Two million people are supporting the Facebook-page PIETITIE




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If you have followed the Dutch news these last couple of days you probably have heard from the PIETITIE. The pietitie (real dutch word: “petitie” is in English “petition” but because it’s about zwarte PIET they came up with the word “PIETitie”) is a reaction on all commotion about the supposed racism behind the “Zwarte Piet”. For decades we celebrate in Holland “Sinterklaas” on the 5th of December. This a celebration day is mainly for children and they receive gifts on that day from Sinterklaas. To get a better understanding: it’s kind of Santaclaus but not related to Christmas and instead of reindeers, Sinterklaas has black helpers who are called “Zwarte Pieten”. The problem behind all this is that some people suddenly came up with the fact that the expression “zwarte pieten” discriminates. Even the United Nations is involved too this dilemma at the moment.

I will not go in detail about the topic but the reason I’m writing this blog is because I think it’s really interesting how the page becase so known in such a short time.

Through the Facebook-page which stands for: “The best Dutch Tradition may not disappear” people ask for the maintaining of Sinterklaas, including Zwarte Piet. People start liking the page and especially in the first few days the page was liked 500 times PER SECOND!! This is already declined now into 5-20 times per second, but it’s still going on. Thursday the Facebook-page became “the biggest Dutch Facebook-page ever”.

So many likes: what does this mean?
I think that individuals, by using social media in such a case, have all the freedom and power to let others know that they do not agree, collect supporters and to count the weight of you as a citizen. Also Facebook is an easy platform to use and to get a lot of response, so I think that’s also a reason  why it went so quickly. If this page will have a positive impact or result on the dilemma of Zwarte Piet, this can be seen as a good example in the future for other big dilemmas.

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Advertise on Instagram?!




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Last week, Instagram announced their plan of finally earning some money. With advertising! 

After all these years of online innovation, advertising is still the only sustainable source of income for most of the social media platforms.Because social media platforms are not really emerged for real commercial reasons, but just out of the need of the founder of the platform. Because of that, Instagram first had to think about what he could offer to potential advertisers. Finally he came up with the mission of “to capture and share the world’s moments”.

There are already a few examples of Instagram used for marketing purposes. I want to highlight the example of Mercedes Benz. Last summer Mercedes Benz USA contracted 5 top Instagram-photographers with at least 500.000 followers to drive around with their newest model CLA and make photos of their roadtrip and upload it on Instagram with the hashtag #clatakethewheel. The results for MB USA:
–          Growth of own Instagram Followers from 8.000 to 26.000
–          90 million impressions of the photos of the five photographers.
–          More than 1.5 million likes

How to convert Instagram-followers into customers.

  1. Approach your followers as your inner circle
  2. Make a hotspot of your store
  3. Follow your fans

If this is the mission of Instagram, I think it’s hard  to put something commercial between world’s moments, without scaring users.

Advertising on Instagram will start in 2014. Would you consider advertising on Instagram if you were a company? Why/ why not?

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SMS (Social Media Stress)




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“86% of young people always carry their smartphone with them”
“60% of young people feels restless as they receive a message and they can not view directly”
“Young people in the age of 13-18 suffering from a severe form of “social media stress”. “

These are some quotes of findings of a research of the Dutch National Academy of Media and Society. This investigation is done at 500 adolescents and is combined with some American Studies about FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)

Nowadays, social media like Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter are constantly accessable via smartphone. Through special sounds and push messages will frequently be asked to respond to messages.

Ability to concentrate
Most of the adolecents say that they experience stress because they are afraid of social exclusion or missing things. Besides that it is also important for adolescents to present themself on the right way on social media, because on social media everybody occur to be better than in normal life. This feelings will cause pressure and will lead to uncertainty but also to powerlessness and low self-esteem.

They also point out that the use of social media sometimes will be at the expenses of concentration, school results, sports, (real) contact with friends and family and sleep. But they don’t know how to deal with it.

To take action of all this, the National Academy of Media and Society has made a website called: (translation: i am offline) and started a campaign focused on primary and secundary schools to get attention on the occurrence of  this social media stress of adolescents. On the website you will find material “how to live without being online 24/7”, for example tips, posters and t-shirts and a game of goose (NL: Ganzenbord) a dutch boardgame.

The campaign has started in may 2012 and is still running.
Hopefully is this a good way to prevent SMS and FOMO at adolescents the future!


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Homework assignment week 3




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For the homework assignment I found two examples of companies who use social media marketing. The first one is the Pizza Hut, who launched a app to make your own pizza with your iPhone, iPad or Xbox. You can make your own pizza by adding toppings of their choice onto a graphical pizza base. After creating the pizza, the iPhone would the search for the Pizza Hut location which happened to be the nearest. This app was a great success and after a few months Pizza Hut’s pizzas order via this app resulted in $1m.

The other example is Ford with its Fiesta Movement campaign. they counted on 100 bloggers to introduce the new Fiesta. The idea: a target audience will drive the new model and chatter about it. Targeted people are social-media trendsetters who will share their experience behind the wheels, posting video’s and updating their friends and followers etc.

I’ve compared these examples with the three social media objectives in the article of Hoffman&Fobor. To make use of this, it became clear that these examples were successful because of these objectives. For example both examples gain more brand awareness. Pizza Hut by the use of his app and Ford by the bloggers who posted about the Fiesta and people who read this posts. The awareness and engagement leaded to word of mouth in both cases resulting in a increased sales of Pizza Hut and the launch of the app on Xbox. At Ford this resulted in second Fiesta Movement campaign, which will be even more bigger and more challenging by the use of more user generated content platforms. Homework Assignment Week 3 Marion Passchier

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