Running Towards a Healthier Lifestyle with ChatGPT: My Journey to the Half Marathon




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In my earlier blog, I have talked about nutrition and using ChatGPT as a nutritional guide. However, having a healthy lifestyle isn’t just about eating habits, it’s also about staying active and fit. For me, running became a preferred choice over traditional gym workouts, aligning more with my personal preferences. My father used to be a marathon runner, and I remember cycling with him as he trained for those marathons. Those moments left a lasting impression on me, and I later came to understand and share his passion for the sport. This change in my fitness routine brought along the goal of completing a half marathon in Breda on may 19th 2024, a challenge that requires structured training. In this blog, I will share how ChatGPT is playing an essential role in setting up my training schedule, , incorporating interval training and setting intermediate training goals,

One of the first hurdles I encountered was creating a structured training plan that would prepare me for the half marathon. ChatGPT helped me develop a training routine based on my fitness level, available time, and the specific race date. It took into account factors like gradually increasing distances, rest days, and the importance of cross-training. I was able to run 5 kilometers in 27 minutes and I used this as a baseline in my prompt.

As you can see, the aim is to increase my weekly running distance by 2 km, and on the second day of the week, I would run 1 km less than I did on the first day.

In the second month of my half marathon training journey, ChatGPT recommended incorporating interval training into my schedule. This addition enabled me to further optimize my training and improve my running performance. In addition, interval training helped me prevent training plateaus, since the body tends to adapt to the same workout over time.

I’ve always been really competitive and I’ve found that one of the best ways to motivate myself is by setting ambitious intermediate goals during my training. These goals not only make running more enjoyable and challenging, but also provide a clear way to track my progress. Knowing this, I asked ChatGPT to incorporate this in my training schedule for October. I asked ChatGPT to set the first intermediate goal in week 7 and the second intermediate goal in week 10. I was convinced that I would improve measurably within three weeks.

My journey to a healthier lifestyle through healthier nutrition and running was significantly enriched by the assistance of ChatGPT. It facilitated my training schedule, incorporated interval training and helped me set intermediate goals to keep me on track. I am eager to use ChatGPT as an training assistant for the upcoming months! As I continue to train, I look forward to running the half marathon in Breda.

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AI-Powered Nutrition: Transforming Health and Lifestyle with ChatGPT




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In the digital world we live in, maintaining a balanced diet and achieving weight loss goals can be a challenging endeavor. Elder et al (2012) stated that there is a positive association between screen time and obesity in children and adults.  One of the reasons why this is such a challenge is a lack of information and not knowing how to implement this information into your daily life-style. Nutrition training and education related to lifestyle choices has been found to be an effective way to prevent obesity and overweight (Mousavi et al., 2022). Thanks to the integration of ChatGPT, my journey towards a healthier lifestyle has really transformed and has become easier. In this blog post, I will delve into my personal experience of using ChatGPT as a nutritional guide, and how it has helped me reshape some of my eating habits. This also had a positive effect on my overall well-being. I will also discuss how ChatGPT fits within the broader themes of AI’s role in creating positive change for society.

When I first embarked on my health journey, I was overwhelmed with questions about what to eat and where to start. ChatGPT stepped in as a valuable resource, offering comprehensive nutritional advice. It provided a general understanding of healthy eating habits, helping me grasp the fundamentals of balanced nutrition.

Once I had a solid understanding of nutritional basics, ChatGPT helped me set specific goals. My goals were weight-loss and muscle gain and ChatGPT created personalized diet plans. Understanding the nutritional value of my meals became a key component of my journey. ChatGPT empowered me with the knowledge to make the proper dietary choices. I added these values to a food tracker application on my mobile device. This helped me track calories, carbohydrates, fats and proteins in each meal, ensuring that I was meeting my nutritional requirements. It would be even better if there would be a food tracker plugin for ChatGPT.

One of the most exciting aspects of my health journey was exploring new and delicious recipes. ChatGPT offered recommendations on what to eat,  provided step-by-step instructions for preparing these dishes, and showed the nutritional values of the dishes. These recipes made healthy eating an enjoyable and sustainable part of my lifestyle. The recipe shown below still is a staple in my day to day diet.

To conclude, the integration of ChatGPT into my life as a nutritional companion has had positive effects. It demonstrates the power of AI to create positive change for individuals seeking improved health and well-being. By offering personalised diet plans, nutritional insights, and nice recipes, ChatGPT has played a key role in my journey to a healthier lifestyle. This personal experience echoes the broader theme of AI’s potential to create positive change in society, one individual at a time. As I continue this journey, I eagerly anticipate the evolving role of AI in promoting well-being and health on a societal level. AI isn’t just a tool; it’s a stepping stone for a healthier world.

I am curious what your suggested recipes will be!!


Elder, C. R., Gullion, C. M., Funk, K. L., DeBar, L. L., Lindberg, N. M., & Stevens, V. J. (2012). Impact of sleep, screen time, depression and stress on weight change in the intensive weight loss phase of the LIFE study. International Journal of Obesity, 36(1), Article 1.

Mousavi, B., Moradi, F., Vasseifard, F., Mohammad Abadi, F., Mazaheri Habibi, M. R., & Fatemeh, S. (2022). The Effect of Nutrition Training on Knowledge of Students at University of Medical Sciences. Topics in Clinical Nutrition, 37(3), 236–241.

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