To bot or not to bot!? Investment decisions




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More and more youngsters these days are confronted with investment options for cryptocurrencies. They seem to be easily carried away by the idea of making money quickly, ‘easy money’, without having any knowledge or experience about trading stocks, forex or crypto. As a result, websites like eToro, a trading platform for all kinds of currencies, play in on the fact that people lack a lot of knowledge with regards to investment activities. eToro for example already makes it possible for its customers to select from a list of ‘experienced’ traders and make the same investing actions as they do automatically.

Furthermore, the quick rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made it possible for businesses to advance this into the creation of bots that make use of Artificial Intelligence. They are programmed in such a way that first they gather a large pile of data from multiple crypto, forex and stock tracking websites. This data is then analysed from which the rate of the stock or crypto can be estimated and predicted. After this has been done, the AI bot will make use of its data to compare for it to calculate when exactly the rate will rise or fall. It aims to notify the consumer to sell where the rate has peaked into a fall, and where the rate has hit its bottom and will rise again.

Businesses nowadays make great use of programming AI bots that do such sort of things. They basically make use of the customer in some way, though it is the choice of the consumer themselves. How trustworthy AI trading bots are is something from which time will probably tell. It does make it easy for the consumer to gain experience and see what predictions turn up to be accurate or not. I do however advice every beginning investor to experience investing activities themselves instead of calling in the help from a bot and give the faith of money in the hands of the AI…


Cofnas, A. (2018). The Future of Forex Trading: Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, and Social Forex Trading. In Planet Forex (pp. 91-96). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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IoT: Internet of Things and its Future




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Over the last couple of years, we have enriched our world with more and more technologies. These technologies have come to a point where they become compatible and are able to communicate with each other. Massive implementation of sensors and chips into objects, has made it possible to gather and share large piles of data, better known as big data. This data can then be analysed and commands can be sent to the interconnected products. Take for example smart homes, for which you can for example use your phone to turn on/off the lights or even regulate your thermostat.

Though, what can we expect from the Internet of Things to bring us in the future? As digital innovations take place rapidly, our world becomes more and more involved in the sharing and analysis of data. Even cities will become smarter than we have ever known them to be. With the rise of 5G, connectivity between IoT products will be improved gradually, making devices connect almost instantaneous. As we move on to 5G connections new security and privacy concerns will arise which will need to be tackled in the near future.

On the other hand, there are some downsides from the growth of Internet of Things. As devices become more connected and accessible for each other, so does data. Big data will eventually consist out of a lot more personal information like locations, names, health status, etc. It will make cyber criminals change their behaviour and adapt to evolving technologies in order to steal vital or even meant to be anonymized information. They will take advantage of the reliance on the interconnectivity between devices which contain and share all of your information, as well as actions. Therefore, it is important for us to take a close look at cyber security before they are coming after us.


7 IoT Trends For 2020 You Should Know About | Vilmate Blog. (n.d.). Retrieved 23 September 2021, from

Ploennigs, J., Cohn, J., & Stanford-Clark, A. (2018). The Future of IoT. IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, 1(1), 28–33.

The Future of IoT: 10 Predictions about the Internet of Things | Norton. (n.d.). Retrieved 23 September 2021, from

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