Become a Millionaire by predicting who will win the American presidential elections.




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Predicting the future by using the wisdom of the crowd. People have made real big money by doing this. In the YouTube video in the this post you can see how someone have made $100.00 by predicting that McCain will become the man for the republican party. She did this on a moment that everybody lost confidence in him. So the share cost her only $0.05. As we know McCain won and therefore she gained a $1 return for each share.
She also bet that he would win the presidential election which, as we now know, he did not…

However I believe it is fun to enroll in such betting. At this moment you can buy stock on Obama becoming reelected for about 6.5$. I believe he will so I can easily make a 55% profit!
The website to do this trading on would be: This website is hosted in Ireland, because the United states have strict rules about gambling.

So test your luck on!

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Create your own social media page!




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Hey everybody,

Wanted to share this website:

It gives 100 examples about the use of social media for learning. Since we are all students this may be helpful. The examples include Mindmapping websites and organizers.

What I found interesting is:
With this website you can easily make your own social media website. If you are able to get a lot of visitors, you can even generate an income. So let’s activate our gained social media knowledge and create your own social media website!

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What is the true information that skeptics want to find on Wikpedia?




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Hello Classmates,

Probably the subject Quantum Mechanics (QM) does not necessarily ring a bell.
It is however a very interesting topic because, the findings that let to QM, are on the edge pure science and religion. Therefore in today’s scientific world people have different explanations about what QM exactly implies.
You may wonder what QM has to do with Social Media, but I will explain that right now.
Because QM has such mystical and vague explanations, it is very vulnerable for wrong information circling around on websites like for example Wikipedia.

The Sokal Hoax is such an example were even a scientific paper was not able to uncover the nonsense of “true” information.

What I want to state with this example is that is becoming more and more difficult to identify true information, because of the nature the information itself. Information is not something that can stand alone. In the light of different perspectives and new insights information “changes”.
Therefore I think that we as a society are not becoming more shallower as Nicholas Carr’s states. We now have the opportunity to find information from various perspectives and stay update with every change that is being made, this, I think enriches our thinking instead of making it more shallower

Below the example of the Sokal Hoax:

Sokal hoax
In the scientific field there are reports that there is some difficulty to distinguish) true science from fiction when it comes to QM. A good example of this is the Sokal hoax. This refers to an article published by Alan Sokal a physics professor at the New York University In 1996 he submitted an article to Social Text, an academic journal of postmodern cultural studies. The title of his article was “Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity”
The article was as Sokal explains; “a pastiche of Left-wing cant, fawning references, grandiose quotations, and outright nonsense, structured around the silliest quotations (by postmodernist academics) he could find about mathematics and physics”.
At that time the journal did not practice academic peer review and did not submit the article for outside expert review by a physicist.

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Addicted to Facebook




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Hi Classmates,

Facebook is all over the news, at this moment, thanks to Project X. A while ago Facebook made headlines because it became an IPO. And also in class we cannot stop talk about Facebook.
Therefore I wanted to add another dimension to look at Facebook: Research has shown that users of Facebook can get addicted to it.
This might also help to explain why Facebook was able to become such a big company and why it has the power to mobilize people in a short period of time to visit a 16 years old birthday party.

For my personal experiences I see Facebook as a time-killer. When doing more excited things I will totally forget about checking status updates. However I must admit that I am checking “useless” status updates more often than would like to…

Article: “Internet Addiction Shows Up In the Brain”

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Pinterest vs Amazon




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In this picture I have compared Pinterest and Amazon with the use of the six dimensions of social media according to Marsden from Sygygy Group. Probably all arguments speak for themselves accept maybe those from the Social Media Optimization (SMO):

Companies can use pinterest to optimize themselves through social media. Amazon uses other social media to optimize their own company. It just a different perspective.

So let me know if you (dis) agree with my arguments and maybe add some suggestions!


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What about Social Commerce…?




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Dear classmates!

This first post of me is related to “Social Commerce”.  At first I did not really know what was meant by this concept, therefore I will share the definition which is being presented by IBM: “a subset of electronic commerce that uses social media, online media that supports social interaction and user contributions, to enhance the online purchase experience”. In short it is the combination of social media with e-commerce.

So now that we know what the subject is about lets us look at two examples that can be defined as social commerce. The first one is You are probably familiar with although you will probably use the “Dutch version” more often i.e..

Amazon started with just selling online stuff on the internet. Today amazon incorporate a lot of other activities. The social aspect of amazon is that you can read what other customers have to say about a particular product. They also help you to get ideas by using the tool: “what other customers viewed”. Nevertheless people often first go to a store before they purchase the product online. Speculators therefore say that amazon should buy, “Best Buy” a large retail company in the US.

The other big idea that is out there is that in the future we will probably relay far more on online mechanism, i.e., omnichanneling (as being presented in the Harvard Business Review). This idea threats traditional retailer, because the consumer will have direct knowledge about information such as , lowest price etc. Personally I do not feel that traditional retailers would vanish from this earth, they just be more adjusted to work together with the online mechanism.

The other example that I will speak about is Pinterest. Personally I was not familiar with this website. I did however heard of it, but it did not capture my attention. Because of this “research” I made a Pinterest account and spend some time looking around. Still I do not see why approximately 7 million people are attracted to this website…

Maybe I am missing something, because I found several examples of companies that went from an unknown company to a big online company by the use of Pinterest. The principle here was simple. Their products where just pinned by someone who liked it. By pinning something you share and if someone else spots it they can re-pin it. With this a lot of people can see the product and demand it if they like it.

In some scenarios ( the store did not had any online store yet. By receiving a lot of emails of people who wanted to buy their products they opened one that became very successful.

This is an example of the power of social media in general, the downside of this story is that Pinterest fails to make the profits of “selling” this products compared to Twitter or Facebook.

This are my findings, tomorrow we will here more about social commerce!

See you then!


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