Digital Transformation Project – Samcon




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Samcon is a Canadian construction company, with more than a hundred employees, active in Montreal and Ottawa.  Its main focus is the development of urban residential projects and the subsequent sale of condominiums. A condominium, often shortened to condo, is a type of real estate divided into several units that are each separately owned. Despite the fierce competition of the construction industry, the firm manages to differentiate itself from its main rivals by targeting a specific market segment to which it provides with top quality condos, in high rise buildings, situated only in urban areas.

However, because of recent condominium market saturation and the decreasing purchasing power of local buyers, Samcon faces new challenges in increasing its sales. Increased sales and revenues from local and international clients will help Samcon achieve its goal of expansion to new regional markets. As a result, our analysis was focused on the Marketing and Sales Departments, as their increased performance is critical to Samcon’s growth strategy.  A few years ago, the company understood the potential of a thorough digital marketing strategy in order to reach its objectives, but decided to outsource all of its IT functions to different short-term contractual companies. It also hired different digital marketing agencies to run its lead generation campaigns. Due to these decisions, the results are not as expected. Current digital marketing and sales strategies are costly, while providing minimal returns. The implication of different entities that have no cooperation, makes it difficult for Samcon to harmonize its digital strategy, facilitate its management, and optimize its performance.

The suggested recommendation is the development and implementation of a comprehensive digital marketing software that will be run by an internal digital marketing team. The software will be a complete tool, which will help the new digital marketing team enhance its lead generation process by increasing the number and the quality of leads. This will be achieved by the increased usage of analytics generated from the software, which in turn will be used to create more effective campaigns. Remarketing techniques can also be utilized through the use of the software. Furthermore, the solution will enable Samcon’s sales representatives to convert online leads into sales more efficiently by automating many processes of a sale’s lifecycle. Inhousing the digital marketing department, instead of relying on external firms, would also provide more control to the company and allow for better managed marketing campaigns. The main features of the software are the following: digital campaign optimization & prediction, process automation, predictive CRM, and facilitated management.

The solution fits with Samcon’s goals and enhances its already established strategy. For this implementation to be effective, we recommend Samcon to adequately communicate the need for the proposed solution to the employees of the company and train them sufficiently. We also suggest the firm to be very diligent in the recruitment of digital marketing professionals by using a digital marketing recruitment agency, given its lack of experience in this field.

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Has Yahoo spied on its users?




5/5 (2)

As the discussion over the level of security of social networking services continues to this day, new privacy concerns arise over one of the industry’s well known players. Yahoo is facing a new round of questions over its user privacy policies, after Reuters reported that the firm built a surveillance tool and scanned content of clients’ emails, under the directive of the U.S. Government.

Yahoo was already under scrutiny last month, after the official disclosure of the 2014 cyber-attacks on their platform and the exposure of data from more than 500 million customer accounts. The firm is currently being battered from multiple sides, especially in light of its upcoming acquisition deal by Verizon. Users and advertising customers alike have flocked to other competitors, such as Google and Facebook over the recent years, essentially putting a block on the firm’s sales growth and forcing it to negotiate its sale to Verizon for 4.8 billion dollars.

While other prominent tech companies, like Google and Apple denied having received a similar directive from the U.S. government, can the users of well-known web platforms really be sure of their data’s privacy?

I guess it all depends on the amount of trust and rapport that a company has built with its user base. Tech companies, through their recent comments about the Yahoo incident, assure the press and consequently their users that even if they face a similar mandate, they will in no way cave to the government’s demands and will pursue legal actions in order to protect their clients’ interests. But as many people say, actions speak louder than words. Companies have to actually communicate their commitment to their users through their practices. Such was the case with Microsoft for example, who has legally fought gag orders that would prevent it from disclosing events to users, when government agencies requested their information.

Increased trust and low concerns of privacy breach can only strengthen a network’s value. Educating consumers and providing them with alternate privacy options can also help alleviate any concerns. As Yahoo currently fails in regard to the above factors, user deregistration is bound to continue. Whether Verizon will back away from what some call an unfavorable deal with Yahoo, remains to be seen.


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Technology of the Week – Ecommerce Platforms Shopify & Magento




5/5 (1)

Platform mediated networks have changed the rules of several industries by significantly altering the way of doing business. We encounter platforms everywhere, from the travel industry to the transportation industry. By taking this fact into account, platforms were bound to dominate the ecommerce industry as well. Specifically, ecommerce platforms are becoming the optimal solution for creating an online shop for B2C and B2B businesses, instead of hiring a developer team and creating a webshop from the beginning.  In this blog, we will examine two prominent ecommerce solutions, Shopify and Magento, as well as their unique characteristics as platforms mediating networks.

