The Risk of False Positives in AI-Plagiarism Detection




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The rise of generative AI tools such as Chat-GPT has changed the face of education forever. Due to concerns about using AI-generated texts for essays or thesis, AI-detection tools have quickly become a standard in plagiarism, as teachers try their best to navigate a technological advancement that seemed inconceivable only as little as a year ago. However, these tools do not come without their own concerns.                                                         

The accuracy of AI-detection tools such as Turnitin have been called into question numerous times – the company initially claimed the tool had a 1% false positive rate, however, later reported the false positive rates were higher than intially reported, without offering new numerical estimates (Chechitelli, 2023). This would mean that, for example, assuming each of ca. 30,000 Erasmus University students submits an essay, 300 of them would get falsely accused of plagiarism. While the 1% risk may not seem high, being falsely accused of plagiarism could mean disastrous consequences such as barring those 300 students from all exams for up to one year, delaying ones study progress (Erasmus University, 2023). Accusing a student of plagiarism due to a false positive has other substantial risks, such as potentially facing “loss of student trust, confidence and motivation, bad publicity, and potential legal sanctions“ (University of Pittsburgh, 2023).

Recently published research raised an alarming concern – GPT detectors are more likely to misclassify the writings of non-native English speakers as AI-generated, as native writing often uses a wider vocabulary, and is deemed as more “human” by AI-detecting software (Liang et al, 2023). This raises additional concerns on the bias against non-native English speakers in an educational setting.

As universities rely more and more on AI detection tools, it remains crucial for educators and students alike to consider the shortcomings of AI-detection tools, and make sure not to run to any accusations or conclusions. In fact, many top educational institutions, such as Vandebilt University, have “decided to disable Turnitin’s AI detection tool for the foreseeable future”, due to concerns and questions about its detection methods and accuracy, and the harmful implications of false accusations on their students (Vanderbilt University, 2023).

Using AI detection tools remains a divisive topic. While Turnitin’s CPO is set on improving its detection systems, some AI scientists argue that AI detection tools have no place in education due to their high error rates (Washington Post, 2023). Either way, the use of AI is here to stay in education – it remains up to institutions whether they decide to endorse generative AI detection tools despite its shortcomings and substantial risks.


Coley, M. (2023). Guidance on AI detection and why we’re disabling Turnitin’s AI detector. Vanderbilt University. Retrieved from

Chechitelli, A. (2023). Understanding the false positive rate for sentences of our AI writing detection capability. Retrieved from

Erasmus University Rotterdam (2023). Cheating and plagiarism in assignments, theses and exams. Retrieved from

Liang, W., Yuksekgonul, M., Mao, Y., Wu, E., & Zou, J. (2023). GPT detectors are biased against non-native English writers. Patterns (New York, N.Y.)4(7), 100779.

University of Pittsburgh. (2023). Teaching Center doesn’t endorse any generative AI detection tools. Retrieved from

Washington Post. (2023). What to do when you’re accused of AI cheating. Retrieved from

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The Illusion of Neutrality in AI




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Some have hoped that a data-driven future will lead us to better decision-making. Generative AI models such as ChatGPT and MidJourney are trained on extensive data of various information to generate content, solve problems, and process data. After all, data relies on empirical evidence and is free of personal biases.

However, is data objective? As a little experiment, I tried out, an AI-powered image-generation tool, prompting it to create images for the following terms:

  1.  “CEO”
  •  “Assertive CEO”
  •  “Emotional CEO”

The results are telling. In the first two examples, 8/8 pictures show men. Only until using gendered words like emotional, the software suddenly generates 3/4 CEO’s as women. All depicted people are seemingly either white or of Asian descent. This reveals a clear problem – generative AI models cannot be fully objective or inclusive, as data in itself is neither neutral nor objective – it inherently reflects societal biases (D’ignazio, C. & Klein, L. F., 2020). Because of this, the content generated can easily perpetuate and amplify those biases further, resulting in discriminatory or exclusionary content.

Addressing bias in generative AI remains a crucial challenge, and should remain a priority of all companies developing AI, despite them currently offering no solutions to tackle this issue (Rose, 2022). Some options are including cross-functional expertise from various experts such as sociologists on top of the regular tech people to de-bias software, alongside using diverse datasets being used in the first place (Wolf, 2023). As generative AI users, we must be mindful not to perceive technology as neutral or objective, and acknowledge their shortcomings despite their otherwise impressive nature. I for one await technology companies to take AI’s potential for harm seriously and actively seek ways to mitigate these biases, as the pursuit of ethical and inclusive AI is ever-important.


D’ignazio, C., & Klein, L. F. (2020). Data feminism. MIT press.

Rose, J. (2022, April 13). The AI That Draws What You Type Is Very Racist, Shocking No One.; VICE.

Wolf, Z. B. (2023, March 18). AI can be racist, sexist and creepy. What should we do about it? | CNN Politics. CNN.

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