VanMoof starts thief hunting!




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Every time Taco Carlier, co-founder of VanMoof, asked his friends why they wouldn’t buy one of his city-bikes, he always got the same answer: “It will get stolen anyway”. Now that VanMoof’s smartbike has a solution to the problem, sales have increased tremendously!

Unfortunately, every Dutch citizen is familiar with the phenomenon: Bike theft. Reporting the crime to the police rarely results in a reunion between bike and rightful owner. Consequently, biker-locks are often more expensive than the bike that they’re attached to.

Taco (39) and Ties (38) Carlier discovered that the reasonable fear a bike will get stolen is the main reason people won’t invest in the designer bike they actually want. The brothers decided to get rid of this problem for once and for all. Their solution? The VanMoof SmartBike.

The VanMoof SmartBike was designed with the intention be the smartest thing on wheels. It comes completely key-less, and can be unlocked with the touch of a hand on the bike. It ensures you arrive dry with its smartphone weather notifications. And, best of all, the SmartBike comes with a “Peace of Mind Service: VanMoof promises to return back stolen bikes within two weeks. If not, they will replace it!

A partnership with Vodafone resulted in a smart Internet-of-Things solution: an integrated sim-card that traces a stolen bike in no-time. “With our electric bike, that we brought to the market 2 years ago, we used a different technology that used a lot of electricity,” says Taco. “That’s why we decided to use a different technique for our non-electric bicycles that works on dynamo generated electricity. We developed a chip that we implement at a hidden place, deep in the frame of the bicycle. Because the frame works as an antenna, it can be detected by Vodafone’s mobile towers. That is costing a lot less electricity that our previous GPS tracing system. Two weeks ago, the first SmartBike was stolen. Within a few hours, it was found in Dordrecht.”

How that works? The moment someone disables or breaks the lock of your SmartBike, you receive a notification. In that case, VanMoof will track the bike’s location. Note that you won’t be able to see exactly where your bike is hanging. The reason is that VanMoof doesn’t want you to track down thieves yourself. “We don’t believe it is safe or fair for our riders to have to do that” Taco says. Instead, the company will work with the police to recover your bikes.

Want to calculate how many bikes can get stolen for your new VanMoof SmartBike? You can now place your preorder for a small €1400. Worth it? What do you think?



AD (2016) Samenwerking Vodafone en VanMoof. De Ondernemer, Algemeen Dagblad.

TechnInsider (2016) This vanmoof smartbike is impossible to steal. TechnInsider. [Online] [Accessed: 9 october 2016]

VanMoof (2016) Smart Straight. VanMoof Bikes. [Online] [Accessed: 9 october 2016]

Vodafone (2016) Vodafone helpt VanMoof met innoveren van hun smartbike. Vodafone zakelijk. [Online] [Accessed: 9 october 2016]

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Self-driving Ubers hit the road!




5/5 (1)

This week, Uber launched its most promising project: Self-driving taxi’s!

Don’t get too excited. The first handful of self-driving Ubers is currently only available to the lucky residents of downtown Pittsburgh. In this pilot-stage of the project, the cars come with an engineer on the driver’s seat and a co-pilot to take down observations. Passengers taking this experimental taxi get their ride for free, instead of paying $1,05 per mile.

Uber co-founder and CEO Travis Kalanick mentions that in the long run, prices will fall so low that the per-mile cost of travel, even for long trips in rural areas, will be lower in a driverless Uber than in a private car.

And that is where things become interesting!

Imagine every time you need a ride, you push a button on your mobile phone and an autonomous car appears. Who needs a car, when a driverless Uber is more affordable than owning a private car? Technology poses the question of whether it’s necessary to own an automobile. Already, “millennials” appear to value car ownership less than previous generations do.

“That could be seen as a threat,” says Volvo Cars CEO Hakan Samuelsson. “We see it as an opportunity.” Earlier this year, Uber and Volvo signed a $300 million pact to develop a fully autonomous car that will be ready for the road by 2021. But the Volvo deal isn’t exclusive. Besides, Uber plans to install self-driving kits into existing vehicles. With its a plan to build an autonomous vehicle empire, Uber aims to replace more than 1 million human drivers with self-driving cars as soon as possible.

With the rise of autonomous vehicles and car sharing services, McKinsey recently predicted that by 2050 we can do with 75% less cars!

Has Uber, disruptor of the taxi-industry, given the start signal for the disruption of the car industry?





Uber Launching Its Self-Driving Cars This Month

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