AR and Smart homes: Security, convenience, and savings.




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Most of us link Augmented Reality (AR) with gaming or other entertainment activities. Probably, the most well-known and best-monetized adoption of AR is Pokemon GO. Between its release in 2016 and now, there hasn’t been that widespread usage of AR among individual customers. However, Augmented Reality has been rapidly implemented by many businesses in different industries. AR supports manufacturing, maintenance, public safety or construction works. Smart homes can be a link between AR developments in the industry and their adoption by households.

How can you use AR at your smart home?

Security goes first. Public safety authorities widely use augmented reality to analyze the video from surveillance cameras more accurately and faster. Adapting this feature to your home will very likely increase your safety by identifying the threat more quickly or dismiss the fake alarms. If you have enough cameras, it may be even possible to see through walls.

Secondly, you will get more convenience. Smart homes consist of many internet-connected devices like speakers, light bulbs, door locks, or even fridges. Most of them have required separate apps, which can be aggregated into different smart home applications like Apple’s Home or Google Home. Of course, those apps are connected with voice assistants, but it is not always the most convenient way to navigate those apps. AR could help here to simplify this process by pointing your smartphone’s camera at your smart devices.

Finally, a smart home should also be a cost-efficient one. Energy and heating costs are key maintenance metrics in every households budget. AR could help real-time identify the cost-inefficient devices, support the households finances, and make the house more sustainable.

AR technology is already advanced enough to impact the smart home’s potential. While the majority of AR apps will run on smartphones, future applications may necessitate the use of AR glasses. Given its availability and familiarity, the smartphone will continue to be the key to widespread consumer acceptance.

Would you like to turn your home into a digital playground?


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Watch out! You serve as a guinea pig to the marketers.




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Digital marketing is a vast universe of data. Every click, like, search or purchase is recorded and analysed by powerful Machine-Learning algorithms to deliver a personalised advertisement for each user. But how do those algorithms decide when and where you should see your tailored ad to make you behave in a way that a team of marketers want? The answer is simple: Through continuous testing.

Powerful Machine-Learning algorithms helped to make a leapfrog in online advertising thanks to the almost unlimited processing power of cloud computing. The digital world is overwhelmed by the ads, and users’ attention is a rare good. Therefore, in the digital industry, any way to bring additional visits or purchases to the advertiser’s site is rewarded by allocating the marketing budget among numerous marketing channels.

Developments in Artificial Intelligence and high competition in digital advertisement have led to the unprecedented scale of testing the optimal way of showing advertising content. It is a universe in which advertisers and users (consumers) communicate by expressing different reactions to the presented ads. Same as human beings, algorithms learn fastest from their own mistakes. Therefore, sometimes you may find ads shown to you pointless or irrelevant, but you should be aware that your reaction to them is evaluated, and you will influence the ads presented to other users. Surprisingly, you may have a more substantial influence on the marketing campaign than a team of experienced marketers. 

Usage of browsing history or activity in social media to deliver personalised ads is perceived by some internet users as a privacy threat, but personalisation also has plenty of advantages. The main one is that a user receives information that could help them find the desired product quickly or be informed when its price is reduced. Finally, it should be remembered that you can always check why an advertising company decided to show you a particular ad or simply opt out of personalised ads. 

Here is an example from Google Ads how to do it: Opt out of seeing personalised ads


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