The millennials, generally described as the generation of people born between 1980 and 2000 has given rise to a brave, new, digital world of pricing models that require minimum commitment and maximum flexibility. The crave for freedom, convenience as well as hesitance towards personal interaction made Netflix a success, a prime and common example of price versioning, subscription based pricing model. But what happens when you combine Netflix versioning and subscription pricing models in the automotive industry? The answer is car subscription services.
In the present, the most widespread way of using a car is by owning and leasing. While leasing a car from a leasing company is more flexible than owning one, it requires minimum of 6 months contracts and sometimes insurance costs for the leaser. Car subscription services on the other hand, are offered as a third party as well as a first party service from manufacturers, require 1 month minimum subscription, include insurance and maintenance costs, home delivery and give the subscriber the option to switch cars in that period of time. Companies like Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi and Porsche offer price versioned subscription plans and enanble customers to switch into different vehicles in a day’s notice. You can choose for instance to daily commute in a luxury sedan while if you need a trip a sunny weekend, you can order through an application a day before a sporty convertible.
It seems that the demand for personalisation, flexibility and less commitment is an immense force that drives old industries to change decades old strategies in fear of being obsolete. Automotive industry could not stay unaffected and responded with car subscription to suit the agile lifestyles, tailor made personalisation and frictionless digital transactions that the millennial generation dictates.