrong direction, introducing the social pressure of social media to younger and younger children.

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Platforms versus in-person?




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How far will we take the platform economy?

Platforms are becoming increasingly used for everything, including communication, shopping, and work. Especially because of the pandemic, much of people’s shopping habits have moved online. So, are we leaving behind shopping in person and moving fully onto platforms?

Seems like utilizing these online platforms for shopping has positive effects for both the consumer and the producer. By being online, the supplier is able to take advantage of the long tail and offer a large selection. This also decreases the cost of stocking, as there will be no need to keep lots of stock in multiple retail locations, rather just a few centralized warehouses used for distribution. Even if there were multiple distribution locations, these would still be less costly than retail stores, which need to be in optimal locations, and have lots of excess space for the shopping experience. 

The customers will also be able to have access to more products online, and more sizes. Moving to platforms would also decrease the personnel cost needed to run in person stores. Warehouses can be more easily automated, and there is no need to have employees dedicated to customer service in warehouses like is needed in in person retail stores. 

In addition, the shopping experience has the chance to become more personal. The online platform gives the opportunity for personalized recommendations. Especially if all shopping is done online, the websites can be completely tailored to individual consumers, in the same way social media pages are. 

But will online platforms be the death of retail? In person retail probably won’t die but we might just see a huge transformation.

A possible evolution of the retail store is to become a showroom. The stores will carry a piece of each item in each size, but these cannot be purchased from the store, they will merely be a showroom. If you want to make a purchase, you can then move onto the online platform. A little bit like an IKEA, but without the warehouse in the end. 

The retail experience will be less about shopping immediately, and more about service and exploring. The online environment is the perfect place for low-cost, long tail strategies that are not replicable in store. The retail environment therefore will become hybridized between online and offline.

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