Homework assignment: crowdsourcing & crowdfunding




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Most companies value their fans and customers as co-creators in the product/design development. Consequently, crowdsourcing contests have been effectively used by companies, such as Ben & Jerry’s and Vitaminwater, to find new products and flavors.

In 2010 Ben & Jerry’s initiated the ‘Do the world a flavor’-contest, fans were able to invent their own ice-cream through an online ‘creation station’ on its website. There were approximately 100,000 submissions and only one winner was selected which was ‘Almond delight’ (an official Ben & Jerry’s product under the name ‘Dulce Almond’). In October 2009, Vitaminwater created the ‘flavor creator’ Facebook-app with the goal to create a new drink, fans could choose the next flavor, design the packaging and develop a name. After 40,000 submissions, only one winner was selected, the winning name was ‘connect’ for the blueberry lime taste that hit the shops in 2010.

In both cases, crowdsourcing saved the companies time and effort (strength) as their crowd were highly engaged/highly motivated (strength), the companies received many ideas (strength) but from low quality (weakness), leading to limited good solutions (weakness). Additionally, in both cases participants had a relatively small chance of winning because both companies received thousands of submissions from all over the world (weakness).

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Together we create a safer environment




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Have you seen the new TV-commercial of the Dutch Government yet? Concerning the Burgernet-App? This month the Dutch Government recently started broadcasting the national campaign ‘Meld je aan voor Burgernet’. Burgernet is a unique collaboration between citizens, police and local government to protect and provide local safety in the Netherlands. To increase the awareness of this free app, the Dutch government implemented a national TV commercial, which can be seen below the text (only in Dutch available).

scan Pluis Burgernet tav Gert Mijer 16-01-2012

How does it work? Burgernet is a simple system which will be used for urgent cases; after receiving a clear and detailed description of a burglary, robbery, a missing child or hit-and-run action, the police will immediately start the Burgernet-action, Burgernet-participants will receive a message in which the police ask citizens to keep their eyes on a person(s) or vehicle(s). The advantage of this app is that users will receive messages of events going on at their current location. Thus, the more people are participating the bigger the chance that the police can trace a suspect or missing person. Currently, 1 out of 10 Burgetnet-actions are being solved by receiving tips of participants. Participants with information can directly call to the police with a free Burgernet-service number 0800-0011, the information that is being received will immediately go to the nearest police. At the end of a Burgernet-action participants will also receive a message concerning the results. Nowadays, social media is a very important communication tool, therefore Burgernet-messages are also going to be shared through Twitter, consequently more people will be involved and the effectiveness of Burgernet will increase.

What do you think of this Burgernet-App? I haven’t heard of such governmental app before and I think it’s quite unique as it is a good application of modern technology and social media combined with safety because together we can create a safer environment. So I was wondering have any of you heard of the Burgernet-App or heard of such kind of app before? Is it already applied in other countries? I’m curious about your opinions, feel free to leave a comment.


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Recently I watched an episode of Catfish broadcasted by MTV (every Sunday 18.15). The producers of the acclaimed documentary film, Catfish, are now presenting a MTV program with the same name ‘Catfish’. This program has been created to bring couples together who have only been communicating through their LCD screens ranging from months to years. In each episode, with the guidance and help of the star of the real Catfish movie, Nev Schulman (he also had an online relationship but then soon discovered that the person he had been talking to was not completely honest) and his filmmaking friend Max Joseph, together with a MTV-team, they try to help a hopeful romantic partner on an emotional journey to discover truth about their significant other.


Nowadays, social media sites often replace the face-to-face interactions. However, there is a big problem with this method since the guy or girl you have fallen for could be lying about who they really are. Thus, the meaning of this program comes from the verb Catfish [kat-fish] = To pretend to be someone you are not online by posting false information, such as someone else’s pictures, on social media sites usually with the intention of getting someone to fall in love with you. So basically, this MTV-program tries to find the truth about the other person of whom the partner has only talked through Facebook.

MTV also did a research about the European youngsters which led to the following results; 1/5 of the European youngsters have created a false online-account before and 1/8 of the European youngsters have been lying about their appearances or talents frequently.

I found this program very interesting and entertaining as it shows real life events. I cannot imagine that there are people in the world that are having ‘real’ online-relationships for example more than 8 years and have only been interacting through Facebook but never met in real-life. With this MTV-program you can really see how Facebook is being misused by others since it is relatively easy to create a fake Facebook-account to frame others. Hence, we are spending a lot of our times behind LCD screens; we are more often online and meeting less people in real life than it used to be, consequently we need to be more careful with talking to others online. What do you think of ‘Catfish’? Have you ever watched this program? And do you spend a lot of your time on a social media/network platform?

For more information about how to recognize a Catfish, please refer to: http://www.drphil.com/articles/article/720

Sources: http://www.mtv.com/shows/catfish/series.jhtml

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