homework assignment




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prediction market is also called information market, is the market that collect information and predict the future event based on the information. and social media, as a growing platform which get into people’s life gradually, play a role in prediction market as well.

and some requirements need to be met if companies want to use social media to predict. first of all, the prediction should be human related. if it is not human related, like nature event, nobody can predict even if everyone discuss about it via social media. next is that you need certain amount of people involved, it is more like statistics, more bigger the sample, the more accurate that result will be. lastly, the content should be easy-talked. if it is related to private issue, nobody will discuss about it.

the first example i found the PreTweeting, it is like investing in shocks. however, in PreTweeting, people focus on words or topic rather than shocks. and the second example is about network value, that is, Telenor, a mobile phone, used network value of its customers to predict the future demand for iPhone. Acknowledged the importance of network value,  many companies now is using network value of their customers on social media to predict and do the decision making.

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now social media is saving the news industry




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nowadays, with the development of social media, less and less people will get  news from the newspaper. Instead, social platform has become a new tool to get news everyday.

according to the research:

+ 50% of people have learned about breaking news via social media.
+ 46% of people get their news online at least three times a week.
+ As of 2012, online news revenue has surpassed print newspaper revenue.

in my opinion, there are several ways making that happen. first of all, the widely use of smart phone. almost everyone has a smartphone currently and someone even addict to it and even cannot live without it. thanks to it, the ‘digital news’ can easily get people’s attention from the smart phone instead of ‘old fashion’ newspaper.

on the other hands, the data above illustrates that social platform makes it happen as well. the reason why newspaper is called news is because it can let people get breaking news at the first time. however, social platform makes it even faster. people can get breaking news from the tweet or facebook faster than the newspaper. moreover, people can discuss about it with other immediately on the platform.

so do you guys still have the habits to read the newspaper?


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new ipad and ipad mini




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Yesterday, apple had just announced new version of ipad and ipad mini. For the new version of ipad, they gave a new game for it which called “ipad air” because it was so light when comparing to the former version. it is at 7.5mm thick, and 1.9mm thinner than the latest version. Moreover, it has the same A7 chip as iphone 5S. The cammer was updated as well.

for the ipad mini, the most wonderful revolution is that now new ipad mini is with retina screen. With 2048×1536 pixels on a 7.9-inch screen, it will result in some of the sharpest images.

however, with the announcement of ipad and ipad mini, i am wondering is that really useful to improve? i mean, for me ipad and ipad mini is used for making our life more easier. and it has already done their job. with these kinds of new revolutions , the new ipad and mini cannot make it even better, the main function is as same as before. so is it really necessary to buy it since having one is enough.

tell me about your opinions.


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you may receive direct message from anyone on twitter




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tweets, as a social media platform, used to let people to post things on Internet. it is like a “online diary” that allows people to record the things that happened and expresses your sadness and happiness. One thing different is that you can see what people do if you follow him or her but cannot send direct message in case of disturbing others’ life. However, recently some Twitter users found that  their accounts can receive direct messages from anyone, even if  people they don’t follow.

and one of the twitter users has posted a new photo of his setting, which shows that twitter can actually choose to allow to receive strangers direct message or not.Image

in my opinion, i think this option may not that usefull for all the tweeters. someone may get benefit if they post on twitter that they want to buy or sell something. however, personally, i just do not think people like to receive direct message from strangers and that would definitely disturb people’s life since it makes this function not private any more. so what do you guys think of it, or do you like to receive a lot of direct messages from people that you do not know.


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