An e-commerce platform is a solution that allows businesses to set-up an online store to sell their goods by letting them organize their products, customize their storefront, accept credit card payments, track and respond to orders. On the other hand, independent developers create a myriad of apps and plugins to provide to the platform, completing the triangular relationship of e-commerce platform, merchants and developers.

Shopify and Magento are two main players in the ecommerce platform industry. Both are tools that help businesses and individuals streamline the webshop creation process, but Shopify is a closed platform and Magento is an open platform. The main difference is that for Shopify, the roles of platform provider and sponsor are closed while for Magento they are open. Shopify is the only firm that provides the Shopify platform and has full control of developing its code. On the other hand, any party under the terms of Magento licenses may modify and distribute its source code commercially or non-commercially. In addition, the code of each new version of the Magento platform is developed and coordinated publicly on GitHub.

This difference in openness is what shapes the strengths and weaknesses of each platform and distinguishes their business models.


As platforms, Shopify and Magento govern their network by monetizing one side of the network and subsidizing another side. Specifically, Shopify draws income from its demand side, namely the merchants. Magento’s strategy is different with its Community Edition where no side is monetized or subsidized, as everyone enjoys access to the platform for free.

Due to their natures as platforms, Shopify and Magento enjoy positive cross side network effects. As one side of the network increases, there are incentives for more individuals to enter the other side of the network. The value of the network as a whole is increased due to these network effects.

While the future looks promising for both Shopify and Magento, there are significant threats to both platforms. The threats derive from envelopment and from Winner-Take-All dynamics that may begin to affect the industry. As the industry reaches maturity, key players are constantly gaining market shares and multi-homing costs are quite high, which leaves less and less room for small players. In order to boost their competitive advantage, the key players in the e-commerce platform industry would also have to put a huge emphasis on social networks. Even if social media may still only drive a small % of total online sales, its impact is impossible to ignore.

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.Eisenmann, T., Parker, G., and Van Alstyne, M.W. 2006. Strategies for Two-Sided Markets. Harvard Business Review 84(10) 92-101.

Eisenmann, T., Parker, G., and Van Alstyne, M.W. 2009. Opening Platforms: How, When and Why? in Platforms, Markets and Innovation, Gawer, A. (ed.), Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, pp. 131-162.

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Salesforce’s Einstein: Evolving Business Processes through AI




4.83/5 (6)


Even though the concept of Artificial Intelligence has been introduced since the 19th century through works of fiction, nowadays we are experiencing AI technology’s impact on different facets of our everyday lives. Self-driving vehicles and intelligent personal assistants that used to be thought of as science-fiction are currently around us. But how can AI technology contribute to some of our business processes?

Salesforce, a major cloud computing company offering a CRM service, announced Salesforce Einstein, a comprehensive AI that will be integrated within each piece of its CRM platform. According to Salesforce, Einstein will allow “any company to deliver smarter, personalized and more predictive customer experiences”.  Through machine learning, deep learning, predictive analytics, natural language processing and smart data discovery, Salesforce’s Einstein will automatically discover relevant insights, predict customer future behaviour, proactively recommend best next actions to sales reps and automate tasks. For example, Einstein will be able to analyze CRM data along with different customer interactions, such as inbound emails of prospective clients, in order to identify buying signals early and provide recommendations on the next course of action. This will facilitate sales representatives in closing a deal.

Most major companies in this industry, such as Microsoft and SAP, are currently developing or have in some form already developed AI projects of their own. This was inevitable as companies need to process an increasingly large amount of data from a variety of different sources, at a small amount of time. Additionally, data has to be integrated within a company’s customer relationship management system in order to be efficiently utilized. An AI that is able to adapt in this setting, continuously learn from increased data sets and facilitate decision making according to best practices will provide immense value to companies.

Of course, sceptics argue that as AI technology continues to evolve and improve in the coming years, this increased level of automation will be killing jobs. For instance, in regard to CRM, a sophisticated AI could be making decisions that were previously part of a sales representative’s responsibilities. On the other hand, supporters claim that a form of human interaction will always be necessary in business processes and new jobs will be created through automation.

What do you think? Would you be threatened if your company introduced an AI that could potentially outperform you or is experience and human intuition irreplaceable?


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