ChatGPT: obvious solution, yet people are better




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I love ChatGPT, and I love the way it helps me with my everyday activities. I am not a pro when it comes to writing a lengthy piece of text, so this I use generative AI for inspiration. For example, that is the response I got for my request to write about my ChatGPT experience:

I have had a lot of experience with AR technology throughout this year – games and guest lectures being my primary sources. Also, I’ve always felt like augmented reality is something from the future, something happening in the parallel universe. However, I was wrong. Not only is AR technology a widely used tool nowadays, it is sometimes a requirement for people in their everyday activities. I was particularly touched by the project Envision, when we were presented with an actual set of AR glasses that allow disabled people to live a full life. 

I myself happen to have several friends and relatives who share eye problems, and every day I face their struggle and try to help. I wish I could be closer to them and be ready to support them in their everyday activities. And now that I know about the availability of such a wonder as glasses with the opportunity to connect, I wonder if they will ship it to Russia… 

One may ask: what if the elderly people are given technology? Will they understand it? Will they be able to make use of it? I decided to go for it and do a whole interview with my grandmother, who happens to have very poor eye-sight and hearing issues. During these awesome 2 hours, we’ve had an amazing time, and the best part is – she was actually able to formulate how to use the glasses. She said: “It would be lovely to be able to see you every time I need your help, not just as a picture in WhatsApp, but as a companion on the go”..

Within the past 2 months, I’ve read a lot about implementation of AR into industrial operations, however, never have I felt closer to AR that day. Now that I’ve seen how glasses work and tried a similar set, I am definite – AR is not only a tool for corporations, it’s also a tool for bringing people together. Looking forward to sending those glasses to my sweet granny so that we finally enjoy a new tool.

However, I am not satisfied with such a piece. For me, ChatGPT is an actual tool, but no more than inspiration. Being a teacher myself, I find this thing lacking data (which is obvious) and in-depth understanding of the issue. I found some colleagues who feel the same: when you need expertise, go find a human being. Thus, I remain being an advocate for prioritising people over technology for when it comes to quality. ChatGPT is still not able to support a decent conversation, nor is it able to process feelings. I used to be exposed to a lot of psychological analysis due to my choice to study behavioural economics. And my conclusion is: generative AI is still too weak to simulate humanly imperfect brain.

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AR: an insight into today rather than a futuristic tool




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I have had a lot of experience with AR technology throughout this year – games and guest lectures being my primary sources. Also, I’ve always felt like augmented reality is something from the future, something happening in the parallel universe. However, I was wrong. Not only is AR technology a widely used tool nowadays, it is sometimes a requirement for people in their everyday activities. I was particularly touched by the project Envision, when we were presented with an actual set of AR glasses that allow disabled people to live a full life. 

I myself happen to have several friends and relatives who share eye problems, and every day I face their struggle and try to help. I wish I could be closer to them and be ready to support them in their everyday activities. And now that I know about the availability of such a wonder as glasses with the opportunity to connect, I wonder if they will ship it to Russia… 

One may ask: what if the elderly people are given technology? Will they understand it? Will they be able to make use of it? I decided to go for it and do a whole interview with my grandmother, who happens to have very poor eye-sight and hearing issues. During these awesome 2 hours, we’ve had an amazing time, and the best part is – she was actually able to formulate how to use the glasses. She said: “It would be lovely to be able to see you every time I need your help, not just as a picture in WhatsApp, but as a companion on the go”..

Within the past 2 months, I’ve read a lot about implementation of AR into industrial operations, however, never have I felt closer to AR that day. Now that I’ve seen how glasses work and tried a similar set, I am definite – AR is not only a tool for corporations, it’s also a tool for bringing people together. Looking forward to sending those glasses to my sweet granny so that we finally enjoy a new tool.

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