GEN AI and Consulting: my experience at BCG Unlimited




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Nowadays it is getting difficult to keep up with the latest advancements in the ever-evolving landscape of technology. As an aspiring digital and strategy consultant, I always try to be updated with everything going on in the world of technology, while at the same time trying to experience those new techs, especially the ones involving GEN AI. 

Recently I was selected among 50 students from all the world to attend the BCG Unlimited event, a three-day event dynamic and immersive program sponsored by BCG where I had the chance to deep dive into impactful GEN AI use cases, while simultaneously exploring how BCGers from around the globe are leveraging GEN AI and other emerging technologies to reshape the world.

On one day we were supposed to delve into a use case which left an indelible mark on my perception of GEN AI. The client was a fictional well-known NGO called BCO that helps companies around the world to disclose their sustainability reports. BCO was facing a scalability issue: due to high demand for its service, the company could not keep up with all the clients. The main reason behind it was the lack of a seamless operating model due to the absence of innovative tools that could help to speed up the reporting service. The challenge was to implement a solution that would leverage GEN AI in order to scale up BCO.

Moreover, during these 3 days I had the chance to learn how GEN AI can be extremely helpful in the day-to-day activities of a consultant. Once they are assigned on a business case, consultants have to do a lot of research before delivering a solution to the client. In this phase, GEN AI has become extremely helpful to speed up tasks such as market research, competitive landscape analyses and more.

In conclusion, it is inevitable to envision these new GEN AI tools as some sort of substitute threats to the role of a consultant. However, the first pillar of consulting is relating with people: whatever is the challenge, from frameworking a problem to finding a solution, the most important skill of a consultant is being able to understand the client. In this sense, GEN AI will never be able to have that sort of “human touch”, it will not be able to fully humanely relate with a human being. So, rather than thinking about how GEN AI can take over some jobs, we should think about we can exploit it in order to reach new heights of productivity. 

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AI in the kitchen – When human creativity comes up short




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Imagine to come home after a long day at work, tired and hungry. You want to cook something quick for dinner, like some pasta with tomato sauce or some beef. However as soon as you open the fridge you realized that it is almost empty, with just some chicken breast, one sweet potato, few carrots and some coconut milk: not exactly the right ingredients for the recipes you have in mind. Obviously, the prospect of ordering takeout seems like the best idea for a quick and easy dinner.

Well, what if there is a way to turn your leftovers in a quick, easy and delicious meal? No, it is not browsing recipes on online websites, and neither is calling your friend with incredible cooking skills. The answer is AI recipes generators, one of the newest and among the many applications of generative AI in our everyday life. By simply typing the ingredients you want to use, the tools at your disposal and the amount of time you have to cook, AI recipes generators will leverage advanced machine learning algorithms to create a tailored recipe for the occasion.

I had the chance to try the AI recipes generator DishGen and I must say that I was truly amazed by its quickness and responsiveness. One day I really found myself in the situation described above, and even if I consider myself pretty good at cooking, or at least someone that always want to try new meals, I could not find a way to make a use of those ingredients. By simply typing the ingredients I had, DishGen presented me quick recipe for a creamy coconut chicken with smashed potato and carrots.

Even if this generative AI application is worth to be exploited, I do not see it as substitute threat in the culinary industry, but it will surely have a great impact on promoting sustainability. In fact, the pros of AI recipes generators are not only related to the help they provide when there is a lack of human creativity in the kitchen, but they also are very useful to avoid unnecessary food waste, one of the main issues that must be solved nowadays.

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